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Everything posted by SullyMcGully

  1. I usually try again. I don't know what I'd do if I failed and didn't get a second chance. Probably break something.
  2. Natalie! I knew you'd be back. 41. To be honest, I've found that I really like Rogue One. It just made me feel so nostalgic. When they brought out the AT-ATs, I cried. 42. Lando's pretty cool. 43. Yes. 44. Yes. 45. Yes, but I like strawberry pie more. 46. Pizza. 47. Somewhere in the 70s. Fahrenheit, that is. 48. I love those short little spring thunderstorms where everything gets windy and rainy for about thirty minutes. 49. Not particularly. I'm more of a hot tub person. 50. I'm a lot like Stahl. I don't really like him that much, though.
  3. Reminds me of my own childhood No, it doesn't. Nobody take that joke seriously!
  4. The mods are too lazy to do anything. The Forest belongs to the people now! 258
  5. I promise, I'll play one... when I get around to it. 31) I play cornhole and watch the Super Bowl. But the latter I do mostly for the commercials. 32) A few. Russian rummy, spades, and such. Go Fish is always fun with kids. I've actually never played played poker or bridge, though. 33) I used to love board games. Risk is my favorite, but I haven't played it in 4 years. The problem is that in order to play a good board game, you need 3-6 people with 4+ hours of spare time on their hands. That's a rare situation on the farm. It's kind of sad, actually. One of the main reasons I picked up video gaming was because you can do it by yourself and put it down at anytime. 34) Our farm is located in a sweet spot for our kind of business. We're situated conveniently so that it only takes about 20 minutes to get to "town" and we are only two hours away from 4 of Virginia's biggest populated areas, which makes deliveries easier. However, we are far enough into the country that we have good land, room for expansion, and no property-hungry developers to worry about. 1337. Oh, I love this! "Who said I was perfect? Even gods make mistakes. That's why there are people like you in the world!" I'm a really mean boss. I actually have a chalkboard in the parlor that says "IT HAS BEEN ___ DAYS SINCE THE LAST CATASTROPHE. IT WAS ___________'S FAULT.
  6. XXIX. It was part of the Roman Empire, but then it separated. Depending on who you ask, however, it can be said that the Byzantine Empire was the true Roman Empire all along. XXX. I'm sorry, anytime I hear these old Norse myths I think of Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston. XXXI. ...and you just made me imagine Chris Hemsworth crossdressing. Thanks a lot. XXXII. Rex=T-Rex=king of dinosaurs. Glacies=Glacier=cold. I know enough about Latin to be able to guess what a lot of those phrases mean. XXXIII. I have a large appetite, but not that large! XXXIV. They eat bugs. Particularly ticks, which are a serious problem where I come from. Also, their feathers are great tickle wands! XXXV. Time.
  7. 29) I've only played video games for the past two years, and I still haven't played very many. The most important thing to me in an RPG is the story and the characters, not the gameplay. Pokemon just seems so gameplay-centered. I'm sure I'll play one eventually... after I finish playing all of the more promising games on my need-to-play list. 30) I was homeschooled, so... everything? I dunno, you tell me!
  8. Classical. I don't remember much, but I remember liking that one more.
  9. Guess what? I know who the mole is. 198 Love those multiples of 11.
  10. I have hundreds of cows. Do you have $2,500 + S&H for a 1,200 lb live animal? If your cat is anything like Gertrude, you should get a new one.
  11. XXII. Homeschooled for life. XXIII. It wasn't that weird. I've pretty much always done school my way, now things are pretty much the same, but on a college level. XXIV. No. XXV. April Ludgate. She's a feminine, slightly darker version of myself. XXVI. Cold. XXVII. Yes. XXVIII. Also yes. It's quite an interesting field. Human interactions are my favorite thing to study. I'm a multipotentialite, so my dream career is one that I make up myself. I'll call myself a "creativity specialist".
  12. I found a few more pictures! There aren't many though. I had to really dig for them!
  13. 31. I know a few words in Latin. I prefer bath, but I rarely have the time. Are those Pokemon? I've never actually played. Navy Blue.
