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Everything posted by 47948201

  1. So erm you mean you were thinking of the place in the game chapter 10-12 was in PoR, so a little over a third the way through? Or that the chapter would be based on one of those chapters in PoR? Or...? (lol)
  2. I haven't looked yet, is there any way to refresh armory items with limited stock?
  3. lol I feel like I'm going to have to end up putting Magvel next to this continent but sure why not that lets me do some stuff And so uh chapter 10-12, keeping in mind that's still solidly within Earlygame, right? Not that there's a problem either way, a normal Soldier would be a good addition in either place, just making sure.
  4. If enemies all have about 50% hit rates, you can't tell if the designer meant for you to get hit by most of them or try to dodge them, which can be bad, too.
  5. I think there's honestly more space for some of everything. I really want to give the player a steady stream of units so they have lots and lots of options of who to use throughout the entire game.
  6. Hmmm I wasn't sure about including more than one bard/dancer, but... Well, what the heck, what's the worst that could happen~! And yes, you can submit pretty much anything! But I can change the numbers, and graphically... If it doesn't get graphics, it won't be added, so if you want to add something that most people wouldn't want to sprite, and you don't want to sprite it, (or nobody can sprite it to an acceptable level, though of course in certain instances the expected level of quality might be a bit lower) it'll just be left as an idea here...
  7. Skill and luck are generally considered pretty useless to just get one point in, but having more of those stats can go a long way towards helping reliability.
  8. A quick search returned nothing and I'm too busy eating Flamin Hot (con limon) Cheetos to look much harder but this is a combination I see quite often, but why? I know hot and sour are among the only flavorings you can add without nutritional detriment, and typing that, hot and sour soup is a thing (I don't like) but like is there something special about the flavors of these together that are amazing?
  9. I typed this up last night but then had to go to bed, I'll let it do the explaining for me: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/4dv72q/can_we_try_and_get_clothing_changing_in_fates/ (I'm sure other people were disappointed, so we should totally do something about it, considering how comparatively simple it would be for them to do!)
  10. Does it still or did it just before~ Anyway added lots of stuff to the TODO page! A lot of it is just simple "what affinity?" stuff. Spriting stuff that's not bolded means I think someone is working on them, while bolded things are available to be picked up. At least, I think--if you're doing a thing and it's bolded, let me know!
  11. Okay cool that sounds good uh what ever could you possibly mean about him only having one class listed ~'3'~ Continue like Adept? Sure, and okay don't worry too much about insertability for battle sprites, I can do pretty much anything~
  12. (I found it a good idea to make sure my tanks for the general part (Xander and Benny, both in defense stance with Great Knights) weren't doing a ton of damage, to limit the number of enemies that could attack them, but that's because my magic units and stuff were strong enough to clean up so if yours aren't then yeah ignore me)
  13. herp also promotion quotes when necessary but okay cool yay Calenbald sounds cool, roger that! Camilia and Lyallone also sound cool, though I'll probably nerf that Angelicus skill--what's more important, the increased healing amount, or increased healing range? (There's a skill that just gives +5 to healing and that's already pretty good for the level of stats in the game) Also, what sorts of sprites would those classes use? I haven't counted the total available skill slots, but I know there's at least space for 4 (though you probably want the Flight skill which includes the Canto effect, so 3. Magic bane would turn him into an interesting unit, since he normally has high defense but low resistance for a pegasus-type unit) and cool yay
  14. Yeah using the open source gallery, the worst-case scenario is that two characters end up looking identical, but a quick glance at who's in the first sheet linked in the first post should confirm that the sprite you want isn't already used (I don't think anybody's using anything from there at the moment, other than a few of my own characters but prooobably don't worry too much about that) My ideal character submission contains all of the following in some way: Name Portrait (I very much prefer that it's provided and in GBA or FEXP format, but at least an appearance description) Affinity Class(es) (base class and one promotion or promoted base class) (ideally something that uses existing sprites, be they from any of the GBA games, the Animation Resource thread, or your own creation) Preferred inventory and equippable weapons per class (example: one character is a Knight that uses Bows and something else (I think lances) and because sprites for that exist, that's totally cool) General join time (earlygame, midgame, lategame, or anywhere inbetween. Note that earlygame proper is filling up, but there are some spots left) Personal Skill if desired (it's totally optional but hey they're cool) Some description of stats Some description of dialogue/information (R-button info, level-up quotes (planned on using 3 tiers but many people submit 4, in which case I'll just choose) recruitment and possibly some scenario/support talking, or boss quote (always death quote)) Some description of recruitment/encounter conditions (anywhere from just how they're recruited (from chapter start, red unit you talk to with hero) to a full chapter idea) If you've got all that, it's unlikely I'll reject your character unless there's something in particular I dislike about them that you refuse to budge on (I don't think this has happened yet though, at worst it'll just result in lots of TODO stuff and a sad me) I think I'll go ahead and add that to the first post for reference, too~ (did I forget anything that I've been bothering people about missing?)
