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Everything posted by 47948201

  1. at base: sword units: 22exclusively 4primarily 4secondarily lance units: 8exclusively 4primarily 7secondarily axe units: 11exclusively 4primarily 2secondarily bow units: 7exclusively 1primarily 1secondarily magic units: 16exclusively 5primarily 5secondarily staff units: 15 armored units:6 horse units:12 flying units:10 potential: sword units: 14exclusively 11primarily 6secondarily lance units: 6exclusively 6primarily 12secondarily axe units: 8exclusively 7primarily 9secondarily bow units: 5exclusively 3primarily 4secondarily magic units: 8exclusively 14primarily 12secondarily staff units: 24 armored units:6 horse units:16 flying units:11 So, what do these weird badly-formatted numbers mean? The number of units that can, right when they're recruited, use swords is 30 use lances is 19 use axes is 17 use bows is 9 use magic is 26 use staves is 15 take armored damage is 6 move around on a horse is 12 fly is 10 The number of units that can theoretically (that is, including promotions) use swords is 31 use lances is 24 use axes is 24 use bows is 12 use magic is 34 use staves is 24 take armored damage is 6 move around on a horse is 16 fly is 11 At least, if I didn't screw up. These are approximate anyway, but we can generally see a few things: it seems very few units use another weapon type then gain swords upon promotion (I think there's only one, a fighter that I made who promotes to hero) whereas several units gain the other weapon types and many gain magic (mostly staff users) there are far fewer bow-users than any other type. I think I'll add a Nomad, but maybe one or two more bow users probably wouldn't hurt. there aren't a lot of armored units. An observation I made is that nobody joins as a general, either. only one unit actually gains flight upon promotion, which isn't a terrible thing, but it's interesting to note. Likewise, nobody gains armor, and not a lot of units gain horses. Not all of these are bad things that want addressing, but I felt they were worth pointing out. (EDIT: woo, placed units up to chapter 15! Still need to event, I'm procrastinating a bit because doors and chests xP)
  2. I have general plans for every chapter up to 15, including maps with units placed up to about chapter 11. I have events for up to around chapter 6. No dialogue yet, though. I have a general idea of the flow of the rest of the game, I'm working it out on the sheet. Once I get through that, I'll start adding events and units for the rest of earlygame. (In other words, I haven't done a ton of solid work lately, largely planning out skills and later chapter general ideas) EDIT: oh my current project on that front right now is playing through what I have and rebalancing the bosses because lol some of these
  3. *adds* (but like idk if there's something specific that's character-related that you want to know you can ask, but I'm not going to dump the backstories and stats of the entire roster here partly because a lot of the stuff I do is subject to change)
  4. I guess you'll find out when the game releases☆
  5. All righty. Also, as for the boss squad, do they all have a bunch of generic enemies under them too, or are they unaffiliated with larger groups...?
  6. Well it's uhhh whatever feels right lol based on how useful they are when they join, how fast they'll grow when they join, and how useful they'll be at endgame EDIT: credit to teraspark https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6YItteXuyQGTDNPRDFNMFNhTUk/view?usp=sharing credit to genocike https://www.dropbox.com/s/2rrvng0grckjl77/Fem%20Bow%20Paladin.rar?dl=0 credit to bluedruid https://www.dropbox.com/s/adn2r4novnlwmcb/GriffonKnightrevpal.zip?dl=1 just a few of the other things people might like to use, I don't think these are on the SF Animation Resource Directory (I know a griffon is, but I'm not sure if it's the updated one) (there are also some people towards the end of the sheet, old mugs of mine that don't have names or in some cases even classes. If people want to "adopt" and adapt them, go ahead)
  7. Yeah Galeforce+Warp doesn't sound too overpowered to me because you can't warp somewhere and activate Galeforce from there, so it has to be on the second attack which basically forgoes half the benefit of Galeforce, plus limiting the regions from which you can attack. Its best use would probably be for extreme hit-and-run.
  8. Despite being clunky to use, Warp is a great skill. But it kinda takes attention away from Shadowgift, which really helps Midori's Miracle build shine by adding reliability. I messed up and didn't give her my first Witch's Mark, but I look forward to fixing that mistake soon~
  9. Lol yeah no most of the regions are still pretty Europe-based, as are the weapons and such, so yeah. I think maybe 5% people with slightly darker skin and maybe a couple with lighter skin would fit pretty well considering the number of desert/snow maps I'm planning (about 2 of each) Obviously not going for exactly that number, just a rough idea. EDIT: cool okay made a secret private sheet where I'm averaging out characters' stats courtesy of Markyjoe1990's Average Statter, and changing a lot of things, so far up to the 30th recruitable character, Nerric. Mostly peoples' stats pretty much make sense, though I'm leaving their bases alone and cutting growths. If you prefer having lower bases and higher growths instead, feel free to say so so I can balance your character that way instead of like this. For those curious of the sorts of stats we're talking about, here's the sheet of the phenomenally average Ranserott: Being in a good class with great availability, he's a teensy bit weaker than, say, the archers, but yeah.
