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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. Definitely a side episode with Morgan. or maybe some behind-the-scenes stuff. I would like to see some of the things that happens during the story, but not in the eyes of the player. I want something similar to Future of Despair. (I refuse to call it by its lame translated name.) Something that gives me suspense and horror and MOAR character insight.
  2. Yes, I do like chromxFAvatar. It's honestly the best, IMO, of all his potential pairings. -_-

  3. thank you for the birthday wishes~

  4. Actually my avatar has brown hair, not white. lol. I was screenshotting Rei's video for my avatar, so yeah.

  5. ...GameFAQs. So much of my innocence was ruined there. Figures. That place is almost as bad as 4chan. Almost.
  6. Ah. Being guilt-tripped by legacy characters. EDIT: The fact that legacy characters don't even get written speech outside of DLC. I mean, sheesh, they could have gathered a bunch of generic remarks and assigned each character to a set. >>
  7. You mean custom models? The colors are kinda the same... But yeah I agree. Generic character endings. Whatever happened to each pairing being unique, and not just a condensed version of the solo ending? T_T Innes' hair being lime green. <<
  8. Hasn't she always? XD I don't get the goat demon jokes but CARRYING ON...
  9. I find the fandom's twincest crap very lame and stupid, honestly. The joke is pulled so much it's lamer than the 'why did the chicken crossed the road' stuff.
  10. I haven't had her battle much, so. XD And Sumia ended up being the odd one out by mistake in my main file. Oops. Severa grew on me though. At first I didn't like her because she was a brat. Then I saw how wonderfully snarky she was.
  11. Agreed. and in all honesty, a female character that is not on a mount, using lances, is a bit of an odd thought to me. Lances are loong, and I can only assume it takes more height/muscle strength to deal with that than it would with a typical sword. I feel really bad for eirika, though. :( I'd hate to be in her shoes.
  12. ...Why hello there fellow Sacred Stones fan. XD *high five* eh, Lucina would be more for the lord paths though. I mean, you didn't get Ephraim early on either. lol
  13. THIS. THIS. THIS. THIS. THIS. THIS. THIS TO THE FOURTH POWER. Whatever that means. I'd probably hand 80% of the female characters in this game pants or shorts. Tharja would get actual clothes. Then I'd get hexed. I don't mind skirts on pegasus knights because the wings tend to block out view of anything that would be shown. But running around the battlefield in just panties is stupid. Oh, and I'd give the female assassin less cleavage and smaller breasts. Seriously, why are they here, other than the fact that it was probably what class Aversa was meant to be in before it was randomly changed to dark flier. I find most of the "fanservice" in the character design department as being more fan-DISservice. I want my FE7-9 artists back. :( EDIT: Oh, and I'd take Inigo's voice actor and move him to Laurent. >SO3 Dion ftw.
  14. ^ Not to mention this girl has been working on making EVERYONE get A supports with every one of their support options. And she's good at html and stuff. XD Anyway, I won't mind scripting chapter 7 either, if it's the one I'm thinking of. (IIRC, it's the one where random filler priest gets killed, correct?)
  15. EDIT: ^ I support a good bit of that. lol 1: More story depth. More showing what the villains are doing behind the heroes' back. Etc. 2: More voices for the avatar, and more customization options. I can't make any of my characters with these choices! D< 3: The ability to pick a personality type that slightly alters the avatar's script. Kind / Shy / Strong-willed etc. 4: Make iote's shield available in game. Without DLC. >_> 5: Less generic endings. Give Morgan and Lucina a special support. 6: Give Chrom and Avatar more...fitting supports for friendship during B and A.
  16. DLC classes and skills don't count, apparently. It's only the units. EDIT: ... Lots of out-of-character-ness in the american localization, eh?
  17. regarding the future of despair DLC: ...Does this apply to enemy Morgan as well as the children? Are the children NPCS?
  18. I hate chapter 10. T_T I hate being forced to fight an enemy that has no will to fight me. I also hate being guilt tripped about it.
  19. lol I can see you at the bridal store going "Don't you have anything pink?" As an added note to my previous post, I'd also be whiny if I had to change from using swords to lances, bows and staves. Honestly, in my opinion, dread fighters should have been lance users while brides got swords.
  20. I'd be whiny too if I had to wear that into the fray. I mean, it's pretty and all, but it spits upon practicality unlike everything else ever has. Even Cherche with her open-for-arrows back window makes more sense than this. lol I lol'd. Sorry. What difficulty are you on? XD
  21. Also, after reading NahxTiki's supports today, it occurred to me that Nah may actually age differently than other manaketes. Perhaps this has something to do with the whole Nah age thing?
  22. not as easily as you can farm missletainns, sols and lunas...
  23. I know right? DX So, let me get this straight--if I have spotpass Ephraim on my streetpass team, the other person won't get my streetpass team at all, or will it generate generic data?
  24. Foul play involving some fanboy/girls that have voted for him an insane amount of times. That's the only thing it can be. O_o
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