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Status Updates posted by SullyMcGully

  1. Hey everybody. Due to some IRL issues, I'm going to be taking an extended leave of absence from these forums and online communities in general. I won't be back until about mid-March. Please rest assured that all of my ongoing projects are not being cancelled. They are simply being postponed. Finally, to all of you who, over the past year and a half, have befriended me, critiqued me, debated with me, put up with me, and made memories with me: thank you very much for making my experience here so far so great. I hope to see you all again in 8 weeks. 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rezzy


      Good luck and hope everything's okay

    3. Stephen the Great

      Stephen the Great

      See you in March, Sully. Thanks for everything.

    4. GreatKnightEcho


      See ya in March. Hopefully everything goes well.

  2. Okay everybody! I'm going on a Caribbean cruise and I won't be back on the net until October 1st.

    If any of you guys live in Cozumel, we should meet IRL! Just kidding. You don't want to meet me on vacation. I'm... a different person.

  3. I'm back! The vacation was great. I might explain it in detail at a later date. Be looking for some awesome bare-chested photos of myself in the Picture Tread!

  4. I'm back!!! Nice to see ya'll again!

    1. Rezzy


      How are you doing?  Where've you been?

    2. SullyMcGully


      I'm doing fine, thank you! I was challenged to abandon the internet and focus solely on academics for a semisemester. I... failed, but I was at least able to avoid SF. It's good to be back, though. 


    3. Anime27Arts


      Glad you are back though you didn't leave discord.

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