  14. 20) If you like mockumentary comedies like The Office, you'd love Parks and Rec. 21) I'd find a way to get more social interaction into the mix. When I was a kid people would say "oh, but you have so many brothers and sisters. You don't need friends!" That is SO not true! 22) Res=emotional stability. Your way is better, though. 23) Dart. Good backstory, good unit, and he's a freaking pirate for goodness' sake! 24) I like reading epic fiction and philosophical nonfiction. 25) Fiction: Les Miserables. Nonfiction: Mere Christianity. 26) Homeschoolers can still take the SAT or ACT. Also, there are several colleges that make it very easy for homeschoolers to enroll. Homeschoolers can actually start college early if they're smart enough. For instance, I'm no genius, but I skipped high school and went straight to college and haven't had any major issues. 27) Math. I love the logical skills it uses. 28) English. Don't get me wrong, I love writing. Which is why I hate it when "professionals" tell you you have to write about a certain thing in a certain way with a certain word count. There's nothing creative about that!
  15. Play video games, read, and visit the forums. Nothing in particular, probably because I'm desperate. The only thing I really care about is the way they dress. Anyone who dresses specifically to catch male attention is usually too immature for a serious relationship. I like my women to be somewhere near that perfect level of independence, where they are fine with depending on you but don't depend on anyone else. I actually prefer a woman with a few personality issues, because I have personality issues and I always figured we could solve ours together. I don't have that many options, so just about anyone who wants to be my friend becomes my friend. I could be choosy if I were more popular maybe. Welcome to the Interviews! 1. Earth. 2. Nobody else likes Legault. I know that he's a subpar unit, but his personality makes it worth it! 1. Yeah. 2. I never dabbled in astrology. Does it have something to do with my birthday? 3. Are you suggesting underage drinking? Shame on you! 4. 867-5309 5. That depends... do they have pizza at your place? 31. It builds great work ethic. My mom always tells me that I'm going to grow up and look back at my childhood and see that my adult life is easy compared to what I had to do then. If I can manage 100+ cows single-handedly, what can I not do? It also helps that I love the great outdoors and cows are cute. 32. The schedule. I'm a night owl who loves to stay up until midnight but morning milking demands that I be up and ready to go at 5:00 AM. I usually end up falling asleep in someplace during the day. 33. Anything would be cute on you! Personally, I don't prefer baby pink, or hot pink, or psuedo-pinks (like Nantucket red), but that's because I'm a guy. 34. Because then @Arcanite would be all like, "hey, why don't you name a kid after me?", and then @Rex Glacies and @Claudius I would hop on board and NONE OF THOSE are good names for innocent children. 35. There once was this guy called Balaam who was supposed to do one thing but decided to do something else. In order to set him straight, God gave his donkey the ability to speak. I used to have a donkey called Balaam. 36. Yeah. It was necessary for school. 37. 3: Awakening, Conquest, and Echoes. I've got to run and do farm stuff, I'll finish answering your questions when I get back! OK, I'm back! 38. I speak a little bit of Spanish. I wish I spoke more. 39. Depends on what's chasing me When I feel like it. 40. I used to LOVE Star Wars! I still catch every new movie that comes out. I'm gonna miss you Natalie! Have fun while you're... doing whatever you're going to be doing for the next two weeks. 13) Parks and Recreation. I didn't watch a lot of TV growing up, so that's just about all I've seen. 14) Not really. I could see my mom being a great teacher in a public school, but she's always been more interested in other things. 15) Yeah. But there are a lot of things I'd do differently. 16) Being honest, all of it. Sorry, I don't actually know you at all. But I'm getting to know you better now! 17) Magic=intelligence? You see, the way I've always thought about it is that Magic=emotional will, while Skill=intelligence. But now that I think about it, your way does make more sense. 18) Pirate! But they're only playable in a handful of games, so I guess mercenary would be second best. 19) I like Gregor. I just forgot to put him on the list. While he's not that great as a unit, he's one of the only units in the game to have a solid backstory. Raven has a good backstory too. I feel like Saber is overrated. He's cool, but I'm more of a Jesse person.
