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C. Turtle

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Everything posted by C. Turtle

  1. "I seem to have embarked on such a grand adventure that I've ended up in the wrong game." ~ Shovel Knight. Shovel Knight's at it again, invading the world of yet another indie game. This time it's the upcoming 3D collect-a-thon, Yookah-Laylee. This marks Shovel Knight's 14th cameo appearance, according to the Shovel Knight wikia, and honestly, this is really getting out of hand. The dude's literally everywhere now. I'd probably be less irked if they justified it by using his amiibo or something like Gunvolt did, but considering Yookah-Laylee is multiplat, that doesn't seem to be the case.
  2. What is up with all these digital security questions? In any case, yes I do. Trend Micro.
  3. Woah, Emma got Yellow? I was so sure it was gonna be Lando because Horse Emblem. I guess Malig Knight Emma will have to wait another day. It is good that they're giving the mascots new unpromoted cards too, I reckon. They could only go on so long with having only one unpromoted card, with so many promoted cards in different colours.
  4. I mean, this is basically what I imagined FE Mobile would be, except basically no story and more multiplayer focused.
  5. I chose Rowlet, and I'll probably be sticking with it. None of the starters really appealed to me to start with, but Rowlet grew on me. It also kinda helps that none of the new other Grass-types have really appealed to me, while there are other Fire- and Water-types I could see myself using.
  6. I've stuck with Moon since Lunala was revealed. None of Sun's exclusives have particularly swayed me, and I may actually end up using Oranguru if I end up ditching Bruxish. The only issue is the inverted day-night cycle, but that's fixed easily enough by changing the clock on my 3DS.
  7. I did a thing of one of my non-FE related characters. Her name's Bubbles. I call this "A Dash of Mystery". The proportions and perspective are sooo off in this drawing, but I wasn't in the mood to fix it. I swear I am going to draw something other than OCs eventually. After my exams are over.
  8. Only 97? Interesting. I was kinda thinking we'd maybe get one of that form, and one of final form, but then final form would come first I'd think, judging by how the cards are usually ordered. Now I'm wondering what 98 is. Hidden Truths form? That could have a lower cost than this form. ...I probably should have just put this in a spoiler tag and saved myself the effort of speaking in such roundabout terms.
  9. Personally, I have no problem with characters returning in another game, provided the game they're returning in takes place within the same world, and within a similar enough timeframe that the character would still be alive, a la FE6/7, FE9/10, and even FE1/2/3. Even if they're not relevant to the plot as a whole, at least they're not travelling across the bounds of time and space just to be there. When the character has no real logical reason as to why they're there, don't include them. Don't sacrifice sense for fanservice. (Lookin' at you, Awakening trio.) Anna's a special case. She's good.
  10. - Focus on making one game instead of three. - Keep the amiibo compatibility, and add compatibility for Roy (and Corrin if he ever gets released). - Bring back light magic, possibly have the weapon triangle and trinity of magic connected, like how Fates added the ranged weapons to the weapon triangle. - On that note, perhaps add a new ranged weapon to fill the gap left by tomes. - Keep shuriken and ninjas. Ninjas are cool. - If they have to include child units, have it make sense in the story. - Don't have everyone able to support everyone. Don't have any avatar-sexuals. Give everyone a limited amount of people they can support with (people that would make sense to support with, or have actual chemistry with each other), and leave it at that. - If we're keeping the avatar around, I don't mind if they're the centre of attention so long as it makes sense for them to be, and they don't get showered with praise and affection for no reason. - Also if avatars are still here, more customisation would be nice. In terms of classes, race (if applicable to setting), and aesthetics. Let me choose the colour of my armour, dangit. - My Castle was cool, but I hate the way it was incorporated into Fates' story. I'd say keep it around, but either leave it non-canon or find a way for it to make sense without having it exist in another dimension. That's all I can think of right now.
  11. I meant the fact that it's Alolan Raichu instead of regular Raichu, which I specifically mentioned in case some people classed Alola Forms as being Gen 7 Pokemon. I dunno, my logic was dumb.
  12. Anyone else notice how, like Alola Forms, all the Pokemon-exclusive Z-moves so far are for Gen 1 Pokemon (except for Alola Raichu, I guess, but that's a new version of a Gen 1 Pokemon). My pandering senses are tingling. Let's hope this amounts to nothing and I'm making connections that don't exist.
  13. I just leave them in the console. ...That actually resulted in me losing my copy of Mario Party 8 when I forgot to check inside the console when we gave our Wii away.
  14. Well, looks like the Nohr side of the 8 card spread is complete. [spoiler=Nohrian Siblings] Elise definitely looks the most out of place, both in terms of art style, and the fact that she's a Maid instead of a Strategist. Aside from that, it looks really good.
  15. Let me answer that question with another question. What the frungus is a "butt shape"?
  16. Okay, I know you're likely trolling, but if you're being serious about what you just said, then I'd consider that to be just as bad as those people who make petitions trying to cancel games they don't like, if not worse. You've made this into a case of "I don't like this game, therefore no one's allowed to have this game."
  17. Heh, that new Charlotte card is great. Kinda makes me wonder if the actual Bride class will show up in the blue cards at some point.
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