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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. I can't argue with two suggestions that are practically saying the same thing lol. I've tried altering the legs--to make him seem like he brought his feet closer together when he reached back to get the arrow, but...IT LOOKS REALLY AWFUL. So is 10 centiseconds per frame the amount that the GBA uses? I have an hard time finding out what frame rate to use, because the ones at FEP all feel as if their timing are off, somehow. Thank you for the edits--I'll make sure to mend what I can. I was going to see if I can custom a blur frame for when he raises the bow up--a friend suggested to me to put the vertical bow and diagonal bow on separate layers and create the blur frame over them, which sounds like it MIGHT work. Normally I would just use/edit vanilla animations. But while the archer/sniper animations work for vanilla characters, I really don't feel as if they fit Kedar. I mean, his palette is awful:
  2. No comments on the portraits, I guess. I am growing increasingly discouraged with this because of how horrifically choppy it is. I realize it's more the fault of Lyn's Blade Lord sprite than my own editing skills, but I do not actually possess the knowledge of how to smooth the animation out. I also cannot produce good blur frames. Obviously, not done yet, but I want to make this part of the animation more presentable before I move on. Any suggestions?
  3. I am jealous of your animation skills. I wish I was this good at battle sprites. I especially love that first one with the sword slashing going on.
  4. Using an If/then command is certainly something I can do. (I will have to use it anyway for the usual FE reasons--scenes that include characters which might have died, visiting villages with different units, etc.) I don't know if recruitment conversations run on an if/then command, but if they do, I will probably be abusing that, lol. Also, I am imagining Hyrule Castle Town when Wolf Link ran through it, and it is hilarious. I might do that, and also take your suggestion about making a village or two give you a different item. Thanks! :D A lot of people think defend/survive chapters are boring, but I find them to be quite fun because of how differently they play from normal ones, which usually just involve CHARGE THE FOE or DIVIDE AND CONQUER. (Or whatever your usual style of play is. Mine is a slightly more cautious variant of one of the above lol) But I figure one reason people probably don't like them is because of how easy they normally are. I don't remember ever having an issue with survival chapters--except in FE9 where I was dumb and didn't expect the thieving crows to abandon their spoils in order to give me a game over. lol. Then there was that 4-part chapter, but the only stressful thing that happened during that was having to blitz my way to Oliver in order to defeat him and take his droppable item before Tibarn did. So this chapter is a defend/survive chapter which I hope will actually be stressful to the player. This might mean that the chapter difficulties zigzag a bit in order for survival chapters to be harder, but I'll do what I can to keep the game balanced. (For now, though, I can't exactly plan the overall difficulty because I have no clue what the player's units will be like by the time these chapters occur. I can give enemy units weapons and plan unit placements, but that's about it. The general problem with this is that dogs require speaking frames which will be far harder to make than humans, due to having muzzles. I don't want to trouble Char with that kind of work, and I doubt I could do it myself. (Customing is not my forte) So I will probably end up discouraging the player from this sort of thing. I would love to do that, though. Sounds fun. XD
  5. Right, so...time to stop procrastinating on this. [spoiler=part 2] Because I want to hate myself. Nice anime reference. Competitive players would argue that the Pokemon we chose suck. ...? What's he apologizing for? I wouldn't have known you thought that way, since you were rude enough to say offensive things in front of his face. No. But I have no choice. 8D Finally, some ACTION! Right, so I decided to actually record this battle. I won't be doing this very often--just for important battles--because whenever I record videos on this comp the game reduces to the most miserable lag and awful-sounding music. (This doesn't carry over to the actual video--it's just on my end.) I also have no way of moving the bottom screen like most LPer's do. I hate myself. Are you trying to cheer me up or something? Because if you're actually being serious, you must be blind. .......... You ARE blind. Your Budew has full HP, dude! Well, at least he's no Gary. (Yeah, yeah, I know his real name is Blue. I've just always called him Gary.) I've always wondered what she's doing here. Is she cooking? If so, we don't get to eat afterward. Did she already cook, we ate, and now she's doing the dishes? Or putting the dishes in the sink? I dunno. But afterward she returns to her cushion where she remains for like, the rest of the game. I lost my first battle because the randomizer was mean. ;_; But Mom...I wasn't going to enter the grass! Flavian was! D: Yes, Ma'am. Devs: Okay, since Pokemon players are kids, they have the memories of goldfish. Let's remind the player that the Professor is in Sandgem town. Leafy: ...But you only have two places to go once you leave the city? You're either going to go to the lake or to Sandgem town... Devs: OH WELL. I'm not so sure about that... Because shoes always come with instructions. ...Yes. Yes it is. <<;; Right--next time we shall view Pichu's stats, visit Prof. Rowan, name Pichu and do some other stuff. Also, find out more about what lies in the mysterious grass of our first route...
  6. Yes. Although whether it remains in the game depends on whether or not Char actually wants me to use the sprite he made ages ago, and whether or not I can code FEXNA to not allow the wolf to enter houses/villages. (Dogs can't talk, after all.) It's made with FE8 tilesets, but I have a "fog of war" overlay on it to remind myself that it's a fog of war chapter. It really looks like this:
  7. Give me your mountain-creating prowess right now! (I struggle so badly trying to make them look great. I finally do succeed in some instances, but only after much frustration. lol) Your forests feel a bit too blocky and clean. Specifically that one in the middle. RL forests usually grow in random patterns with random amounts of thickness. I know it's hard to put that into square-shaped tiles sometimes, but a few 3-tree tiles scattered around the middle forest should do the trick.