  16. Oh wow, I just noticed that @Rex Glacies noticed that I failed to notice your questions! I'm sorry, Rezzy! 11. Boys: George, Nathaniel, Andrew, Robert, Thomas, James, Douglas, Dwight, and Ronald. Girls: Faye, Virginia, Bonnie, Agnes, Sue, Anne, Mavis, Renee, Peggy. 12: I'd probably be a mercenary. High STR and SKL, good HP and DEF, average SPD, poor MAG, RES, and LCK. 13. I think the 1800s were pretty cool. 14: FE6: Dieck. FE7: Legault. FE8: Gerik. FE9: Ike. FE13: Inigo. FE15: Gray 15. Camilla. 26. Not since I was 6. 27. Yeah... 28. It's better than his Babylonian name. 29. The one about Gog and Magog where it's really talking about how Russia is going to attack Israel but then fire and brimstone will rain down from the sky and destroy the invading forces. 30. You need to brush up on your Sunday School humor. Here's a nice place to start: Alright, I have to go to bed at some point. It's 11:02 in Virginia right now. Good night!
  17. XV. I didn't do any school on the internet. My parents bought computer programs that would teach things like history and science while offline. XVI. All of it? It's the way that the parts make up the whole that make the cake special. XVII. Link's Awakening. XVIII. Courage. XIX. Yes I have. The ending fleshes out God's character more than just about any other single passage in the Bible. XX. Ike, Kirby, and Link. There's also this fangame for Smash that I play a lot where I use Isaac from Golden Sun and Sora from Kingdom Hearts. XXI. In between my "Fan Projects" stage and my "Far from the Forums" stage I went through a "predict what the next Fire Emblem will be like while commenting on social issues" stage. I came here because I don't really have any friends right now in the real world and getting to know all of you has been fascinating. 25. It's actually pretty easy. The best part is that you get to hold hands with lots of girls. Calvinism is a touchy subject within Christianity because of a loud minority that insists that we must all accept Calvinism in order to function as a religion. There. I said it. Please don't hurt me...
  18. You seem nice and responsible. I don't know you too well, but the fact that you are interested in peoples personal boundaries puts you on common ground with me. 23. I can't believe it! I thought everything was on Google, but apparently, the Harper's Ferry Quick-Step is not! Try looking up the Virginia Reel instead. 24. Nobody really knows, people just go with it or against it. I don't really care either way. Ask @Rex Glacies, he knows more about these things.
  19. Ooh, Roman Numerals! Flashy! XXXXXXXXXXXV I need to get better at this.
  20. I don't know, I'm not the one asking questions! What's next, @Arcanite? Calvinism? This is what I get for lifting personal limits.
  21. Close enough. 4. I wanted to get involved in the fangame community. That failed miserably, so I started hanging out in FftF instead. 16. Ever read Proverbs 8? 17. Ah yes, "she is worth far more than rubies". However, I personally prefer the Song of Solomon woman. "Her navel is like a goblet overflowing with choice wine" and so on. 18. I like Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, as well as all of the historical texts. 19. Proverbs 30: five, no, six, no, seven, yes, seven things the Lord detests! 20. Jeremiah 29:11: "'For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.'" 21. Pretty much. It's really all about loving God, loving your neighbor, and loving yourself, in that order. Individual commands aren't as much divine orders as they are extremely good advice for achieving those ends. 22. I can do the Harper's Ferry Quick-Step.
  22. 8. You're low in a good way! Ever heard of getting "down and dirty"? 9. Yes. 10. Understanding. 11. Fairly. 12. Controversial. You don't really want to know. 13. Totally. I wanna have at least 18. 14. The brash, rebellious type who never stays at home (that's from the Bible, by the way). 15. IIIIIIIIII WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY! I WANNA BUILD UP A HEAT WITH SOMEBODY! YEAAAAH WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY! WITH SOMEBODY WHO LOVES ME!
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