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Everything posted by BwdYeti

  1. Right now ~'3'~ http://forums.bwdyeti.com/index.php?showtopic=570 Welcome to FE7x: the one with actual chapters from the main game
  2. And part 3 Thanks a lot for the LP, MK404~
  3. ^ 20 in 7x, 37 in FE7, so ~39 in this tale
  4. Not strictly, though I'd probably slack off less since I'd feel bad about it. Regardless, any contributions would be appreciated
  5. That's the most recent release, we're working on the next one for FEE3 right now
  6. The windows just flip to above if there isn't enough space below Do note that the effectiveness entry doesn't show up if the weapon doesn't use it ~'3'~
  7. The caps are at roughly the same total power level, though the addition of skills raises the damage output, hence the raised hp cap The actual numbers for the caps are heavily shuffled around compared to IS FE Nomad Trooper: 24 28 28 23 25 Lck does give more avoid in 7x, but it's still only ~10 avo at low health lategame, and no multipliers like Resolve More exciting status screens
  8. Str, Skl, and Lck, 1 per 10 hp. And it's not a max of 5, though as the hp cap is 80 it's effectively a max of 7. It's kind of a more different Resolve
  9. as if these aren't three years behind schedule (As Hassar makes clear there're still more left to do, I just focused on the ones that will appear in the new maps in the next release)
  10. well said @Rogues, I guess sure. It helps Thief long term usability a little @Halberdier x: Otherwise I have no problem with enemy Halbs
  11. A* pathfinding Well for move ranges you're probably using Dijkstra's algorithm, since you don't have a target location in mind, but they're 95% the same system
  12. Like how WTA/WTD or effective bonuses are already included in the calculations, but those have arrows and flashing icons? Or the weapon icon being shown at all, if it's just the numbers that matter. Note, all of those things are smaller than the main combat numbers, because they're less important information but included in case you care to see them And then any case where the terrain numbers won't act normally, where it's useful to see the how they're changed, since no where else shows that: mounted/flying classes, Parity, Starsphere effect, the Ranger mastery, any other cases that might come up It's not a choice between those and a gauge or number for skills, I just haven't got to skills yet. And because, other than the Jagen, nobody will have access to them for a while in the main game it'll be some time longer still. But in the meantime Myke will be going over the window and interface design and revising how each piece of information is shown, so it's prudent to wait for that anyway
  13. 'you should give me more information in more places' 'whoa stop giving me so much information' And yes, the skill numbers will be on that combat preview window eventually, just a thing I haven't got to yet. Are you seriously saying a random activation chance is easier to prepare for than a certainty based on whether a gauge is full or not Also as dondon suggested there will likely be various starting progress for enemies depending on the needs of the chapter, similar to how Laguz were set up. It just didn't seem necessary to Tr3 and there were other things to be concerned with
  14. Well she has base luck after 18 level ups at 25% so there is that I think her problem is mainly that everyone else in Tr3 is running around with promotion bonuses against promoted enemies. For the main game she stays competitive with her group for tier 1, and promotes early enough she won't be left behind for tier 2 @activation skills: they fill at the start of each turn and partially for each battle where the unit attacks, and the amount gained is based on the relevant stat (so more lck means Sol charges faster, etc)
  15. It's related to the Thief being blocked from retreating off the map. I uploaded a fixed version so it'll work now
  16. Fixed a couple glitches mentioned on the FE7x board. If you started playing already you can download the new version and load your suspend, the save file is compatible and saves are stored in your documents
  17. what's up klok And hey, if any other new additions are too newfangled for you We gotcha covered. its like im really playing gbafe
  18. http://forums.bwdyeti.com/index.php?showtopic=550 okay seriously from here it's all main game
  19. Can this happen because yeah sure me too
  20. http://forums.bwdyeti.com/index.php?showtopic=544 A progress report! we might actually have a new release this century What are your thoughts on this?
  21. slight edit, made the far leg darker and she doesn't get magically taller also
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