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Posts posted by Sammumu

  1. Hey, so I'm doing a ROM hack and I'm working on the first map, or trying to anyways. I open mappy and it works, the program is fine. I click New map, and then import aaand this appears http://prntscr.com/bqc1kk .So I used PNG files, because every download of maps that I did, where all PNG files. So I tried with other maps, one or two from each folder that I downloaded from different sites and stuff, and none of them worked. The video tutorial that I first saw used BMP files, so I decided that maybe that was better, although all of the files I had were PNG. So I converted one map and used it, and then the same error box appeared. I guess that it's compressed, and I have no idea how to un-compress it. I searched on google, obviously, but nothing helps. If anyone could help me I would be extremely thankful =) Thank you and have a nice day.

  2. Hey. So I'm currently working on a ROM hack of FE7, it's going to be about Game of Thrones. I'm starting off with basics and right now I'm working on a map, I have various programs and none of them seem to work. First of all, there's mappy. I first used PNG files from maps that I've downloaded from all over the web places like fireemblemuniverse and stuff like that, I have like five folders filled with maps and stuff. Whenever I start mappy and import a map this appears: http://prntscr.com/bqbuct . I decided to try out BMP, cause there was a video with a guy using BMP, so I converted a map that I had from PNG to BMP, and I couldn't do it, it was un-compressed. I have no idea how to do that, I've searched and nope. Nothing . Then there's the other program, the Mappy converter. This is used for when you have the map and you put the actual tiles like forests, armories and stuff like that, in game stuff not just what the map looks like. I just tried putting in a map that I had downloaded, PNG format, and it worked..? I think? It was really weird because a bunch of coding and numbers appeared around the map, and holes, black tiles. It's really weird ._. If I'm doing something stupid, incredibly wrong please tell me! Thanks and have a good day =)

  3. Hey, I know this is kind of an old topic, thread, whatevs, but I really couldn't download any tile sets anywhere else, and all of my research! Has brought me here. First of all, I'd like to say that I'm attempting of doing a ROM hack from FE8, and creating a story that follows some characters in the world of Game of Thrones. I'm a big fan of both the game of fire emblem, and the show of game of thrones, so I had the idea of putting them together.

    I'm having an issue though, whenever I import the tile sets to the mappy program I have, an error appears:

    "There was an error importing blocks, see the help file section on importing. Likely causes: LIBPNG12.DLL and ZLIB.DLL missing for PNG . BMP file is compressed. and BMP file is not the correct color depth.

    I've searched and read through the help file, and everything is correct, I really don't know what to do. I highly doubt anyone would respond to me, seeing how old this thread is cx But it would be awesome if someone could help me out with this.

    I'm not used to creating games, or any kind of computer projects. I've edited videos, and done small things, but this is definitely my biggest project yet.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who (hopefully) helped me cx and have a nice day!

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