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Posts posted by Dinar87

  1. 15 hours ago, PhantomThiefLuna said:

    Help I wanna Make a Fe GBA Portrait For Characters That I can Just Envision In My Mind, But I dunno how to do it on Android as that’s My Only Way of Doing Things, I need help Please, Someone tell me the Ways Of Fe GBA Portrait Making Skills

    Idk how to on a phone, but for making FE art in general, start with editing official sprites to try and make your own versions, keep practicing and eventually you will be able to make ambitious stuff that's all your own.

    Custom battle animations are fun to make.


    Come on Nintendo! We're starving over here, lol. Bayonetta 3 fans should also have a bone thrown to them soon!

    Let's hope MP4's development is going well!! 🀞

  3. 8 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

    I had some predictions that I want to see some might need to happen. But, I can see some things that could pop up for tomorrow's Nintendo Direct:

    1. 1st Party Nintendo character announced as the DLC fighter for Challenger Pack 9 for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (We have too much 3rd Party DLC Fighters since Fighter Pass Vol. 1 had filled in too much 3rd Party characters) My wishlist 1st Party Roster is Mike Jones from StarTropics and Impa from Zelda
    2. Announcement of the next Fire Emblem title (maybe the Judgral remakes)
    3. Shin Megami Tensei V and III HD Remake announcement
    4. Nintendo 64 Online
    5. Metroid Prime 4
    6. Revival Nintendo IP gets a new game like F-Zero, EarthBound, StarTropics, etc.
    7. Bayonetta 3
    8. Pikmin 4

    Unfortunately Metroid related anything, is almost 99% likely to not be shown at all (like every other direct). For all we know, 49 of the 50 minutes could just be about smash.

  4. 11 hours ago, coldhand25 said:

    I've bee playing (and failing at) Nioh 2 for the last month - yet I'm only at the third mission, but baby steps, am I right? Anyways, one thing that keeps me coming back to it even after I die for the 15th time against the same generic enemy is definitely this music. Bit of a story about the game and how I think about it in the spoiler tag.

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    I've never really raged at games ever before (there is literally no point getting angry about games, is there?), but most of my friends said that I'll finally know why they get frustrated about games if I start playing this. Well, sure enough, the first 10 or so deaths was frustrating. But after a while I realized it's not that the game is unfair. It just has a weird way of telling you what not to do. In other games savestates and tutorials would help you on your journey. Here, death is what teaches you - and I understand it doesn't necessarily sound appealing to everyone (hell, if I read this without ever playing the game, I would feel like this is some paid advertisement or something), but for me it started to make sense. Now, I'm not saying it's always reasonable what the game throws at you, but the thing is, every time I defeat an opponent that I though would always kill me and block me from progressing, I realize it was the same as the previous opponent. I've gotten so far (well, technically not that far, I'm sure other people would have cleared the game in this much time already), even though there were other enemies before whom I though of as undefeatable. And yet, here I am. And when I start a fight in this mindset, I'll soon realize, that it's just a question of time. I will be able to get through this enemy, because I was able to get through all the "impossible" enemies before as well. And the best time to get into this mindset is the loading screen after each death - with this music. Every time I die, this music would play. And at times I would just sit there at the loading screen, listening to it for minutes. Something about it just keeps me relaxed, yet gets me motivated. Like, the loading screen could just be silent - so players would get back asap, die, rinse and repeat. But this way, somehow the music encourages me to think through what I did, where I failed - and how could I succed this time. And sure enough, I'll fail hundreds - if not thousands of time before finishing the game, but that doesn't bother me, because this is what this game is about - other than the fun characters and story. Some people might connect this music to their frustration over dying - for me, personally, it's quite the opposite. When I need some time to think, to relax, when I'm too stressed, I would just start this music, do some breathing exercise, and I start working on what I did previously - be it an essay, a translation or anyhing else.



    Quite calming tbh

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