  8. The last guy is pretty cool, but I think his shoulder needs to be shaded a bit more like it's round instead of flat. Also, yes I completely agree; spriting can definitely be hard on the eyes. (not as hard as reading a white-background page for long periods of time, but definitely hard on the eyes at times.)
  9. Finally got around to remaking Kendra and making some edits to much older sprites: Fremont, a Paladin: Luther, a lategame Swordmaster: Mather, a General: New Kendra: Not fond of this one, but eh, here it is anyway because I'm pretty sure I haven't posted it yet. This is Ryan's mother, Tiffany: And... This started because I wanted to make the stained glass more golden (because Triannos' theme colors are gold) and...wound up as this. Because stained glass tiles and floor tiles share the same palette. Yay. [spoiler=Map Palette Change] The green in the Triannos castle maps was REALLY bugging me, SOOOOO...
  10. I looked the topic over and downloaded a couple of things. Shame they're already 'compressed' for FEditor and I don't have them in plain form like vanilla animations, but oh well. Thanks for the head's up! Some more chapter previews. Ignore my doodling. Enemies with items over them drop said item. [spoiler=Chapter 5] I realize after doing this chapter that I semi-fashioned it after chapter 3 in FE8. OH WELL. At the start of the battle, the mage (as an NPC/enemy) runs up and attacks Kedar. Upon realizing her mistake, she apologizes and gives him an elixir. She then joins the player's team. Circled units are reinforcements. The pirate fellow appears on the third turn with the keys needed to open the chests. [spoiler=Chapter 6] An offbeat chapter where Malena (the mage) takes the group to some nearby ruins which are said to house unique weapons. Unfortunately as they get there, they find a ruffian and his league of tamed wolves searching the area for said weapons. There are a lot of cracks in the walls for aesthetic purposes; the actual walls that are breakable are circled in red. This is the first chapter where Battle Preparations become a thing, so to mimic that, I placed gradient tiles for unit placements. [spoiler=Chapter 7] The next chapter, where you recruit Kendra and defend a family of villagers from enemy units. Circled units are reinforcements. The armory sells tier 1 and tier 2 weapons, also heal/mend and both variants of Torch items. [spoiler=Chapter 8] A Fog of War chapter, where I decided to throw a bunch of dropped slayer weapons onto enemy units. (These will come in handy in the next chapter.) [spoiler=Chapter 9] A survival/defend chapter where you have to defend the gate (Tile where Ryan's icon is located) for 12 turns. Circled units are reinforcements, and different colors mean they appear on different turns. Of course, it would be FAR too easy to simply have your units sniping the enemies from within the walls, so the river tiles are a hazard that allow enemies to enter in, if they can cross that terrain type. There's also breakable walls which the enemies WILL try to break, and flying units to hassle you. Also, a thief appears on the third turn and unlocks the gate at the south. If these last couple of chapters ends up being too hard when I actually make the game, changes will probably be made to make them more playable. And to show you I've been working on more than just maps: [spoiler=Ryan x Clarence C Support] * Not sure what method Yeti's been using for FEXNA's supports: base supports or battle. If they're typical FE6-8 supports, this line will stay as is. If it's more like more recent support mechanics, I'll change it.
  11. ^ Thanks! :D And now for some maps. A remake of the two castle maps I made when I first came back to the community. I'm not sure, but I think I am going to HATE myself for this when I actually play the game... [spoiler=Final Chapter, Part 1] This chapter will have two bosses. Every room aside from the main hallways and the room with the thrones will have bow and magic users to attack you with. (Probably a ton of longbows and long-ranged spells) Reinforcements will come from the top and sides of the map, where a staircase/hallways lead off screen. Your units will start with half on one bottom staircase, and half on the other. [spoiler=FInal Chapter, Part 2] The trick to this chapter will be that the door to the throne room cannot actually be opened by a key--you must find the triggers to unlock the door. Like with the previous part, bow/magic users galore in the closed-off rooms.
  12. These are great. XD Peachar is all like OOOOH DID I WIN~ lol I'd love to be able to custom well enough to do this myself.
  13. Adorable foxcats wearing christmas hats >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> geek and his girl. :P
  14. ...I hope I was allowed to change the color, seeing as how I"m part of Team Green and all...
  15. Awesome. Now, let's see if I can fit that on a Pokemon Conquest Leafeon sprite!
  16. Can I count towards being festive with a Christmas wreath? (I tried to draw a santa hat and couldn't, LOL)
  17. I am so nerdy, I use the same username on EVERY website I go to. ...Unless some jerk stole it. :| @the sims: I really love my pets expansion, haha.
  18. Good, because that's what it is. XD Some non-project-related work:
  19. Christmas tradition. People get red or green usernames.
  20. Nice try. I am not one so easily fooled, however! @Hooded Chris: That cloak + that head angle = Not working at all. When splicing, I recommend paying close attention to the head angles. Hayden is somewhat facing to the side, where as Idoun was facing the screen. Unfortunately, I think re-splicing it is what you're going to have to do to fix his cloak. Maybe some other, more experienced artist around here can tell you how to fix it, but that's what I would do. There are countless units that have cloaks on, so hopefully one of them will help you out.
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