  10. Yeah no no problem what you say makes sense. I don't mean that I need to have actual really-dark-skinned people, but at least more than two of them being tan seems like a good idea as a way to make characters look a bit more distinct across the giant roster, as well as maybe place them throughout the area (or from one of the port towns)
  11. Aware of all of those, but the continent in question has biome variety, and while obviously desert does not an African make (there are plenty of deserts all over, but all the actual specific ethnicities currently present are coincidental anyway--Tipa isn't really connected to Earth in any way, so it would have its own), people from that area will tend to have darker skin than those from the snowy regions, which you generally don't notice in Europe due to its location and spread. (basically Hawkeye Jaffar etc)
  12. I'm not into all that politically correct diversity whatever stuff but I feel like pointing out, we just hit over 100 total characters (there are about 20 ingame that aren't on the sheet because they join so early) and the grand total of ethnic diversity present is 3 Chinese girls and tan-skin Linn, and Jesus if I decide to add Him (haven't decided yet) (Oh and presumably Kabocha but even with all them the number/average skin color is uh yeah) We have some characters of other races, but the visual variety is a bit lacking. Not that I think that's evil or whatever, but it's more interesting to look at a roster with some more color, probably. (if that means adding a green-skin goblin dude, then what the heck I'll do it) (EDIT: okay that's still another race but whatever)
  13. XDD that is amazing 100% yes
  14. Fun fact, if you visit enough other castles (I think it's like 30 something) then the game will start to "forget" its list of castles you've visited, letting you re-visit the earlier ones before the 24-hour rollover. If you're particularly crazy, you could probably visit the same castle 3 times in an hour.
  15. Yaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssssss c:
  16. Advance sounds kinda like lunge but uhhh actually sure and it'll be not-a-command Okay uh the story Yeah I'm not letting sprites go to waste as placeholders unless they're really bad lol (and even then I might include some, idk)
  17. Yeah they're just reference notes for me on what the name of the map file is for the map, since I'm naming unit data Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc., but I'm naming the map files stuff like darkencounterfirst (abbreviated daenfir) And yeah that makes sense, would be neat. (also, added bosses, planning out chapter order now. Of note, I'm almost filled up on chapters--not all of them have concrete ideas, but I'll soon run out of space for new chapter ideas)
  18. For the mega offense build pairings don't matter a lot since you'll be away from your partner most of the time except possibly on enemy phase--anyone with shelter is a good choice since you can make them shield you and your Life-Or-Death-ness (then Azura warpsings to get you moving again) (and of course it doesn't hurt if they're offensive too, maybe the opposite kind of damage you are so you can cover more bases with the second attack)
  19. welp chrome crashed but okay cool added stuff a thing I was thinking of for Ana was to way nerf her def/res but give her dragonskin, maybe idk
  20. I think I've gotten that, I didn't pay it much mind but I don't think it was with Effie so yeah probably just a general thingy (general the quantifier, not the class)
  21. Added some monster skills. Gorgon Gaze sounds weird to give to something in the Mogall family since Gorgons are their own class... Quick Draw is kind of a better Anticipation, but it'll slow down enemy phase and more importantly sounds like too much to code EDIT: and then klok happened and there's a new skill sheet with some new skills, new names, and generally better formatting. I'm keeping the old one too though, just in case. If you see something you don't like--or something you do, well, '3'
  22. The way Yeti handles crossbows is just that crossbowmen all have a skill that makes their bows behave differently: I think they have multipled might and 1-2 range but the user's strength is used for AS calculation instead of damage or something. All of which I can do. Xird will go on the boss list when he has a portrait. Having dialogue, Igzerd wants a portrait the most--Loup and Blinky can feasibly use modified monster cards for their images if nobody wants to make those. ...Though, come to think of it... Okay, I might have an idea, but that's the general priority order--obviously everyone wants portraits, but the difficulty of doing monster portraits makes Igzerd (and Xird who will basically be an edit of the same sprite) the most important there
  23. Crossbows are uncertain. The main thing is, I don't know if I'll be allowed to use the crossbowman sprite. Which is unfortunate and limiting and stuff but uhhh you can make an archer and lore it to supposedly use crossbows or something if you want (with a personal skill and stuff)
  24. wow i am the best at filling in sheets (edit: oh it's not as awful as i first thought guess i'm tired)
  25. Oh cool I was looking at that mug but didn't know what to do with it, now I do c: I will say a couple things, first, I can't guarantee the existence of Wind, does Aircalibur work? Second, wow, 13 constitution going on 17? That's, like, the second-most in the game lol I can do it if you want but I just wanted to make sure you know what you're doing with that, like if she's actually some secret dragon race or whatever *adds @both*
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