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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. I have to agree here. That thing is so monstrous he made the castle seem like a little girl's dollhouse. <<; Medeus took up one tile on the map and Grima IS the map. >>
  2. I honestly have no clue. My game's recorded time is inaccurate due to the many many many times I spent resetting because a character died. >> 52:48 on my first file. 27:33 on my second. But I know it's far more than that because of all the resets. >>
  3. Most of my favorite lines are crit ones, lol. Miriel: Desist at ONCE! Gaius: SO LONG, SUCKER! Though, Lon'Qu's "You're no warrior." happens to be one of my favorites as well, if only because it reminds me of my favorite character from star ocean 2. Oh, and Kelliam's line. "Another spotlight stolen..." I always imagine a T_T face when he does that. (Though he can't make that face because he's in a permanent -_- )
  4. Not really a question that can be answered, but... Why did they have to make Gangrel move? A boss as flipping strong as him needs to stay stationary. The biggest issue is that he comes after you before you even enter his range. BEFORE I'M READY. D<
  5. I'm thinking of contacting Club Nintendo. They DO say that if you have a game downloaded and your console linked, yet can't register the game, you should contact them.
  6. Oh, pfft. It says that right above the growth rates chart. -_- Guess the meaning of that statement eluded me, for whatever reason...
  7. Chrom x F Avatar. I really do hate the supports about the bathing but I find Chrom's awkwardness with her hilariously cute.
  8. Toilets and rocket launchers anyone? For me, Kelliam. I honestly don't see how somebody dressed in something that looks like it's from the space age can be so missable. Honestly. HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT GIANT HUNK OF TACKY? And Kelliam's death quote. "Th-they saw me!" Yes, Kelliam. Enemies ALWAYS see you. It's just your half-blind friends that don't. Who knows? Maybe that super robot-styled armor has a malfunctioning cloaking device in it or something. I have never felt so conflicted over a character before. He's creepy but yet he still manages to make me like him. I don't even know why. It's not the puns...I was pretty much T_T'ing at all his CAW lines. It could just be that he's a very similar character to Kedar and thus he wins points. EDIT: Also, Gaius' death quote. "Su...gar...!" There were also a lot of plot-related scenes that made me lol yet go O_o at the same time. lol
  9. Has anyone ended up ditching all their non-reclassed characters in the final few chapters like I did? It seemed like after the chapter with walhart everyone that I had not reclassed multiple times became absolutely useless because they died too quickly and couldn't dodge for beans. I ended up only using the five characters I reclassed multiple times because only they could take multiple attacks and not die. Also, for the original poster's question:I play casual but I play like I'm in classic. I like the mid-chapter saves. :x
  10. Lissa is actually very easy to level up; she ends up being a higher level than everyone else due to having to heal everyone constantly. I had the hardest time with Donnel (a given) and Vaike. :/ Both of them suck at dodging and thus tend to die quickly. >_>
  11. >Who are your favorite characters so far, now that a lot of us have played the game? Chrom. Yes his personality is generic hero type but what can I say? I seem to have a thing for men with swords. That, and I'm a big fan of fancy sword swinging. I think I generally fell for his female-oriented fanservice in general. Also, his voice is the first VA I've ever thought to have an attractive voice. O_o Also, Chrom's Great Lord outfit? It's flippin' AWESOME. Lucina. She's pretty and her personality is one that I agree with. She has no gimmicky flaws (unlike most of the female characters; Sully with her swear word usage, Maribelle and her high-and-mighty attitude, Sumia and her faceplanting, Cordelia and her obsession over Chrom, [The two can't even support, so WTH?] Miriel and her overusage of old-fashioned words that I don't know, etc.) Gaius. Okay, it's probably just because he has a thing for sweets, and so do I. He also puns a lot and his battle quotes are funny. He's also the second most attractive guy in this game, IMO Sully: Okay, I give her a pass mainly for her kickbutt attitude. (Something I tend to admire in female characters. I like women who are strong, independent and don't take crap from anyone.) But I really do wish she didn't have to swear so much, lol. Her "HELL NO!" voice clip is probably the most humorous of them all. She also gets a pass for kicking Virion. I remember I was thinking that Sully needed to knock Virion off his high horse and just as I had finished thinking that, she kicks him LOL. >Favorite character design/character wise? Male: Chrom. ESPECIALLY in his Great Lord uniform. Female: >Favorite character in terms of stats and junk? For the final four chapters or so I ended up using only Morgan, Chrom, My avatar, Lucina and Lissa. >_> Everyone else I used seemed to get owned very easily. Maybe it's because I class-changed those five people and not everyone else. >>
  12. The child characters all seem...mehish. With the exception of Lucina, Laurent and Nah. I voted "both" for their sakes, mostly. Owain, Severa and a couple of the other children bug me.
  13. Okay, so I'm PRETTY sure I read somewhere on this forum that marrying the child characters still resorts in a Morgan, but I'm looking on serenes' growths and caps page; not seeing any of this. Yet it shows Aversa and Emmeryn, wut? You can still marry a child character and get Morgan...right?
  14. >Most of the bad guys (this is normal for me lol) >Tharja (she's creepy as heck) >Owain (why hello there psychotic guy O_o) >Vaike >Severa Henry is somehow borderline for me...
  15. They have special models in any of their original classes and their promotions.
  16. HIS ONE TRUE LOVE IS ME. Sumia can rot in the emo corner. D< I almost never support canon pairings, SO THERE.
  17. I had the two paired up but with Lissa in the lead. I summoned some really low level enemies and threw her out in the middle of them, LOL. It worked with Meribel(sp) and Kelliam, so I don't understand what's going on with these two. *tries this again* ...Huh. If the enemies attack Lissa, the two won't gain hearts. But if they attack Lon'Qu, they do. So there's a limit per side...okay, good to know.
  18. I just find it strange that Lon'Qu and Lissa have stopped having the little heart thing appear, while Ricken and Nowi have gone up two support levels in just this one chapter. (Grinding on low-level Risen ftw) Plus, my avatar and Chrom are married and they still have the heart thing show up. ._. Neither Lissa nor Lon'Qu have S supports elsewhere, so I don't know what's up.
  19. Question: Is there some kind of support limit for how much can be gained in one chapter, or do certain characters simply not have an S conversation available, despite being opposite genders and not related?
  20. I haven't done so yet because I liked the class I was, but now that I have enough second seals to change a few people around, I think I will. Myrmidon->Swordmaster for Sword Expert (or whatever it's called.) then maybe switch to assassin or back to grandmaster. Good to know that things get easier....eventually. >> ...Definitely noted.
  21. I do usually take it slow and easy, using Kelliam as bait (or my avatar for the mages.) it was mainly all the flippin' mages screwing me over. All of them all condensed into that one area. No matter what tactic I used, their sheer number and my units' lack of resistance screwed me over each time. Even after using ward and resistance tonics. << I've been playing in casual mode (for the mid-battle saves) but resetting every time a character dies (like I'm in classic, lol) So you have no idea how many resets this chapter has forced on me today. So now I'm staring at chapter 12 and...not feeling comfortable, LOL.
  22. Oh...pfft. Why didn't I see that? Thanks. True, and you can also rename other weapons just for fun. If I ever find Ephraim's Lance I'm renaming it to Reginleif...if I can.
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