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Everything posted by 47948201

  1. Yeah I think maybe I'll save that for the early side of midgame though, I'll have another recruitable flier in that chapter too so it's a bit easier to manage. What would be a good stat distribution for an air supremacy unit, I never really used kinshi knights (still on like chapter 21 of Conquest) Did you want one of those battle sprites instead of the BwdYeti Halberdier? I can add them if we have permission and a full animation.
  2. if i were good at spriting i'd whip up a quickie of him in really feminine armor Okeydokey so the reference is there, I should probably also make a sheet to better-organize what needs doing and what's available to help. The animation resource directory thingy does have bow-using wyvern rider/lord battle animations, I kept seeing those but wasn't sure how to feel about a class but sure that would fill that pretty easily and there isn't even an earlygame wyvern rider yet so doop
  3. Sure, I mean I really have plenty of space for anything but yeah there are comparatively few archers (which makes sense, there are fewer classes that use bows, at least for tier 1s) Is that description for Gardy, so I should change from "Sprite incoming?" to "Make sprite!"? And to make sure, what sort of Knight armor do you mean? And all right got i--oh lol i forgot to ask about appearance, or did I already ask and just not write it down uhhh
  4. teeheeā˜† (not the goal but sure lol) and lol uh i meant hopefully i can code them without too much trouble, command skills are by far the hardest to implement. But yes, I absolutely want to add Cover, Shove, Swap, and maybe even a Switch? (unit also has a skill that lets them rescue units despite having low con, or can be rescued despite having high con) Actually, skills like Astra, Luna, and Sol are already command skills in FEXNA, I need to change them back to activation. I do plan to keep some mastery gauge command things, though, yeah. Again staff. Charge somewhat exists, hm Timid is a good characterization thing for that skill, I do want to add it. Wall is interesting, sounds good. Debuff attacks hmmm sure. HP full activation, sure. That version of Miracle, already going to add. Finisher and Underdog and oh Skyfaire looks cool.
  5. Uh, really, levels at 1/15 then 5/10? Awakening does it at 1/10 then 5/15 so you can't promote without learning the second T1 skill, and the T2 skills are more spaced out. But okay uhhh I'm not sure if I'll be able to do command rallies, but I know I can do passive rallies so I'll do that as a just-in-case, but hopefully I can get some more command skills going in here. Capture, however, would be a whoooole heck of a lot of coding, and to make it available only on one unit towards the end of the game (ie many players aren't going to ever use it) is uhhh yeah for me probably not worth the effort. (additional effort being balancing the game around the player having it but not necessarily using it, Capture is kind of a big deal and is nontrivial in many respects)
  6. Cool, got it! Did you say her affinity or promotion? (any class with a GBA sprite!)
  7. In case you didn't see on Youtube, Marc went to work and didn't have time to post this here:
  8. Sure, no rush~ No playtesters yet, but I've thought that once I finish the earlygame arc I'll send it to a person or two. Playtesting is necessarily closed, because the public isn't allowed to have FEXNA at the moment--otherwise there would probably already be a demo. Hmmm I'm not sure how exclusively untargeting AI would work, with a siege tome it'd be a bigger deal, but I think if it does work I should be able to work with that, yes.
  9. "Lucky save is miracle with 100% chance. It only has two uses however, so you do need to be quick in recruiting him." I want to do this, I think it would be a really useful item even in general. Thanks to a new thing Yeti's implementing/implemented, I think that sounds like a solid, doable chapter, will be sure to refer to it when I get to that point. uhh I was going to say something oh yeah there are a few sprites I could probably request, two of them I'm going to be super picky about though so uh but the third one is supposed to be a tough, gruff woodsman-y looking dude, I wouldn't mind if he looked something like a mid-level bandit. (that's in addition to the portraits I don't have for other peoples' characters, ie Kabocha, Blanc, Gris, Noir, Leila, and Fenix, as well as at some point Mondo, Aerune, Havok, and Zero (or did I just miss their descriptions herp very possible))
  10. Characters have their affinities next to their names, so Stephan an means Stephan (anima) Sheet 2 added! It has the recruitment times of different classes and what weapons they use (in order of proficiency), and by extension, possible spoilers about what the chapters may contain, if you're dumb like me and prefer to stay away from that stuff. It can also be used as a rough progress report, I guess--for example, all characters are decided for up to Chapter 5, and that's about as far as I've gone with polishing chapters. Some plans exist up to Chapter 9, and that's about as far as I've gone with rough drafts of chapters. (Worth noting, if you don't see your earlygame character on the sheet, don't worry about rushing them in--earlygame lasts until about Chapter 15)
  11. Okay I think I got the affinities so far. @anima tome changing based on terrain, I like the idea in general, but simplifying it to just Entangle is way simpler for the player to understand the battle stats of it, and way simpler for me to sprite c: I uh was working last night and I thought of a question about class distribution but I forgot uhhhh I guess I'll just do that yeah sure
  12. All light tomes have at least some crit rate, but they also have pretty poor might. Monks have a whopping 3% more defense growth than mages, and more resistance and luck, but that's it. It does give the impression they're basically easymode mages for the first few encounters with magic, but having critical hit rates at all on enemies in the early chapters of the game is all kinds of bad...
