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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. Agreed. I think people are just WANTING to see incest there, so they say it's there. :/ Kind of like how people talk about Soren and Ike being gay.
  2. A character using the word Data. ...Then Laurent came about.
  3. I lol'd Speaking of which, there's the other flaw I've seen recently. Validar talks to the avatar in their boss fight, but the avatar is given no response at all. They could have at least had the avatar say something like "I don't think so." and THEN begin the fighting. But nope. "Submit to me, and I shall honor you with the truth!" *fight starts* True, but you'd think the heroes afterward would be like "Hey, where'd he go?"
  4. Maybe so, but I just finished that chapter on a recent playthrough, so...yeah. Had to bring it up somewhere.
  5. lol. Right? XD Also, that's the first time I've seen Chrom's full death quote. Yay. XD
  6. Exactly my point. They implemented him to explain the ambush and then didn't even have anything to follow up for it. No comments from Chrom, no acknowledgement at all from the heroes. Just "okay here's your explanation for why this chapter happened, now let's get on with the fighting!"
  7. I want acknowledgement that he existed beyond being a random plot device. He's a long time friend of the Ylissean royalty, he betrays them, and they're like "oh well time to fight!" The more I play this game, the more I find lacking in it. It's still an awesome game, but I think more needed to be said than what we got.
  8. Which support tells you the reason behind Lon'qu's fear of women?
  9. Yeah but at the very least he deserved to be mentioned by chromand co. Ah well.
  10. That in chapter 7, the priest guy both betrays Chrom & co, AND gets killed in front of their eyes, and NOBODY even seems to notice?
  11. Yes. Definitely the livers and eel pies. :D
  12. I lol'd. This is highly plausable, if the dude's still around. And he's a dragon, so...yeah. If Bentu is still alive, I'd say Xane is too.
  13. His VERY FEMININE voice threw me off. When I saw somebody blond with a feminine voice I was thinking "Who the flip is that? Not Emmeryn!" Then I saw his portrait and name and was like "Oh, lol."
  14. I'm only disappointed in certain aspects. Overall, I find the game VERY fun. I'm still playing it. Have two files going at the same time. I need to work on my self-insert file a little more. lol
  15. Might I ask what's going on there? Besides a random...blurry set of pixels appearing? lol The video actually made it clear that she WASN'T there before. And regardless, it's still creepy because WHAT THE HECK IS SHE DOING THERE? This isn't her scene.
  16. I chose to kill grima myself. *cue Pokemon Mystery Dungeon-isque ending scenes* Except Chrom didn't cry. Because if he had, it'd have been called a pansy by the fans. lol I have a question though. Is it possible for the avatar to not come back? Like, if you had no supports with anyone? ._.;
  17. ...Or maybe Libra IS Lucius.dundunduuuuuuuuuuuun If Ike can cross the dimensions to this world, why can't somebody from Elibe? :o
  18. THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW. </tootsipopcommercial> okay I'll stop now. I agree they needed more backstory. We need a prequel >>
  19. ...She could very well be lurking in ALL of the scenes. We just haven't spotted her because of the sprites. O_o TALK ABOUT CREEPY. <-will have to definitely keep her eyes peeled in that scene
  20. I've wondered this myself. He seemed pretty old in the first games. But I'm wondering if the FE9 "stop showing signs of aging at a certain point" holds true to non-tellius dragons?
  21. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN *Ahem* This topic has made me lol so hard. And darn it Rey, now I'm going to have to pair off those two to see it. ...but wait. I already paired Mirabelle off with Vaike. DARNIT. YET ANOTHER FILE TO MAKE! Indeed. Except...I find my appreciation for her falling no matter what. Her convos with Gaius were hilarious, but...she is usch a ditz. Definitely going to have to keep a very very close eye on that scene the next time I play.
  22. That is probably the best explanation of "breaking the fourth wall" that I've ever seen.
  23. You're on the right track. Henry has said he's seen a person turn into a raven before, yes? So then that hawk MUST have been a Laguz from Tellius, whom after everyone had left, carried off Emmeryn! :D :D :D *smacked so hard* And yeah. Emmeryn being selfish? I think not.
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