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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. I have a question. Would anyone happen to know where good places to EV train on hordes would be for attack and speed? I know where defense and sp.def would be, but I can't seem to recall hordes of pokemon for attack and speed. ._.
  2. yeah I figured that out. XD Hard to keep track with who is who. Only two pokemon are showing up for me atm.
  3. EDIT: Sorry. Wrong friend safari. I'll find out as soon as I can.
  4. Sadly, you have to work your way up from the pits. If you were like me and ignored the place until now, you'll have to start at level 15 and work your way up. -_- It's worth it in the end, though, because with "Writs" you can get right up to level 80 trainers.
  5. I found it first try, actually. O_o; And yeah, pachirisu. Eh, could be worse, I guess?
  6. I have never particularly cared for competitve (In fact, I prefer more casual battles without all the perfect ivs/evs crap) but I still have a thing about wanting to ev train my pokemon. And I have to say that I'm glad somebody found a better way to ev train because super training did not help how much I loathe ev training pokemon.
  7. Well, at least being level 30 they'll both be easy to evolve. :D @Kon, added you as well. (Trying not to spam up the topic lol) EDIT: @AthenaWyvrn: Adding you now.
  8. Team Flare honestly felt more like it was a joke than a villanous team, though things got seriously tense at the climax. Team Plasma still holds the best for plot and evil. Ghetsis was certainly very competent and you could tell he had been planning this for far longer than what we see. They get best vote. Cipher gets second.
  9. Okay, I added you in return. Good luck spider hunting XD
  10. MagicLeafy/Mandy/Mandy 3411-0789-7076 My friends say I have the electric type and have garvantula and electrabazz. I forget the third pokemon, but garvantula only shows up when I'm online. (As a note though I'm rarely online since the 3DS has the severe issue of disconnecting every time I close the darn thing. And then I just forget to log back on.) I don't think I would have the patience to add everyone on the list right off the bat. o_o However if you add me I will add you back. (If I don't, PM me. I've likely gotten distracted from this topic.) I'm particularly going to add these four, though, since they have pokemon I REALLY want. D: I hope your friend list isn't completely filled! By the way, for those who care about these things: Apparently every Friend Safari pokemon has a guarenteed 2 stats with 31 Ivs. I confirmed this with a nuzleaf I caught but the liepard had the new characteristic (takes a lot of seistas) and I had no idea what to put into the IV calculator for that. [though I could have just left that field blank, now that I think about it.]
  11. You know, I got to thinking. What if Chrom interfering with the avatar's "father" moment is what caused the whole assassin thing? If he got Chrom out of the way, he could get more time with the avatar.
  12. Seems typical of dark mages. Knoll also disappeared, and it was never shown what happened to him.
  13. I'm pretty sure they can. At least, NPC and Enemy units can. Somewhat unrelated, but where does it state that the avatar lost their memories on the Avatar ending?
  14. Self-Insert married Chrom. Because 1: He's sane. 2: He's awesome. and 3: He's the only female marriage choice where you get TWO children. FIrst Male Avatar, Jason: Married Lucina. Why? Because he evaluated all of the other choices and determined she was the only sane woman there. Second Female Avatar: Lon'qu. Just because he is HILARIOUS. I love chew toys. Second Male Avatar: Miriel...I'm not really sure why, either. Probably because of Laurent.
  15. There's always the chance that said skull was a forgery...though that microscopica? : x I have never really noticed Grima's humanoid face, but I am usually keeping my eyes on the units attacking and HP meters. Shall make sure to look next time.
  16. I know I am late with the discovery of this topic, but I'm kind of glad that FEA sold well. In all honesty, they should have implemented the Casual mode thing way earlier in the series. I've had a lot of friends pick up Fire Emblem, only to lose all their units and get stuck on a later chapter, quitting the game altogether. Now I was that kind of person that reset due to perfectionism every time a character died, and as such I was able to get through the game. (Abet, I started with FE8, which was a lot easier than other games) Advance Wars is also a strategy game but so long as you had money, you could lose all the units you wanted and still get through. I think this is the core to getting more people interested. If they had implemented Casual mode back in FE7, the series would have been a lot better off, I think.
  17. Whooooooooooa. Wait up. Where is this theory written down? I must read this now.
  18. Yeah...it's overly blatent that he's just there to be a plot device. It would have passed, had Chrom and company SAID SOMETHING about him later. Like asking where he went or at least commenting on the fact that a bandit killed him in plain sight of Chrom & Co. That chapter is overly ridiculous in how the creators made no attempt to make it seem like it WASN'T filler.
  19. This is an interesting theory, but that would somewhat contradict the boss saying "kill...prince..." However, it WOULD explain why a random Plegian dark mage ran up to Chrom and joined the ranks for seemingly no reason at all. This made me think of something else. Perhaps Grima summoned them, knowing that Chrom would succeed in the Valm arc. (That being said, I forgot to mark this topic as spoilers. Oops.)
  20. This. And then Chrom scolds them after he deals with the roach, and Morgan says "that reminded me of the good old times~" and you're like "I thought you didn't remember your father?" Kjelle running from bugs just doesn't seem like something she'd do, either. I forgave Morgan because I'm terrified of roaches too, so that made him feel more like my son. That, and the alter-world Morgan attacking a woman that looks just like his mother, and saying "I don't know who you are, but..." Yeah, seems kinda plot hole-ish, don't you think?
  21. I think the main issue is a severe lack of in-depth cutscenes and Great Walls of Text which were very common in past games. NPCs that were generally existent only as plot devices and had no purpose, no mention, no existence beyond that. (The priest guy that betrayed Chrom and Co. in the mountain area, for example.) The lack of ability to have characters talk to one-another for purposes OTHER than recruiting. I should think that if Sully pops up in chapter 1, she should be able to use a Talk command with Chrom. It adds a more personal touch to the game and makes it seem less like people are just joining forces without talking. I agree with this. A real self-insert needs to be some ordinary person, not some genius strategic mastermind.
  22. In some later chapter, probably one of the very end-game ones, Validar unveils that the reason he lended Ylisse so many ships and gold, but not men, was so that Chrom and his men could go defeat the Conqueror. Whose goal it was to gather all the gemstones and conquer even Grima. This is fine and dandy and all...until you replay the game and get to chapter 12, where Validar specifically tries to kill Chrom twice, IMMEDIATELY after lending the ships and gold. The Risen chief there says "kill...prince..." and a random assassin tries to kill Chrom as well. Now, I'm not the most intelligent person in the world, but I'm PRETTY sure that if you're going to use somebody as an unwitting pawn, you try to kill them AFTER they do what you want them to. Not before. Seems pretty pointless otherwise. So either the devs threw this in later, and forgot to go back and fix chapter 12, or Validar is just flat-out lying. Or...am I missing something here? ._.
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