  15. I found it pretty effective to pour all my units down the left side with the Faceless and stuff. I'm pretty sure the enemy AI is triggered when doors are broken, so you should be able to hit it and retreat with shelter/azura/etc? Iago was super annoying with his absurd crit rate omg, I can't imagine getting that to a safe level so I used Rally Resistance on my highest-resistance unit (Kaze) and paired him up and stuff so he could barely survive a critical and just put him there. (EDIT: well okay Niles had higher resistance but for some reason Kaze took less damage idk)
  16. Not that I'm expecting this many, but I can probably accommodate ~150 total characters. So far, the number of user-submitted PCs is about 20% that.
  17. Oh okay then I'll add Kellen's frame-spriting to the list, unless you're rather do it? (for all the posting going on there's not much that I feel I should directly reply to lol but that's not a bad thing)
  18. Sounds like a neat take on axe users, one the type probably needs. Portraits in GBA format are nice, though if you really wanted to you could put them in FEXP format (like if you wanted to make your own battle faces, though note that most characters won't have them) Battle animations, if you have a gif and a sheet that'd be cool, if not I'll just take a sheet with any sort of formatting and I'll handle the timing/placement myself. Oh hey stat modifier weapons uhhh yeah I'm keeping stuff like that in mind in case someone shows up that needs balancing yeah.
  19. There isn't really a cutoff--I plan to leave a few spots open for each arc so that in a pinch I can fit additional characters in even if I'm working on endgame. That sort of scenario, it'd probably take something of an impressive character to convince me to add them early-mid game, but the point is, there's plenty of time and plenty of space, especially for bosses!
  20. Actually that kinda reminds me, maps without unit placement are in a way sort of incomplete, whereas a portrait is a portrait and stands on its own? (I mean not really but I kiiinda get that impression)
  21. Part of it might be that portraits/sprites in general are much closer to the kind of thing most artists do in whatever other medium they have experience in, and since we know what people look like and have much experience seeing art of people as opposed to really taking a look at landscapes or game areas.
  22. O: I hadn't even considered making any of them based on Nomad Trooper, that sounds like it should be interesting~
  23. Kellen looks pretty cool, I might know where to put him. What was/were the face source(s), or do you have frames on hand? (though, the place I'm thinking of doesn't have another Cavalier to join with him--if someone else submits another Cavalier though, I can make a later chapter where they join together, or he could join with Blanc who's not really a Cavalier but he is a mounted knight so?) And oh are you doing Mondo's sprite? I'll go ahead and remove that from the TODO if so. As for the chapter, hm, it sounds a lot like the previous idea of the tides, except plus rain... I might try seeing what I can do with rain, but I feel like events that hamper unit movement are mmmm :v
  24. All righty so I'll just leave the name of Shira's class to be Sage, but it functions differently to normal Sages. @ryestuff sure makes sense o3o Oh Rolo gives statboosts to nearby dark mages? I thought it was that his narcissism gave him a stat boost from being near dark mages, which would've been a teensy bit harder to code (but I do plan to add it anyway so sure either way) (yeah actually I know someone else who has a thief character with canto in their game, it's pretty cool. So unpromoted he has Steal/Pick+Canto, then promoted he loses both, or?) IN GENERAL, classes will have about 1 skill each, meaning promoted classes have one skill of their own plus whatever they had when unpromoted. In addition, characters can have one personal skill. At least, that's the general plan--many exceptions obviously exist on all fronts. Don't you have a computer to be getting?
  25. Oh lol of course, the easiest way to make a hard counter is to actually code it to have an advantage against what it's supposed to counter, all righty. Uhhhhh I can't think of much else to say in this post so I guess I'll go ahead and get to that Sheet 3, so I guess look out for that? EDIT: Did it, check out sheet 3, let me know if I messed up, and if possible I wouldn't mind if you could do some spriting too~ Speaking of, just did a quick run through the NICKT COLLECTION :D Found a possible sprite for Nexus:
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