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C. Turtle

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Everything posted by C. Turtle

  1. Day 5 goes to Lyn. Some of my votes may as well go to characters that actually have some sort of a chance of winning.
  2. I had another look through the presentation, and I didn't see Owain, but I did spot Odin during the group shot. Maybe that's what you saw? Inigo and Owain do technically appear in the trailer, along with Severa, but they appear as their Fates versions, Laslow, Odin, and Selena, as can be seen by their clothing in the group shot, which puts them as part of the first gen of that game. Tharja on the other hand, has always been first gen, and that was clearly not Rhajat.
  3. I find it interesting that the only Gen II character from Awakening and Fates is Lucina, who obviously gets precedence thanks to being part of the main plot. I wouldn't be surprised if they're being held off for later, maybe to go alongside Gen II of Genealogy. No beaststone-users either, along with there being no beaststone/fang/whatever icon along with the other attributes shown, so maybe they're being held back to go with all the Laguz in Tellius. Of course, they likely haven't shown all the base-game characters yet, so my theories here could easily be false.
  4. My votes so far: 1. Eirika 2. Mozu 3. Lute 4. Lissa ...I'll vote for some guys eventually.
  5. Nintendo Switch, because I don't have a New 3DS, and I don't plan on getting one.
  6. My third vote went to Lute. She is superior, after all.
  7. I'm probably part of a small minority here, but I'd actually like to see the TMS#FE characters make it into the game. Would that count as a collab, seeing as we can't vote for them in the Choose Your Heroes poll, and they're probably owned in part by Atlus or something.
  8. Based on the evidence given, namely that both young Tiki and adult Tiki are separate characters in the game, I'd hazard a guess and say that separate versions of characters, such as hailing from a different game (like PoR Ike vs. RD Ike) or if they change over the game (like Gen 1 Finn vs. Gen 2 Finn), are going to be counted as separate characters. Of course, I wouldn't go so far as to say it's guaranteed, seeing as how unclear the voting system for the poll has been. That said, I feel it would probably be a bit fairer if the different versions were counted as one for the sake of the poll, and then if the character won, whichever version got more votes was the version they used. Say, if Ike got the most votes in total between the two versions, but PoR Ike got 30 votes and RD Ike got 70 votes (gigantic underestimate for the sake of the example), then they'd base the special Choose Your Heroes unit on RD Ike. That seems like the fairest approach to me, but I have a feeling they're going to go with the method already suggested by many others in the thread. I dunno, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see, unless IS themselves decides to clarify for us.
  9. I make no such plans. If I get a character I like, I'll use them, but otherwise I'll just work with what I'm given. Planning your team in a gatcha game seems akin to planning your team in a randomised Pokemon game, unless you're willing to shell out the money to ensure you get the characters you want, which I am not.
  10. Day 1 was Eirika, Day 2's gonna be Mozu once I'm allowed to vote again. The rest is subject to change if I decide I like a certain character better than one of the ones on my list.
  11. I would love to see Fates' amiibo compatibility return for FE Switch. I mean, I didn't actually use the units themselves that much, mainly for personal reasons rather than due to the actual quality of the units themselves, but I did enjoy seeing them show up and having them meet Corrin (and ironically having no recollection of him, despite him being added to Smash before Fates' release outside of Japan). It was pretty neat. I don't know the general opinion of that feature, but if it was received well enough, they already have the system thought out, so they'd just need to tweak it a bit to fit with whatever game mechanics FE Switch has (e.g. if it doesn't have cosmetic options like Fates, obviously what they give you needs to be changed). While I do like amiibo for the most part, and have set out to collect every Fire Emblem amiibo, I feel like making a brand new line of FE amiibo just for FE Switch isn't the greatest idea. Nintendo already has so many amiibo they have no idea what to do with, with many only having one or two uses. While Fates' use of the FE amiibo was fun, I feel like it's not enough justify the introduction a brand new wave of amiibo that would do nothing outside of that game, and perhaps a weapon bonus or something in FE Warriors. I could see them introducing new amiibo for the game's protagonist(s), like FE Echos is doing, but if it's left as just what Fates did, and they try to add an entire new wave, the like of what you'd suggested, I feel like that's just gonna be a whole lot of amiibo that do a whole lot of nothing. Speaking of which, I'm actually more interested in the amiibo implementation in FE Echoes than I am in FE Switch. The no-brainer option would be that it's going to do what Fates did, or something similar, except with added compatibility for the Roy and Corrin amiibo as well. The issue then is what the Alm and Celica amiibo would do, seeing as how they're already in the game themselves. I have no idea what they're gonna do there.
  12. As far as I can tell, the site makes no mention of this. I suppose we'll find out tomorrow when we're allowed to vote again whether it lets us vote for the same character multiple times.
