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Everything posted by 47948201

  1. I got the impression Speed Thunder was balanced to be a better option than Fimbulvetr for C rank users if you really need to blow something up with the extra might or higher effective speed. But from hearing about it here I went and looked up Xander's Lance and oh my gosh is that the worst weapon in the game wow
  2. Interesting, but so the game files you have originated on a cart, so I get the impression that rather than something being wrong with having the game digitally, it's that the digital version specifically has this fixbreak (maybe because they shipped the carts then later decided to patch up the digital version?) I dunno, but I guess at least that gives me an unlikely idea for something to look around for, better than nothing.
  3. Haven't gotten to any of the midgame characters, I want to finish earlygame before I start there. Here's what I have so far for our earlygame Imperial Captain, if you want to see: I also had some Kellen stats planned out but they're plenty flexible, I'll be referring to these numbers throughout. Gilliam recolor totally fine, go for it~ (Aaaaalllso I feel like mentioning, pretty much every unit has higher growths than they seem. I won't yet explain the mechanics as to why, but yeah. Not a huge difference but it's there, but it makes calculating averages hard so I didn't bother adding it to the sheet)
  4. ...so it does. I would not have minded if that were indicated somehow.
  5. omg i just kind of absentmindedly clicked a thread and then i died omg
  6. The game definitely allows you to waste money, I bought a bunch of Naginatas once but it didn't give me any over the cap...
  7. pf oh gosh if there was a staff that revived fallen allies but as revenants/bonewalkers that'd be mega dark
  8. Until I got S rank and grabbed Pursuer and never looked back, I really liked Bamboo Yumi. ...Seriously. E rank, its might is low but not awful, it has fantastic hit rate and a nice avoid boost, all with no drawbacks to equipping or attacking.
  9. So uh I just got Cubic Ninja and so now I'm trying to braindump Fates but immediately upon choosing it in braindump's game selector thingy I get black top screen and red bottom--no sign of any action. I tried the pre-release braindump that worked for me with Awakening, same result. I've got the special edition Awakening 3ds with a digital copy of Birthright which I'm selecting in the menu, with both other routes downloaded. (EDIT: if that matters...?) EDIT2: Oh wait snap I get the same "error" even with HANS hmmmmmmm okay apparently that's a common thing, so will the cfw guide linked above allow hacking even on a digital copy?
  10. Yeah I suggested the idea of making it a global reinforcement and Yeti said it would work as an easy way to get summoning in general but as always if you want a menu so you can actually decide where to summon to (pick up down left right instead of letting the game choose) then things get harder
  11. idk how technical you want but while i wait for my 3ds to charge i'm somewhat bored so Okay so uh the map generator creates maps by I guess making a 2d array of numbers, so like on a tileset where floor is 0, walls are 1, and a throne is 2, the data for a small fort might look like: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 This means that any tileset where floors are 0, walls are 1, and the throne is 2, can be used on this map and will look fine. As such, if you make an image: then it can be used instead of default tilesets. If you instead made: then you would give this the tileset data 2 0 1 (instead of 0 1 2) and it would work just as well. Any image of the correct size, if given the same number as is used in the map data, can be used as a tile. Now, if you wanted to make a custom tile 99 for a bed, you would simply go to the tileset data and add it as an option, then make sure that the map data uses 99 in the places you want. (There's more to it with how FEXNA specifically handles it but that's the idea I guess?)
  12. ngl summon staff would also be pretty cool if i could do it i hope so
  13. I've been a beta tester since beta testing began~ (well there was a period of time when Klok said we should rename it to alpha but I think we've gotten out of that to beta anyway)
  14. On one hand, I don't think sub categories are a bad thing. It takes very different skillsets and has very different results to make a nice-looking map, a nice-looking portrait, and a nice-looking battle sprite. Sound, on the other hand... There are kinda only two contenders and they're so different in what they did that it might not be quite fair. Also I don't think it would be a bad idea to have more types of writing-sort-of-awards since you want to encourage people to not just make good chapters in the future but also that people will be able to enter if they have writing focus? I dunno how much I can say about that, being such a non-writer. EDIT: also what's inventor award if that's the same as innovator then imo the latter is more intuitive EDIT2: alsoalso shock might want to go to anything with shock value, such as Revengeance's 180, not just grotesque things
  15. Huh, really? I don't remember that at all but that's interesting. But yeah I think revenants are a nice generic option for summoning since their lack of weapon triangle makes them unbiased. But again, we'll see if we get summoning at all...
  16. Why does everyone spell it that way, there's really only one revelation.
  17. Personally I actually usually use Markyjoe1990's Average Statter, set up like this (using a very average not great character for example): The modifications I made are basically that HP counts towards Totals as half a stat (in the beginning and end, I care less about the middle) Promotion gains always add up to 10 I'm mostly interested in final 20/20 stats but I do balance around other things, this is Ranserott, the Chapter 1 Cavalier, so he's in a great class with great availability, so his 20/20 stats tend toward the lower end but are quite usable. He averages just under 20 in every stat which I decided will be about the average for 20/20s. HP is a little lower, not quite Fates low but I do want to keep things aggressive. So defensive stats also tend to be lower. That's just the general idea. Might've missed things but have to go now so doop
  18. I mean it's true that a lot of awards would be biased by nature but considering all the things that came from this I feel like there should be recognition to the other sorts of effort made (and effort not made but ensuing...memes...etc)
  19. Magin: sure, there is currently no Necromancer and that would be neat. I don't know if it'll be implementable, so same boat as Holly I guess, but I'll definitely try! (One thing I feel like saying though is that the Necromancer class implies summoning revenants rather than phantoms...?) Kabocha: being that she's a staff Est I think it's fine for Kabocha to have some definitely above-average stats. Using those 20/-- numbers I went and got some 20/20 numbers and they're definitely high but nothing gamebreaking so considering the effort that goes into training I think that's at least more or less fine, but if I need to tune then I will? (this accounts for promo bonuses of 2/1/2/2/0/1/2) HP: 39.4 Mag: 28.7 Skill: 28.9 Spd: 26.1 Luck: 25.1 Def: 17.3 Res: 17.399999999999999 Total: 182.9 164.2 (hp counts as half a stat) (average totals for prepromotes at 20 is about 100-110, 20/20s with good availability tend to range 120-140 so yeah actually manages to look fine as-is) (Unless you actually want different distribution in which case sure) (wow there's a lot that goes into average statting lol in the future i think i will not do this and just use my sheet)
  20. I thought there were going to be more awards to cover a wider range of appeals due to the massively increased number of submissions? For example, the Bread Award.
  21. Nah, I think it's a fairly unique character and helps fill in the cast to be less nice justicey heroes of justice.
  22. omg yes I was totally going to do a thing with someone named something like Lancelot who uses another weapon type. Ranserott already exists and this guy does use lances though so maybe his name would be Axelot. Monk dude neat, though to clarify, can you talk with a Hero or just the main character?
  23. Because my art budget is so low, I couldn't even write replay on a box~
  24. Ah well, at least it created a wtf moment XD
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