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Everything posted by Deltre

  1. It's definitely irritating to say the least, but it was basically par for the course early on unless your name was Capcom (who regularly made their games harder in the US). I guess they were afraid of overloading our tiny American brains and overloading our fragile American egos. I'll show the glitch yeah, but I'll probably sell it after demonstrating. It's hilarious, but a little too good to actually make use of haha. Thanks man! More people should definitely play TearRing Saga for themselves, it's really a fantastic game and probably my favorite FE after beating it. I can definitely use Zihark, he's a pretty cool guy. Besides, what's the harm in using one- Two. Two swordmasters is what I was going to say. I don't really remember a lot about Stefan so that should be interesting if nothing else. Can do. That's an interesting take on the difficulty of each game from this era. One thing I will say about my own personal abilities though is that I'm generally much better at the games where each enemy is a threat as opposed to games where there are tons and tons of weaker, less threatening enemies. It's kind of backwards I know, but I have an easier time with something like CQ Lunatic than I do with something like Cog of Destiny (HHM). I'm not sure where I'd place HM Path of Radiance since it's been forever, but I'm interested to see where this game will fall for me either way. Astrid huh. That should be fun haha. And with one of my subscribers on youtube requesting Kieran, that officially gives me all four members of the pony patrol. When the Berwick Saga translation comes out you'd best believe I'm gonna be all over that my man. I know even less about Berwick than I did about the original (which was basically nothing) so I'm very excited for that one. Anyways here's part 2. I get through the next 2 Chapters and the RNG dropkicks my spine. In other words, it begins.
  2. Can do! Thank you for the refresher on that. It's been such a long time, and honestly, I'm not sure that I ever knew that these hidden supports were a thing. You learn something new every day I guess! Shame about the bosses though. The English patch also included an optional download with the game already cleared at least once. I decided to use that because I find the restrictions on Bands (and the fact that you can't immediately choose Fixed mode if that's your thing) a little silly. Other than that I haven't played the game other than testing the prologue to make sure things were working since way back in the day. Well shucks, now I have to :^]
  3. Oh boy, here we go. Path of Radiance was a game in this series that I always really liked, but due to my poor handling of CDs as a kid I never had the chance to play through it fully beyond that first time years ago. Finally, I had the chance to play it again to refresh myself, and thought, "Wait, wasn't there supposed to be a super difficult Japanese exclusive mode never seen in the West?" Enter: Maniac Mode. In this first part, I do the first 3 maps of the game and we start to get a look at some of our units. Already I can feel some of the difficulty increase, but it's nothing too crazy just yet. On I side note, since I'm playing this in part to see if this game holds up after not touching it since 2005/2006, I have to say that I really like the strong sense of characterization your units get right off the bat. It's pretty coo'. I can't believe that I forgot to mention this, but if anyone interested in this wants to see a particular unit then go for it. I almost made this into a PMU, but like I say I haven't played this in years so I wanted to be able to at least use some units that would be guaranteed to be good. Pick Some of My Units doesn't have as nice a ring to it, but there ya go. I'll do me best to raise any requested character within reason. Except Boyd. Okay, yes, even Boyd. Full Playlist Individual Chapters/Parts
  4. Best 3 - Thracia 76 2 - Path of Radiance 1- New Mystery Worst 3 - Birthright 2 - Dark Dragon & Sword of Light 1 - Gaiden
  5. Best 3 points - TearRing Saga Thracia 776 2 points - Path of Radiance 1 Point - New Mystery Worst 3 - Revelation 2 - Dark Dragon & Sword of Light 1 - Birthright
  6. That's pretty strange. I'm not sure what program you're using, but I've never had a problem with ECMtools. Just drag the file onto the unecm command and you should be good. If that doesn't work, you might have a bad file.
  7. Just for the record, even though I was astonished by how long the ending was I really do like the way the handled it. I love when games let you go back to areas you've been when it's all over, it's very reminiscent of a game like EarthBound that also lets you do that. It's a nice touch. But damn if I wasn't unprepared for all the detail that went into that haha. Being able to revive your dead party members at the end is an awesome touch. Kind of makes you wonder why you can't do that with the Aum/Valkyrie staves actually. I guess Marth just doesn't care. I'd say I'm surprised that there are many variations on the ending, but honestly I'm not. I am glad that I got Lyria/Attrom since that was hilarious. On the other side, I reeeeally wish I had recruited Plum with Holmes. She's literally the most normal character in the game and yet she's probably tied with Kate for worst luck, only for all the wrong reasons. I was really racking my brain on who Narron's dad would be. I figured that we'd come across him, but I didn't put the pieces together. Figures his dad would be a total badass. Knowing that this game was supposed to be heavily tied to the mainline FE titles makes the final revelations with Law make a lot more sense actually. As it is, some of the information feels like it comes out of nowhere, but in the context of all of FE, I'll bet this would have been huge. In hindsight, he's literally describing isn't he? That's really awesome, I wish that this plotline had a fair chance to be explored. The way that this story was going honestly feels a lot more connected than what we got with Awakening to be honest.
