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Hyoudou Issei

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Posts posted by Hyoudou Issei

  1. Awakening: Ricken and Maribelle for me... The fact that Ricken can't take two turns without deciding to die is annoying enough... by the time I got them.. Lissa had proven herself useful enough, not to mention that even Maribelle's kid is pretty useless. It's not like.. say... donnel.. where you can both level him up or keep him as a trophy. Basically... both of them can die at the drop of a hat... and both by that point in the game have more suitable replacements, you feel little to no need to grind for either of them..

    For fates... hard to say... every unit tends to have it's ups and downs... I'd say Azura... and not even because she's a bad unit.. Her singing ability is great... but her sheer fragility makes you extremely cautious to use her... of course, dancers in previous games were fragile like this... but when she plays such a key role in story, you'd expect her to be somewhat decent in game combat. So the disappointment factor really plays into why I'm labeling her this way

  2. It's an awkward feeling when you've married thrice but haven't beaten story once because you restarted the path after regretting some choices on the first playthrough, then ended up restarting again when you bought the DLC path.... and now you're too busy grinding because you want to get the parent child supports to continue with the story

  3. Well yes, but it doesn't have consequences that actually prevent genocide from being carried out. Scarily enough, Neo Nazis are an actual strong part of the Greek political scene, as are Communists. I don't claim that people like Trump advocate genocide, but the fact is that "well, they didn't live up to their responsibilities" is small comfort to people actually having genocide committed against them.

    When it comes to the point where someone whose actually in the power to commit genocide advocates doing. I think that goes less into a local free speech law, and more into UN intervention areas. Bearing in mind, most societies with governments that have the power to commit genocide, are also really societies where any citizen who dares to exercise free speech against it likely goes missing or mysteriously ends up dead within a matter of days. If any government has access to genocide within it's power, the real problem there is just how much power does that government have and the frightening thing they can use it for

  4. Also, advocating for the government to commit genocide, that should be banned. The details on if it was actually genocide or not could be worked out at the trial.

    I'd disagree here, not because I agree with the concept of genocide, but I've always felt that was one major trade-off of free speech, was the responsibility of the people that comes with it. While it may be advocating it, no one is explicitly stating they will do it, meaning, while the idea is bigoted and stupid, the speech itself isn't illegal. The reason free speech exists is so that every idea and criticism can be heard. That said, I've always felt the most important part of the listener is to analyze what was said for themselves.

    Can the speaker be arrested? No. But the people who have heard what they have said have a responsibility to react accordingly. If what the person has said is reacted to, this leads not only to destroyed reputation and controversy, but can damage their business/get them fired from their workplace, as well as get them banned from certain privately owned buildings.

    Bear in mind, just because something is legal, doesn't mean it doesn't have consequences. Freedom of expression goes beyond speech, and should you have a dislike for something that has been said, then you have the right, and sometimes even the responsibility to make that known through your own expression.

  5. All things said and done... as crazy as it sounds, I would prefer Trump to Hilary. I politically identify mostly as libertarian constitutionalist, and in terms of that.. a lot of things is pick your poison this time around. That said... what it comes down to for me is that trump has faced a lot of the accusations thrown at him head on, so far, Hilary has really done nothing other than hide behind the "woman" card, I wouldn't mind so much if the list of things she still has yet to answer for wasn't so damn long.

    Not to mention, when you decide to stop watching the abridged news versions of Trumps speeches and such, he stops sounding 'racist', and starts sounding more nationalist. Heck... even a lot of his more 'outrageous' quotes are actually rather reasonable.

    "Wants to deport millions of people."

    When you consider these potential millions are illegal immigrants, and if you've read up on the justice system, and what happens should one of these millions commit a crime, this one tends to make a lot more sense. Bearing in mind that it changes a few things up when it comes to criminal procedure (Notably, the right to bail, as well as having to call the home country for diplomatic reasons as well as identification) , there's also the fact that a lot of constitutional amendments do not apply due to lack of citizenship, as well as the court would have little to no idea of the defendant's past misdemeanors.

  6. Dude I've never seen one person ever not like Vergil. I see more positive thoughts on him than Dante. The rage for Nero has cooled since DmC but I still see a lot of detractors for him.

    I thought we were talking in terms of obscurity... in which case, most people don't really know vergil outside of 3 and the reboot.. they don't really know about the parts like Nelo angelo and stuff...

    In terms of characters I liked that most people didn't... Nick... left 4 dead 2, designed to be the asshole of the group... but acts more like the realist of all of them

  7. Wassup... figured it was about time I joined a Fire emblem forum to discuss all things strategies, lore, and waifu wars...

    Anyway, not much to say about me... if you haven't guessed already. I'm a huge highschool DXD fan.. among other anime (But... DxD is my favorite, great story, deep lore and world building, cool action, hilarious comedy, hawt fanservice, relatable characters.. original light novels are even better.)

    Anyway... since I have a bit of a 'rep' for chewing out the plebs when it comes to most franchises ( Pre-video game Deadpool fans represent) I feel it's my duty to point out I'm a bit of a pleb myself when it comes to this franchise so I can get chewed out myself... First one played was awakening. That said I do plan on playing the originals on virtual console.

    So... yeah.. see you all around

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