  13. Okay, will do. Didn't realise the title was unclear, but I can see how it would be.
  14. So, I've seen a handful of people rather confused about what the poll is for, and why we can vote for characters that are already confirmed to be in the game. Which I don't blame them for, the way it was worded in the Direct was rather misleading. Visiting the Choose Your Legends website and selecting "Event Details" explains it much better. As I understand it, the results of the poll are used in two ways, the first being what was mentioned in the Direct. The top voted male character and top voted female character will have special versions of them in the game, wearing special Choose Your Legends outfits, and will not be available upon release. This is why you are able to vote for characters that have already been confirmed; you aren't voting for the characters to appear in the base game, you're voting for a special version of the character game as a special event after release. The second use for the poll is special Fire Emblem wallpapers. Throughout the year, a new wallpaper will be distributed each month, starting with the top male and top female in March, then the second male and second female in April, all the way to the tenth male and female in December. As far as I can tell, the site does not make it clear whether the male and female characters will get separate wallpapers, or whether the two will be combine into one wallpaper for the month. Hopefully that helps clear things up for people. I know I was kinda confused before I read that too. If I've got any of this blatantly wrong, feel free to correct me, and I'll go ahead and update the post with correct information.
  15. The vote is for the characters to appear as special event characters, appearing with a special outfit or something. The vote is not to decide which characters will appear in the game in the first place. The way it was phrased in the Direct was misleading. At least, that's how I understood it from the way it's phrased on the website.
  16. So, now we have the official confirmation of what FE Mobile is; Fire Emblem Heroes. And with it, the confirmation that the game will feature at least some original characters, even though the cast is predominantly made up of returning heroes. Which begs the question; will these new characters make their way in FE Cipher, and if so, in what form? It's entirely possible that more original characters are waiting in the wings, yet to be revealed, but so far we only have a four new characters, plus another new playable Anna, assuming the player's summoner isn't an actual character in the game's world. These characters could make their way into Cipher (seeing as they took the time design and create new original characters, why not use them?), but that small amount is obviously not enough to fill its own separate colour. The last time we got representation for a game with only a small amount of original playable characters (TMS#FE), they were thrown in with existing colours (Red and Blue), but they at least had ties to those worlds, while Heroes seems to boast an original setting. Of the top of my head, I can sorta see two ways it could work if there aren't any more original characters waiting; 1. The characters are grouped together with White and Black. While Heroes doesn't predominantly tie itself to Fates (aside from getting a good showing in the opening movie, thanks to the 3D models already being available), the colours themselves do seem to tie in with the Astr Kingdom and the Emblian Empire, and the designs of the characters who hail from either kingdom. I see this one as less likely, if only because we just got two Fates sets, and by the time they're ready to do one again, it seems like Heroes is gonna be getting old, and promoting it won't be their priority. 2. The characters appear in multiple different colours, like the Cipher mascots. Considering they hail from a game that pulls together heroes from all across the Fire Emblem series, I think it's not too much of a stretch to imagine these characters appearing in multiple different colours, providing support for the various different heroes they can summon in game. The problem with this approach is unless we got a set containing a multitude of different colours to introduce them all at once, it could result in the Heroes characters taking up additional slots in other sets, much like the mascots currently do, which I imagine some collectors looking for characters of a certain game might find frustrating. That's basically the best I can come up with if the game lacks a large enough original cast to fill out a colour by itself. Of course, this is all assuming the game even gets represented at all in Cipher, but considering TMS#FE got a set, I'd be kinda surprised if Heroes is left out. Anyone else got any ideas? Would you even want these characters in Cipher in the first place?
  17. According to the Choose Your Legends website, the vote is not to get the in the game, the characters voted for just get special event outfits in the game. After all, a lot of the characters they mentioned were already seen in the gameplay footage.
  18. I unfortunately haven't had the opportunity to play through most FE games, and I could only really answer for the ones I've played (or am still playing). My choices are below, in case anyone cares.
  19. For the most part, I did enjoy how the Avatar was handled in Awakening and Fates, and certainly wouldn't mind seeing it return. That said, more customisation options would certainly be nice. I also don't mind their involvement in the story, and while I feel Robin was handled better, my gripes with Corrin mainly stem from him as a character and Fates' story itself, rather than him being the main character. I think it would be possible to have an Avatar as the main character and actually do it well, but I also think IS doesn't really know how, so it's probably better to have the Lord as an actual character, with the Avatar being there supporting them. That said, if Avatars do stick around, avatarsexuals need to stop being a thing. Please.
  20. Fire Emblem Warriors, and also the part where Bomberman's not dead.
  21. Welp, this game convinced me to get a Switch. I'm super hyped. I'm kinda hoping that we at least get most of the main Lords in the game (along with some other plot important characters, as evidenced by Ryoma and Xander's swords being the trailer), or at least Roy, Ike, and Robin to go with the swords already shown, but after Hyrule Warriors started with only OoT, TP, and SS after promising "If you have a favourite Zelda character, you'll finally be able to play as them", I'm not getting my expectations too high. Even if it is just Archanea, Ylisse, and Unnamed Fates Continent to start with, I'd be down with that, seeing as how my FE history isn't as broad as most people's on here, and I (mostly) enjoyed Awakening and Fates. If it is just those three, I'd fully expect the other continents to get represented through DLC at some point. So yeah, I'm hyped.
  22. I thought it was that you had to level it up near the Ice Rock that Glaceon uses, but according to Bulbapedia, you just need to level it up on Mt. Lanakila... which is where the Ice Rock is anyway.
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