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Everything posted by Mallow

  1. After a bit of a wait thanks to the postal holiday, some more points! +1 totafan88 +1 DV_us +1 Omegaweapon All great communication and good packaging! (:
  2. +1 Chuy A+ communication for the card-for-card trade, too. (:
  3. New to this, so send me a PM if you're interested in anything! Would love to sell, but I'll also have the cards I'm missing listed below in case you'd prefer to trade. $1.50 per any N or HN, Rs and SRs by individual basis. Everything should be in here now. In the case of any series (1-3, 5), if you're looking for any N or HN card, just ask me, and I'm highly likely to have at least one. Available to Trade Series 1 (Booster) 028R (Merric) 030R (Minerva) 035R (Linde) 038R (Palla) (x2) 040R (Catria) (x2) 042R (Est) 059R (Lissa) 070R (Lon'qu) 073SR (Gaius) 078R (Nowi) 083R (Olivia) 084R (Cherche) Series 2 (Booster) 004R (Aqua) (x2) 010SR (Takumi) 014R (Saizo) 024R (Oboro) 026R (Hana) (x3) 028R (Tsubaki) 043R (Asugi) 045R (Caeldori) 047R (Rhajat) 054R (Aqua) (x2) 064R (Laslow) (x2) 070R (Selena) 072R (Odin) 093R (Forrest) 095R (Soleil) 097R (Ophelia) Series 3 (Booster) 010SR (Soren) 025R (Marcia) (x1) (in-progress) 032R (Nephenee) 036R (Jill) (x4) 040R (Ranulf) 043R (Tibarn) 044R (Naesala) (x3) 044R+ (Naesala) 045R (Reyson) 046R (Leanne) (x2) 053SR (Aqua) 058SR (Kaze) 063R (Shigure) 069R (Mitama) 083R (Silas) 086R (Kana ♀) 091R (Nina) 095R (Velvet) Series 5 (Booster) 007R (Alen) 009R (Lance) (x2) 017R (Dieck) 025R (Lugh) (x2) 038R (Tate) 042SR (Sophia) 048SR (Narshen) (in-progress) 057R (Edward) 077R (Nephenee) 080R (Lucia) 084R (Sigrun) 090R (Soren) (in-progress) 098R (Kurthnaga) Looking for Series 1 004SR (Caeda) 016SR (Ogma) (in-progress) Series 5 +Alternate cards for Thany, Tate, Juno, Elincia, or Soren (low-priority)
  4. Well, if anything, I'm not surprised it only took the community under 72 hours to pull together that sorta information.
  5. That would make sense, I guess I just was under the belief after other posts/what I had seen on other threads that it was rarer and did not expect to find a second in another box. (If the third box has one too, though, I'm calling conspiracy. :p)
  6. That's exactly what I see when I try to load Chat, so it's not just you.
  7. (also Serra, Eliwood, Ninian, and the soundtrack. I also generally think the game has a really good sense of keeping the gameplay engaging and appropriately difficult for the difficulty level you've picked. Still never gonna try to top-rank any of the modes, though.)
  8. Hey, if we're considering the dream options, I'd love to see a series entirely consisting of NPCs, like Uther, or Eleanora, or Rajaion, or the Heroes of Elibe. Or Natalie, the strongest of them all. I'unno, it'd be fun to see.
  9. I'm partly just going off of personal hope since I still wish Uther had gotten some official artwork, but I do agree he's not going to be the end-all, be-all option for Blazing Sword. Still, a girl can dream. (And he's plot-relevant, that's good enough, right?)
  10. Go figure, maybe everyone else was just like "no, I know exactly what's going on" and didn't need to ask any questions. xD Glad I could inadvertently help! :3 Edit// Okay so I just opened box 2 and... I got another one? Either these things aren't quite as rare as I thought (is it one per box or something??) or I basically just hit that 1% critical chance, so to speak. o_o
  11. The characters I want to see most are Echidna, Idenn, and Uther. Especially Uther. There's still hope for Uther, don't let me down, Japan.
  12. Got really lucky; the postman arrived about 15 minutes before I woke up this morning, and the notice he left said I wouldn't be able to pick up the package until Monday. Then he showed back up about 30 minutes after I actually woke up since he had to loop back now that my apartment complex's office was open, and I got my cards today after all. :') It's the little things.
  13. Oh, now I see it. I hadn't seen anything like this in any of the other sets, so I can't properly express how confused I was. xD That would also explain why I didn't know it already, because I didn't buy any boosters for Series 4. Thanks so much to both of you! I'll try to comb through the existing threads a little more carefully next time before making a new one.
  14. Been using SF resources for a long time, decided to finally make an account in case I want to chat or get advice on a game or something. Standard stuff. Been a fan for nearly fifteen years now of FE so I think things'll be fine. Hopefully we all get along! I do my best, anyway.
  15. I'm not actually sure if "misprint" is the correct word here, but I was opening a package from my Overcoming Rivalry box, and um... I'm not actually sure if that was supposed to happen. In case you can't read the set tag at the bottom, it says "B07-002R+X." The +X part is confusing, too. Not sure what that means. (I apologize if this was supposed to be put in an existing thread! Obligatory "hi i'm new")
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