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Everything posted by 47948201

  1. I put a little guide thingy off to the side, basically if a unit's primary weapon is swords, it coutns (lol why did it not give me red squigglies at first) for 2. So 21 could mean 10 units who use swords either exclusively or better than their other weapon plus one unit who uses some other weapon plus swords, or 21 units who can use swords but have higher ranks in other weapons, or anything inbetween. It's arranged by chapters, just like the class recruitment table--if one chapter has two units whose main weapon type is swords, it gets a 4 there. Garon like, uh, that Garon? Is there a portrait for him we can use? If so, sounds great--I'm hoping to include one other character from that game, but that's another story~
  2. The boss page is mostly for me to not forget the characters and lose their mugs and stuff, Arulle is a bit of a special case but okay updated the image on the first sheet
  3. Been adding stuff to the doc, there are only a few unplanned Earlygame chapters left, so if you want someone to have an appearance there, please say so sooner rather than later! (Also, I caught a unit in the thread that I missed when adding people to the doc, be sure to let me know when stuff like that happens!)
  4. 47948201


    Well that's all I can think of, having not used FEXP in forever and not having RMXP on this computer to check, so maybe you should plop your project here for someone who is able to open it and say what's going on?
  5. 47948201


    Yeti hasn't included the female swormaster sprite (actually even in my version of FEXNA, there's just the default male one), but Klok has probably made it, ask him.
  6. 47948201


    From Klok's ultimate tutorial: (if you weren't aware, even numbers including 0 are male, odd numbers starting at 1 are female. So you could have a General gender 0 for normal generals, then one with special armor for hector and gender it 2 and he'll use that battle sprite but all the regular class data)
  7. 47948201


    Yeti's Generals can't use axes, I think they use swords, so you have to change that in the class data. Changing a class' gender, I think gender is tied to specific units rather than classes, so you'd make the actor or generic use a different gender (for actors, I think it's in their Max MP)
  8. Oh wait what I totally forgot you were doing that because I was like ehhh I don't want to make you blah blah and spend my one request on oh hey some Fates sprites I wonder if perhaps there's any chance that maybe you wouldn't mind terribly doing that Nohr royal person with the cinnamon buns and stuff I mean no rush and if you don't want to that's fine too and *rolls away*
  9. herpity lol whoops i've been desensitized to any word related to conservation becaaaause ooofff reasons but okeydokey I think adding him but uh so Traveler class swaps between monk and priest sprites depending on what's equipped, but what about unequipped? Map sprite? the + skills uhhhh hm maybe to some of them idk sound like endgame/boss stuff, a bridge to cross a long time from now (I haven't been making a lot of progress for the past week or so because playing fates school but hopefully next week I'll be able to get back into actual content production)
  10. (oh so boss squad isn't a squad of bosses, just dudes who are boss, right) lol uhhhh instead of luck% chance to consume staff use, do you mean luck% chance to not? I mean making a downside to higher stats would be interesting, but it is luck, of all stats... Chapter names uhhh those are cool names but lol I wasn't even thinking about chapter names, I'll keep that in mind though.
  11. loluhhhhsure sounds like an interesting boss hmmm I think I'll try Tribal Drumming if I can, otherwise Tribe's Fury sounds simple enough. Yeah a similar idea but that's less limiting is to make it so a certain character finishes off the boss, or heck, maybe I'd do something like Fates' big brother chapters, except you can choose any unit for the duel and if you can best the chief with your mighty warrior then you have proven yourself blah blah blah (not sure if gargoyles would talk or there'd be a translator, maybe the translator also joins but idk)
  12. (huh, interesting... a very minor note but I'm going through my gyazo history and it seems at some point I started off unable to use my silver bow--I had to get weapon experience with the iron bow, meaning I couldn't have initially been used to fight the spear enemies since I'd probably die before getting to where I could kill them *shrug* as it stands, Marc ended up having fun wrecking stuff, so I guess it worked out)
  13. You can have a 5-chapter mini arc for all I care lol the gargoyles are probably getting like 3 chapters
  14. This game is about bread, which automatically makes it the best game on this entire subforum.
  15. Oh I can still use Naglfar but personally as a player I tend to prefer not waiting like 10 seconds for a spell animation but I can do it if you prefer yeah
  16. Okay yeah I don't have that so I'll take it I guess lol (I might shorten the Naglfar animation to make it take less time, which parts are the most important, in case I do?)
  17. 50 chapters is about what I often see (or, saw) from beginners planning their first hack and it's going to be so epic with this awesome story and FE4-sized maps and all custom graphics and sound and of course it never gets made. I plan to get around that length, but by doing some simplification on the writing and maps and letting other people handle lots of the characters (and also by this not being my first game). It's basically the opposite of what Xiao Emblem was/will be, if you remember that. EDIT: Also, what's Stanford promote to? EDIT2: Also, does Mephisto use SoS animation or Naglfar animation...?
  18. oh snap O: i'll uh be consulting you when i get to that chapter for stuff but uh i should say I don't think I can code that skill, sorry :v
  19. Hmmm yeah I could differentiate them with skills much better than people could in GBA. Because of there being two, I don't want to make one of them able to kill, though if they had a way to attack nonlethally that could be interesting. Will think about it.
  20. Yeah dancers can infinitely grind each other and infinitely move across a map but only if unobstructed--they can't fight, so it's not like you can one-turn walk over to the boss and kill them or seize the throne or anything unless you make one of them rescue a unit that can ohko the boss but generally speaking that would take a critical hit so you're putting yourself at a pretty big risk. If you want to sit there and level them up you're free to do so, since they can't fight it's not like you'll suddenly have super overpowered units. So I don't really see any issues~ (and cool sure @stanford and hector-recolor)
  21. Oh right, Movement, I forgot about that one since it's DLC and I didn't use it in Awakening (movement bonus from Heart, but this time around a male wants to rallybot because of Spectrum--you can get that without amiibo, right?)
  22. Shigure seems like a good candidate for rallybot, but what rallies are generally best, and on a possibly related note, what father does he want?
  23. Yeah, I just like pointing things like that out to people to make sure, in case they balanced their character around something I can't do.
  24. Yeah okay that's fair enough @both though @latter it just means someone will have to make it and you can't really control how they do it but those are pretty specific references so though I feel like asking, what's the con growth? Is it constitution, like in FE5? Those are really, really high rates if that's the case (and I'm not doing constitution growth anyway) but if it's for something else then I don't know what that is?
  25. Everyone sounding good so far! As another game-length confirmation, @Skornvorax, those chapter numbers are taking into account about 50 total maps, so they're both earlygame, right? @Fateborn: if you want o3o and omg not gonna lie it's going to be pretty hilarious when Nexus promotes, I like it XD
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