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Tellius Roamers

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Posts posted by Tellius Roamers

  1. I'm pretty sure I fantasized the whole Soren+Mia relationship, and Rhys works okay for her (I can tell by the conversation in FE9), but I recently found out about hte idea of Edward+Mia from my naiive yet hysterical and entertainig cousin.

    I can't really decide which is better for the aborable purple haired ninja babe, so I'm asking for the neatral opinion of the people here on this site.

  2. Let's make one thing clear: In any of our couples fan bases I WANT NO HOMOSEXUALITY!!! I am a christian and I'm straight, so I ask all the yowie and yuri fans (I really don't care if I spelled it wrong) to please leave this page untouched.

    On a better subject, I keep having this feeling that there's a fan base for Mist and Boyd (yuck!). Clearly people don't understand that Rolf and Mist are meant to be, like Ike and Elincia.

    I hope to gather some fan fiction about the future of this couple, so all I ask is that you all help me come up with some thing that really works and give me som names for their children, places for them to live, etc.

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