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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. Why? Because it's an exact repeat of the very first meeting? *curious*
  2. ...So does that mean that he summoned the risen in chapter 13? lol
  3. Knights. Because I seriously dislike the dark mage/sorcerer outfits. :|
  4. Ah. Good tactic. I didn't think about doing that, but mainly because I had the numbers to block her off where she stood. well honestly if I could get a picture of the brown-haired version of that sprite, I would. XD But as it is I was just screenshotting shadow's video of the avatar options.
  5. I suppose this is off topic, but didn't the Elibian lifespan thing also apply to their human forms? (Hence why they fled the realm to whatever lies on the other side of the Dragon's Gate?) I remember that Nel tells Ninian that he wanted to live a long life, and he can't do that in this world, so he leaves her to Eliwood and returns to where ever he was before. That being said, I don't think Manaketes descend from Laguz, but I must admit it does sound like Taguel once descended from them. Even if that does feel improbable at this point.
  6. I'm on normal mode. I've always used healers and probably always will. Concoctions and Elixirs are awesome, but healers are handy for when you need to attack a unit AND heal at the same time. At very late levels Lissa can use physic and fortify to recover HP on units at a massive range, making her very useful for harder DLC maps like Infinite Regelia, The main issue is that both Maribelle need SERIOUS reclassing/level grinding to actually get them to be useful and not die constantly. (Which apparently, I'm willing to do for Lissa. Maribelle can go fall down a hole. >> )
  7. Ah, I see. Stahl is awful at dodging so that's probably why they attack him. I have no idea why they always attack Laurent though, besides the fact that he has the lowest defense out of my party. (But even so, with 24 defense only high level characters pose a threat to his life)
  8. You must be on a harder difficulty mode than I am. All the southern enemies in my game just fly right up to my characters and...end their turn. They're so focused on fighting Tiki that they get as close as they can to her and then...stop there. Perhaps it's because I usually use all of my units to create a complete barrier around her, leaving no open gaps? I'm on normal mode btw.
  9. Swordmaster --Always has been a favorite class of mine, though before it was always due to the crit boost. Nowadays it''s just for pure bias. Vantage has proven useful several times, though mostly with weaker units, and swordfaire is just awesome. It also gets access to Galaxia Amatsu. Dark Flier - I really like the black pegasus. Too bad their magic usually stinks. Grandmaster: Swords and magic. And the only sword-wielding class where the female's outfit is modest and does not ride horses. (Excluding Lord F, of course.)
  10. This could probably be said about the overall sales. If Nintendo hadn't been so dumb about withholding physical copies, it might have sold extremely well.
  11. Laurent for me. Admittedly, he has the lowest defense out of my party. (But they still can't hit him, and he has massive HP lol)
  12. If I had the money, I'd get it just for novelty. Buuuut I don't, and I have a snazzy blue Fire Emblem 3DS, so...
  13. Glad to see Lugh's name is the same. >> Does that mean they changed Hugh though? I always get those two mixed up. -_- (Though I might not if I actually played a game with him in it, lol.)
  14. And once again, my flying units are rendered useless by the SWARM of Arcwinds and Silver Bows. -_- Good thing I always have a rescue handy. And now that I've seen what kind of mental state she's in, I suddenly don't mind them bringing her back. She came out of it with pretty much a severe price, so teh sacrifice wasn't for nothing...
  15. It's past 12:30 EST, and the Emmeryn chapter is still not up yet?
  16. You and I won't ever agree on who the best lord is in FE8, it seems. Will like having the bride class, but I'm still not sure of what to think of what they did to her. <<;; Today's thursday yaaaaaaaaay~ Can't wait! *SHALL COUNT THE HOURS* Yay for being in my timezone. XD
  17. That, and the fact that it's pretty lame, considering. Gaius usually only ever pulls it off on enemies that he would have killed in one or two hits anyhow.
  18. Yes. I've gotten one myself and facepalmed because this game seems willing to literally hand me everything but the spells/items I want. >_>
  19. O_O;;; *unequips Lethality from all characters who have it*
  20. I personally find that fliers aren't worth all the trouble. They're great early-game, but later on they become pretty much useless, since you can't really use them all that much without fear of them being shot down in a single hit, either by arrows (PK's) or air magic (wyverns) Their sucky defense and resistance (respectively) makes it all the more hard. Oh, and those low hit percentages? They mean nothing when it's an arrow to a flier. They'll hit even if it's a 20-30% chance of hitting. >> ...That's just my experience with them, anyway.
  21. I've only hooked him up with sumia, but I can say I didn't really like their supports. Then again, I don't like sumia much, lol.
  22. "Hey avatar. You think I'll melt my eyeballs if I stare at the sunset?" lol henry. ...Wait. You have eyeballs? Lol.
  23. Innes has lime green hair. Despite the avatar coming with hair colors that would better fit him. T_T; (Better than lime green anyway.)
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