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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. Omg somebody else who played SO2! Yes it was him. XD Chrom's ANYTHING CAN CHANGE! when he's fighting Validar/Aversa and pulls an aether. It was awesome. :D I've also grown fond of Lon'Qu's HOW WELL WILL YOU DIE?! Also, Donnel: Over here, Ugly!
  2. Interesting. As an American I did not know that. I thought it was invented in more recent times.
  3. I think the fact that people use "arse" in this game is somewhat dancing ON the wall. Internet-age slang in old times? Pfft.
  4. This theory makes the most sense, IMO. But yeah, watch NoA screw things up. XD
  5. My favorite characters are as follows: Chrom (who cares about his generic personality. He's so attractive and awesome!) Laurent: Serious but considerate. He also reminds me of one of my characters. Lucina: My favorite and probably only female character in this game. >> Lon'Qu: I have a thing for the srs types. And he's pretty srs. Plus, that woman phobia makes him so lulzy. Gaius: FOAR TEH LULZ And I always ensure Morgan is broken as heck. ;)
  6. The villager in Marth's DLC. "Huh? Don't ask me why I'm giving this to you, I just hand out the rewards :D" or something like that
  7. There's a term for Owain coming up with the Brand. It's called a throwback. And it's commonly used throughout many video games. In Star Ocean: Second Story, Leon possesses cat-like ears while his parents are perfectly normal. In a certain conversation in the later game, it's explained that it's a "throwback."
  8. The boss at the Mila Tree. During his boss convo with Chrom his VA says something completely and totally random. I forget what, though.
  9. Right? T_T And the games have ALWAYS been like that. Also, yesterday I was beating the final boss again. I saved just before the final turn (casual mode ftw) and had Chrom, Lucina and Avatar attack Grima one by one, just to see their boss conversations. Lucina's was first, and she pulled an aether twice. Chrom was next, pulling an aether and then critting. The avatar failed to do real damage. I then reset for a third time and had Lucina attack the final boss again. She aether'd twice, just like the first time. (Though it could be that the RNG for her battle had already determined she would aether twice, and it would have done so regardless of how many times I reset...) Also, I love how archers have a 100% chance of hitting a pegasus knight, regardless of what that hit percentage says. ESPECIALLY when it'll kill the PK. >_>
  10. Chrom pulled a crit for 174 damage yesterday. Haven't been able to get any other characters to go that high ever since. XD
  11. I lol'd both times I saw that post.
  12. LOL I dunno. CAN they? ;P Good point. Though are the paralogue characters REALLY canon?
  13. I envy all you guys with your extremely clear pictures. -_-;
  14. I'm all for "bringing people back that died" but Emmeryn is...really random? Since Gangrel and Chrom talk about her corpse maybe this Emmeryn is from another time period/dimension. THAT'S MY STORY AND I'M STICKING TO IT.
  15. Okay, okay, I do admit this game's story lacks...something. I think in all honesty they stretched the story scenes too far between maps. They really could have removed a couple of those chapters, as they seemed...unneeded. Path of Radiance DID have a good story, I agree. But this game had something about the plot that really drew me in--in a way former FE games somehow failed to do. Though it could have just been the fact that making the avatar a self-insert really made the game more personal...
  16. In one of the later chapters, Chrom's VA says "WRONG!" and the text says "To hell with your destiny! I'll write my own ending!" And when Laurent only has one stat go up. "My sincerest apologies...I'll strive to improve." And Avatar's comment to Virion: "And I have no room in my heart for a grown man with a bib."
  17. Those people are probably the people that can find big flaws in just about anything. And everything. Poor story? Poor story?! SOME PEOPLE did not play all the way through the game. THE STORY IS AWESOME. Never before has a fire emblem game put me into so much suspense and give me such an incredible eagerness to get the maps over with so I can see what happens next. I don't even understand what "generic maps" are, honestly. O_o In that sense, aren't ALL maps generic in some fashion? ESPECIALLY the earlier ones? And if Nosferatu is broken? DON'T USE IT. That simple. :x Honestly, for those people to completely ignore the other key aspects--the awesome music, wonderful graphics, the customization...the ridiculous amount of optional sidequests...voice actors that are 99% awesome (the only time I EVER heard a bad VA was when Lissa screamed NOOOOOO in chapter...9?) and the marriage/children system. Not only that, but there are ways to alter the story scripts, and...just so much replayability!
  18. For Shadow Dragon, I think the hit percentage was a lie altogether. All enemies had a 95% chance of hitting regardless of what the hit percentage said. You couldn't ever count on a unit actually dodging an attack. Having a character actually DODGE an attack was a treat to see. However, this didn't seem to hold true to YOUR hit percentage. Or at least, that was MY experience with the game. Thankfully, this game is better, but I'm still missing the GBA method seeing ridiculously low hit percentages hit.
  19. or his spies not doing what they should be doing and lying about it, lol
  20. XD Awesome. Also, I love how whenever an attack is going to kill a unit, if it has 20+ chance of hitting, it will always hit. Maybe other people haven't gotten this, but the RNG always works this way for me. <_<
  21. all the more reason to download the music and put it in 3DS sound Sad to hear that though. :/
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