  8. This epilogue was waaaaaay longer than I expected haha. It was a pretty satisfying conclusion though, despite the length. This game is absolutely amazing and having actually beaten it now I'm pretty comfortable saying it's the best Fire Emblem of them all. Definitely didn't expect that a few months ago when I started playing! @BrightBow I'm really glad that I'm not the only one who didn't figure that out immediately. Holmes did say something about it in his last chapter, but still I think they should have made it a liiiiittle more obvious. Good tip on the mounting thing, I wouldn't have expected that, but it's probably because the final map uses the same tileset for every other cave in the game. Thanks Kaga. @Miacis Yeah, this game definitely does a fantastic job at constantly raising the stakes to keep it interesting, that's for sure. I started to talk about that a little bit, but got cutoff by the ending. You start the game with some pretty standard "take out the corrupt noble" schtick, which quickly escalates and never really lets up until it's time to throw down with God. They even have the good sense to establish the Villain (and actually show him being a dick instead of hearing about it in passing) very early on which a lot of games fail to do correctly. That's also a really good point about Eugen and Runan's reaction to Zieg. It would actually ruin the impact of the whole thing a bit if Runan acted at all remorseful for having to take him out, and it would simultaneously lessen the importance of Zieg's relationship with Kate. After all, why should Runan care about Zieg at all? Zieg's relationship was with Kate, not Runan. The last minute revelations honestly didn't hit me quite as hard as you might think, sorry to disappoint. I was reasonably surprised at some things, though I called others (I'm looking at you old man). I just wish that some of the things had been better hinted at throughout the course of the main game. Were Emiyu even mentioned until the Epilogue? Part of it was probably the fact that I was pretty tired when I recorded this though, and the Epilogue is a LOT longer than I had expected haha. @Ranger Jack WalkerI'll be completely honest; I forgot about that entirely. It does sound familiar now that you mention it, but I'd be lying if I said I was keeping that in the back of my mind. Even if there are so many different characters and relationships to keep track of, I still think that it's far more interesting that way. It makes the world really feel alive where a lot of other games just fall short, even when it gets hella confusing sometimes. For example, I didn't even notice that Rishel and Martel were cousins until I went back and rewatched the recording, which makes that whole ending incredibly awkward in hindsight. If only I could have been so ignorant to that other ending. . .
  9. Honestly, my only major complaints with this game would be the control thing and the strange difficulty curve. Even the most cryptic part (aka Kreiss) could conceivably be discovered if you are really meticulous with searching every area after every battle for events. The second most frustrating thing would probably be re-recruiting Arkis (go figure, the red/green duo bring out the worst in this game) but even that is really only about as bad as getting Douglas in FE6, who you have to recruit to win the game. Just my .02 but this is definitely my new favorite FE. It's like Thracia without the bullshit, basically. As much fun as Aura Rain was, I really wish I had the dragons murder each other now lmao. And good catch, I do believe that Juni had a Bridge Key after all. Anyways, I not so accidentally went and beat the game. I still have to post the ending + epilogue later (because I literally ran out of space and have to record it separately) but I can confidently say that I love this game. The Final Boss is pretty cool, but the real Final Boss is At any rate the epilogue will be up later (probably tonight) with some more in depth thought on the game and all that good stuff. I'll have to check out the VS mode too, since it sounds pretty cool.
  10. Part 32 for you all. Sorry about the delay on that, had to re-render the video about 3 times before it stuck. Little did I know that my settings were off so the dimensions kinda suck on this one. Everything is starting to come to a head here. I can't imagine there's more than 4 maps left in this game. It's been quite the ride so far, probably my favorite FE to be perfectly honest. If this game were better balanced it would be with no question, but I can look past that for everything else this one brings to the table. Probably gonna finish in 1 to 2 more parts, if I had to guess. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself lol but thank you to everyone who's been watching/helping out, it really made this playthrough a lot of fun. More people should play this game.
  11. I like to think that it's because he's so badass that my emulator can't calculate his stats all at once, so it has to slow down to compensate for the awesomeness overload. You're almost certainly correct that it's somehow the spear. I knew I shouldn't have used a computer built with aluminum foil and whatever random shit I found in between my couch cushions.
