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Posts posted by Alastemeister

  1. wow shit it's been a while

    school's a thing and all and i haven't really been doing fe sprites but i've started up doing them again

    that means it's time to see me attempt to recreate that vested bastard again!!!




    green guy's fucking eyes

    i have made/remade and moved them around so much i'm just at a loss at this point

    every which way i've tried it looked odd or stupid and i even tried placing them on the same plane

    that also looked wonky. (just went ahead and added the equal-plane one)

    at first i was going for some... really odd angle with his head then i decided to use noah from fe6's face as a bit of a ref which helped a bit but

    but yeah


    i think i might just re-do him completely but i like how the hair came out idk

    (scarf dude says hi)

    On another note: I'm very, very sorry to those who requested map sprites.

    Especially Agro, whom of which I kinda blew off.

    For some reason forums just... aren't my element, so I really neglect them a lot.

  2. Pete? Who's that guy? (Sorry for inactivity, I've been out of the FE mood. :[ )

    Anyways, since FEE3 has been around, I've heard people need map sprites to accompany some new animations by TBA.

    I thought I'd take a swing at them, starting with the Armour Knights!

    Here's a small teaser of the Sword Knight!


    (he sort of leaves the boundaries of 16x16, is that alright? i swear paladins and cavaliers do that, but on the top-end.)

  3. Go right ahead, Agro! I'll handle it after Jubs' is done.

    Aaand I tried a portrait again, at a different angle. http://gyazo.com/c2b2b4dbc2c169093592b5c8364f0cfc

    I'm trying to get a good design down for this guy, while also using him as a guinea pig for developing fluency in this style. Expect to see him a lot. :I

    I have some time off before exams, so I'll try to get some stuff out and improve. Sorry for the absence.

    Edit: Realized his neck and head connected very... oddly. Tried to fix it.


    There already is an axe cavalier, Agro :P

    Krad made one a while back.

    Actually, Pete, mind if I throw a map sprite request your way?

    Go ahead! I might not get it done for a bit though, I have assignments to do.

  5. fmerc1-1.giffmerc2-1.giffmerc3n.giffmerc3s.giffmerc3we.gif

    A lady with a massive sword ahoy!

    She was originally supposed to use a skirt, but how effective would that be on the battlefield? probably very effective considering fire emblem is japanese

    Throw me any ideas for overworlds if anyone has any, and I'll give'm a try.

  6. I've tried looking for FE4 and 5 sprites once upon a time. They seem to be pretty elusive, if ever even ripped at all.

    Then again, I could be a complete fool and there might be whole respective topics full of every sprite ever from those games. I'm sure someone here will be able to point you in the right direction!

  7. I like :) I'd be interested in using it in my own hack once you've got moving frames too! I just want to say though, I think maybe it could use a little more movement in the "selected" frames. :D (but i'm not sure if the actual one has that so just ignore me if it is also largely stationary)

    Use in a hack? Go ahead! The only movement the male does is move his arms. Since her other hand is on her hip, I'm not really sure what else to add.

    I'd like to make a single battle sprite to go along with it, but there's a snowball's chance in the Australian Outback that I could animate it.

  8. Absolutely! What do you think?

    EDIT: oh hey the ponytail is upside down on one sprite whoops

    EDIT2: hi im photobucket and i cache image files so you can't easily update them hurr hurr

    Just imagine the little ponytail sprite is flipped vertically, so it doesn't look like a tiny stubby one sticking up. I fixed it on my worksheet.

  9. Thanks for the advice, all! But... I think I'll try to focus on map sprites for now, I suppose. I should just remake those two portraits or something.

    Oh, and sorry for the... downtime, I guess? School's getting close to completion and I've been swamped with culminative reviews and essays and such.



    Everything done from scratch, even the bits that look copypasted from the male one. I wanted it to look similar is all.

    As usual, critique and such absolutely welcome. I'll get to the movement animations soon.

  10. Oh man, school and other assorted shenanigans happened, and still are happening. May as well squeeze in some stuff while I'm at it!


    I gave him a quiver filled with some (admittedly) horrible-looking disproportionate arrows. Feh, any advice for them?


    Meanwhile, I remade a lot of things on Mr. Leon here. Are the angles alright? Is the hair too messy-looking? Does he look General-like at all?

    Hit me with the criticism, ladies and gentlemen! I can take it!

    @deranger: Yeah, I noticed there weren't too many people interested in map sprites. I could give them a try, I suppose. Maybe I should go ahead and make a proper female Merc for public use...?

    (apologies in advance for any stupidity or nonsense, it's 2 am here and I'm falling asleep as i type this.)

  11. Wasn't Seph originally a splice of Guy for some contest back in the day? Looks awesome, the new version. I like the lighter blue, but I think the shirtlessness made him seem more gung-ho. Glad you fixed the depth-less head, too.

    And referring to Raggie McRobes, whenever I do cloth I use the second tone to shade in lines and creases, and third for the darkest bits of the creases. The new one looks sweet, but a bit... messy? It might just be me, though.

  12. I thought it looked a little off. Thanks! I messed with FE8 tones and it looks more fitting, as you suggested, Seph.


    Sorry if I seem a bit slow tonight-- I'm also working on a project.

    Not sure what t'do about the head angle, though.

  13. Hokay! Time to post some drawings, and hopefully not get chastised for it. (i swear i'll do sprites more often)

    Oh, and Photobucket was being a fucking arsebiscuit pain, and rotating some of my images. What the hell, PB? Apologies in advance.

    [spoiler=Concept Doodlesketch]

    Concept for Leon Alaste, my avatar character thing guy man. I realise the head is a bit... long. He's also supposed to look maturer, so I guess I dun goof'd.


    (seriously now what the fuck i rotated it in paint and everything)

    And have a few more Pokemon things:

    [spoiler=original characters do not steal]

    hey look ken sugimori-like characters

    What I'd think two protagonists with beanies would look like. I really like how the badge-things on the hats came out.


    I'll throw in some bonuses, too.

    [spoiler=cookies for all]



    A NOSE AND TINY LIPS OH MAN (man that nose bridge is straight)


    EYES: NOW WITH MORE ANIME also a gengar mouth and some other stuff


    And lastly, some face, I guess? I'm not sure. (goddamnit PB)


    Next time on Dragon Ball Z: I actually post sprites, hopefully!

  14. Yeah, they aren't too bad! It's a good edit of the assassin, you made him look pretty close to Volke.

    It's just that GIF compression is killing me, but it can't really be helped. Keep it up, yo.

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