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Posts posted by Isa

  1. IMO he's turned from midly entertaining, if a bit annoying sometimes, to permanent ALWAYS mode.

    very funny, i guess i'm deleting my account in like 2 seconds.

    good sense of humor, you could actually win a price for it !

    hope i didn't insult you, but apparently you kinda seem to like it,

    insult other people, i mean.

    turn that into 'NEVER' annoying and 'ALWAYS' entertaining, will you?

    'cause i guess i'm the only one who can say that he's ever seen VINCENT'S face when he's entertaining someone,

    and i promise you, you'd laugh if you saw it.

    anyway, you're forgiven. i'll try to forget this stupid reaction.

    but whatever, as long as you can laugh with yourself .

    and please don't blame vincent for this, he's not sitting next to me or something.

    AND sorrrrrrrrry for my bad english !

    have a good life.

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