  12. I have to agree completely with you guys on Enteh's most recent developments. It completely blindsides you with absolutely no buildup whatsoever, so I can't help but be left scratching my head at the whole thing. It couldn't have been that hard to slip in a few dialogue sequences somewhere along the way where she expresses some of these feelings. Doing so would go a long way to make all this feel more natural (even if this plan is still pretty stupid). Actually, on the whole, I feel like Katri got a lot more screentime in general despite being around for 5 or so chapters less. It's kind of strange really. The Canaan Spear most likely was the cause of the lagspikes there, but it's still kinda strange considering 1) we fought a Wyvern Lord (Xyon) and 2) we've had glowing weapons of our own for a while now. Not to mention that some of the spell effects are way crazier. That's what I get for trying to record on a machine made from cardboard and wet tissue paper I guess.
  13. Julius is really, really insane, not even gonna lie. Fun boss fight, but just an alright map. Also Enteh are you even serious right now
  14. LMAO Vega don't play no games. Even if Shigen is stronger Vega has never let me down and also has 14 DEF for some reason haha. I was kinda worried about Stephanie, so that's good to know. And thank you, that map was definitely trickier than the rest so far. In the interest of honesty I got blown back (specifically Enteh lol) the first time I played it. I guess that's the power of clever editing :p Generics with skills sounds awesome actually! I kind of wish there would have been more of them with low-mid tier skills now that you bring it up.
  15. Phew, glad the game didn't screw me out of the Luna sword. I mean, I assume we get her back at some point, but that would have been a bit of a bummer, not gonna lie. Eh, so far I'm content with Kate's little storyline even if Runan's side is better. Besides, it feels right to You guys weren't kidding with this map, it was quite a bit trickier than the ones we've seen so far. I like the premise a lot though, and had a lot of fun playing through it. Also part 29 since I've been terrible about updating this for the past few days. Real life strikes again.
  16. Well, this escalated quickly. I didn't notice until I went back to edit either, but I'm 99% certain that Bishop Law is actually. Hopefully next time I'll get to exact my sweet sweet revenge on you know who. Or he could pull his head out of his ass and rejoin me seriously Zieg you're tearing me apart here
  17. I guess I got lucky then haha. That's a very strange way of handling this area, at the very least I'd hope that the harder ones to get give better items on average! I was thinking of Stephanie, actually. But I do feel even worse for killing Barbarossa now haha. I really do love how Kaga games tend to have this interconnected cast so much to the point that you'll basically never catch everything on the first playthrough. It makes it way more believable that these people would actually join up and fight together, at least in my eyes, when everyone has their own relationships, backstories, motivations, etc. that they could reasonably expect to fulfill by coming along for the journey. Sometimes it really feels like characters join for the lolz (not just Awakening or That One Game either), whereas I feel like I could probably tell you why each and every unit I have is here, what they hope to accomplish, etc. It's neat. Ended up going a bit long on this one so I had to cut out the last floor for now sadly. On the bright side, Alicia now has Vantage and Sierra has Wrath so the game is over.
  18. I never said it wasn't? In fact, I said many, many times that offense wins this map. I'm just stating that in this case there's not much point in discussing optimal strats and the like when he's just trying to clear the map that has him walled. Keeping it simple should be enough in this case, no disrespect to anyone. That said You're gonna have to move beyond the wall. You probably don't need to kill both Hinata and Oboro (much less Takumi), but you should definitely have Camilla snipe Oboro because 1) it's as easy as giving her a speed tonic and 2) she's in no danger of dying bar missing an 80+ percent shot. At the very least you want to pop one of them (and by extension their initial group of baddies) because you literally cannot turtle this map for the entire length and win. It's not mathematically probable. The enemies will just stack on too much damage and if you let them bunch up too much and strike all at once you're done. The only time it's really safe to hardcore turtle is on the last few turns or so, where if you've been playing aggressively it won't be possible for enemies to seize the defend point before the map ends.
  19. Guys, the dude is just trying to beat the map. I don't know why we're even discussing the optimal clear when it's pretty obvious he just wants to beat the map and is willing to grind on Conquest. The map has a set turn limit no matter what you do, so just clearing the map should be enough in this case. For the record, owning Takumi does not end the map.
  20. Deltre


    What's up my dude? Always glad to see when someone who started with Awakening takes it back to the roots. How do you like Shadow Dragon? Most people give it a bad rap, but honestly, it's probably up there as one of my favorites. You should definitely check out the Tellius games if you get the opportunity. They're pretty unique in their own right, and fun to boot. Also Thracia. But you'd probably need FE4 to get the full effect, which is a bit of an investment I must admit.