  13. Marc is also going to upload an edited version, whenever he edits that. It would probably be the better way to watch, cutting out the boring parts.
  14. I thought this was just Yeti being weird, making Monks way weaker than Mages in pretty much every way, but that's actually the case in FEGBA and I never noticed it before. Do people have arguments for generic enemy/NPC Monks continuing to be mega pathetic, or should they be balanced against Mages and Shamans?
  15. Hmmm, a gargoyle tribe chapter, and they live in a poisonous bog! Yeah that sounds like it should work. (The reason I think Entangle is much cooler than Sandstorm or Rock Riser or Geyser is that forests are a very common defensive terrain that most units can use, as opposed to only brigands or something) Also! I'm adding Wilhem now, and I am reminded, I need affinities! Choose from: Dark, Anima, Earth, Fire, Water, Ice, Light, Wind One popular way of deciding affinities if you can't decide personality-wise is to play FE7, since it associates each affinity with a birthmonth. (Also, as I'm adding Wilhem, what version of Wrath? It's different in every game lol)
  16. My vote is for the enemy hit--entangle them within the trees they tried to use for defense. also dude idk how does hair work i think i'll just leave graphics to other people and get back to designing the chapters lol it's been way too long since i sprited
  17. Oh wow I like the idea of Entangle. Moonlight also sounds pretty cool. well this isn't turning out quite like imagined, how do streak (*going to work on Shira's portrait now too, then Kabocha and Nexus unless someone else wants to do them*) EDIT: oh snap hi i remember you
  18. I am going to tweak the exp formula a bit but yeah fair enough, updated (I should also be able to get to his sprite later tonight) Dragonkin dude, sure if anyone wants to sprite it but I know I'm not.
  19. I wasn't planning on gaiden chapters, but if I decide everyone hits the level cap way too fast and just sit at 20 for the last third of the game or something then I'll move some to the side yeah. Rather than the tide being impassable, wouldn't it just slightly slow movement? So it's basically rain in Lyn's endgame, except it doesn't affect fliers. But fliers are already the units with the most mobility by far, so maybe, we'll see. That it would only affect certain tiles would help... Though, using the desert tileset for a beach map, that by itself is not a bad idea at all~
  20. Yeah that would make sense. The red cavalier isn't particularly hotheaded, but I think a speed burn would be fair to give Ranserott. pf rubber sword maybe also a tome that consumes hp when used, yeah I'm thinking of doing that. oh my ..I think I can do that, though, and it sounds pretty neat. I think I'll make a second page on the doc later today with chapter ideas, because this thread is getting long and I probably don't want to search through it all the way every time. Later.
  21. Ooh, pretty, it seems like it'd play something like that Stoneborn chapter in Birthright but with less stupid stuff.
  22. Cool makes sense maybe he will return and actually be the legendary hero O: pff actually I have no clue why it says Affi? I'd guess it's affinity but uhhhh that's a bow huh I might look into that. Ranserott is a lance-sword cavalier and the green of the duo. The archer is Ethelin, and she's kind of a standard GBA archer. and yeah lol rest assured, i just played the kitsune chapter in Conquest and i have no intention of replicating it. Hm optional S rank weapons I dunno maybe, I don't have much planned as far as endgame goes, so we'll see what happens~
  23. Fencer sounds Eirika, maybe not a generic unit but sounds like a good physical glass cannon unit for either player or boss. Dougan, cool, does he have a class or just whatever? I'm pretty sure that's the next chapter in Conquest for me lol might look into some of this stuff though, need to finish these games
  24. Yep, planning on adding glass weapons. I was also thinking about the hollow sword, and decided that hollow axe would actually make reasonable sense. AoE stuff, if Yeti adds it I'll have plenty to add especially since i don't need to make spell anims for it but otherwise welp
  25. Team divided chapter, what's that? Just one where you have to/are supposed to split your units into two or more groups to do things on a map? Plenty. Should be good on the others, too, eventually. Except maybe escape chapter. How should those work? In Thracia, any unit that doesn't escape disappears, but only of those fielded. A more modernized take on it, though, would basically just be a seize chapter. Erm, come to think of it, I do actually have one planned, though I guess I'd have to revise it so it's basically Fates seize--the chapter itself is based on escaping, and once any unit arrives on a certain tile then that's all you need to do? I dunno.
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