  21. On the other hand, it very much is one single game in a lot of ways. However, you're completely correct in saying that the necessity to make 3 separate purchases to complete one game is going to skew the data a bit. At the end of the day though, Fates is one game. But whether or not you agree with that wasn't my point anyways. What I said was, that their success will influence Shadows of Valentia's success in a positive way. Which is exactly why, as Jedi said, despite this game's smaller spotlight it's already received a ton of pre-orders. Also I think you're greatly overestimating Nintendo's expectations for this game. Most of the assets already exist since from what I can tell, SoV is just a slightly modified Fates engine. Because they didn't have to invest nearly as much resources into this title as they would in say, a brand new Fire Emblem title, they can definitely afford to set the bar a little bit lower. It's not nearly the same as a AAA title where to even break even they need to move millions of units.
  22. Couldn't disagree more. Using the "fandoms" views on Gaiden doesn't work at all because the majority of people who are buying these games don't belong to a dedicated fansite such as Serenes or any other alternative. How we feel is not representative of how the population at large does, most of whom I wouldn't be surprised to find out didn't know Gaiden existed until this announcement. Additionally, what Fates and Awakening did have a ton of bearing on how this will sell. In fact, I could argue that a lot of Fate's success is due to Awakening's success, but that's neither here nor there. The short version is that we're coming hot off a financially successful release that for the most part left people wanting more. Therefore, this game already has a better shot than it would if it were coming off a less successful title, say, Radiant Dawn for example. The real issue that might hurt Echoes in terms of sales is how they market it. Fates was Awakening 2.0 whereas SoV seems to be taking the route of calling it like it is: a remake. Also, it doesn't seem like it's being advertised as heavily which hurts in the public market a lot more than any gameplay decision ever could.
  23. Offense is the best defense. Corrin + Silas take the first wave of fighters to the southeast while you're softening up the dudes coming from the west with Odin (or Nyx) and Niles (or Bowzu). Arthur + Effie at base can take on the first wave of enemies in the northeast just fine (with a Vulnerary for Effie) if you grab a Javelin for her. Elise grabs the northwest village on turn 2 and is back in time to help out shortly after. Help the enemies by starting to break down the wall (but don't totally break it) if you want, then choke the point until Corrin + Silas can clean them up from the east. Camilla at +2 SPD doubles and KOs Oboro when she shows up. Do that ASAP by grabbing the village in Oboro's range so you don't have to deal with her once she starts moving. Beruka is generally pretty beefy and doesn't really mind fighting most units in the south, though enough enemy Fighters could take her out. She's also great for dealing with Pegasi, which should generally be left at 1 HP from ballista shots. They'll beeline for the green squares unless they can seriously hurt someone, FYI. Selena is generally enough to take on the north-western side of things, at least until Corrin/Silas take over (I.E once everything in the south is dead). Camilla kills the Spear Fighters in the south after she murders Oboro, so as to not deal with Seal Defense. Near the end, you can choke Hinata's unit near the Fire Orb. It should be really safe, especially with Rally Defense. General tips: Tonics are your friend. As is the Mess Hall. Guard Stance is almost always pretty bad. Attack Stance is much better because you increase your offense by 50% if you're doing it right. Only use Guard Stance if you have something specific in mind, because you effectively lose a unit that could be doing something useful otherwise. Always end turn unpaired unless absolutely necessary. Use Azura. Knowing how to use her correctly will make or break Conquest for you more than anything else you could do. Having Paladin!Jakob helps a lot if you're playing female Corrin. If all else fails, insta-promote Selena.
  24. You already know. I'd been wanting to play it again too, but I'm afraid of Miguel. HlyDragSwd? More like HlyFkinSht. To be honest, I didn't even consider Enscorcel. That sounds absolutely hilarious if I'm being 100% real with you haha. It's a good day for Sierra fans, and Holmes fans as well. Less so if you're into Krishna though. . .
  25. Hmm Lina sounds underwhelming to say the least. Bummer, a 9 move pony would have been pretty tight, not even gonna lie. I guess they had to make her kinda bad though or else she'd be so broken. I did change the setup slightly. New microphone hype!. Not sure how you would even go about getting Runan promoted before level 7 though lol. I've barely used him since his Rapier broke (seriously, he's almost always made a beeline right for the throne on every Seize map) and mine is like 12-13ish. Even if you were going hardcore LTC I don't know that he'd be under 7 because again, he has the Rapier which has its uses. I'm kinda upset that I missed the Juni version of that event. It didn't hit me until after I made a choice that you guys had mentioned that she was going to have an event over on Holmes's route. I might go back and see the other option idk yet, I'd have to load from the desert map. Lots of story this time, a lot of which I'm sure will be important. It's kind of a ton of information to take in all at once, but on the other hand I've played Chrono Cross so exposition like this is basically a day in the life at this point.
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