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Status Replies posted by ___

  1. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      Weird. But Saber is like their mascot for the series, so may be it's also something related to that.

      Why not spoil yourself a bit & sleep more every morning? If you're in holiday break, that is.

      And I hope you had a great day yesterday! And today, if you celebrate Boxing Day.

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  2. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      Ah, if it's not anime related, I don't mind any reference to anything you bring up. I don't want to venture into the Fate world beyond anime because...I might not be able hold back. I can get obsessed with stuff pretty easily. But what's the deal with all the Saber faces?

      I love sleep, but the same happens to me, too much of it ends up being a problem.

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  3. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      What? Is that..really? Ok, I guess I'm better off not thinking about it. I remember now the Saber from Extra; wasn't she Nero from Rome? And I guess it's not surprising because there's the so called 'Saber-faced' heroes, too.

      2 am? You're in Europe, then? Yeah, you should get some sleep; no point needlessly exerting yourself.

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  4. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      Is Mordred the red Saber? She didn't show up in any anime I've seen so far.

      So even the holidays can't get your spirits up, huh? That's heavy. Since it's Xmas week, how about a good, long nap to let the brain get some rest?

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  5. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      Good to hear c:

      And Fate does great work, I'll give them that. It's very interesting how they build their heroes and their personalities and abilities. Do you have a favorite summon?

      If you don't mind me asking, is everything alright on your end? Or did the year get to you and tired you out?

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  6. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      And thanks! (but you don't too excited in that last part...?)

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  7. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      Ah....so I guess I did spoil some of it to you then; sorry about that :c

      I personally only watched up to ep 3 or 4, then I got distracted and struggled finishing any show from that season (but I've playing catch up with them).

      At this point I don't know how much is true translation and how much is a reinterpretation. I just assume the common elements are bound to be the closest to original stuff. But I have always liked mythology, so a show or game that makes good use...

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  8. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      Guess we'll see where they take this; I didn't finish the last Fate/Kaleid, but I'm going to be pretty annoyed when Gilgamesh and Arthuria beat them up like nothing, I just know it. I'm going to try to finish it some time before the next anime season starts, but I'm not looking forward to that. Ah well.

      Btw, how much do you like mythology?

      Ah, and Happy Holidays! Hope you enjoy the last few days left this year!

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  9. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

  10. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      Who knows? But to me there's a massive difference between a "heroic spirit" and a god; a spirit is like the soul of a human but a god is an entity that transcends time. I really didn't like this part of the series because it feels to me like it steps over itself, and if you can chain a god and put it into a card, isn't a god more powerful than any heroic spirit just logically speaking? It bugs me. I didn't think too much of it and just wrote it off to anime logic, but...

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  11. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      I guess you just can't ignore culture and expect to get away with it.

      From an anime only standpoint, naturally the production values are top notch; UBW was gorgeous to watch. And the writing for Fate/Zero was amazing. The concept of summoning myths and legends to battle is done very well, but some times...I don't get it. Specially after the last season of Fate/Kaleid, where they use *SPOILER* Thor as one of the heroic spirits in a card*SPOILER*

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  12. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      What do you think is best about Fate then? The games?

      I admit the 2006 anime wasn't the best show to watch, but the Kaleid series fares much better...understanding that its meant to be a comedy in an alternate universe, and not the grim monster that the main series can be. I remember hearing that the author (don't remember the name) decided to create Kaleid because he wanted a lighter, brighter world for the characters, like Illya, who just had it bad in many ways. So different f...

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  13. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      RIGHT? I don't like this localization changes and stuff, it's like building two different games.

      wow, it's really been that long? Time...is too fast.

      Got a little carried away, huh c:

      We've all been there though, I understand.

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  14. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      Ah, haha, you're right. Fates = FE and Fate = non-FE from now on. I'll be honest, I liked the 'if' from Japanese, but whatever.

      But wait...the UBW anime was just last year, so you mean you've been a fan for only about a year?

      Actually, I got a similar start. I learned about UBW s1 coming out, it caught my eye, but instead of waiting for it, I went and watched the 2006 Fate/Stay Night and then watched Fate/Zero and the Fate/Kaleid series. It's been a bea...

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  15. Happy Holidays Everyone

  16. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      hmm, I haven't had that happen much to me tbh. Kinda strange given how big and wide the internet is.

      it's fine then; I was kinda just reflecting in my lack of overall knowledge (I mean, I never even heard the term 'Nasuverse' before, ha). Curious, when did you get into fates?

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  17. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      lol, thanks.

      Unfortunately, it isn't original; i've been told someone once used a slightly longer version of it :c

      ah...I'm sorry then; I feel I may have been assuming too much of my own knowledge about it and not giving enough thought to your own knowledge of it.

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  18. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      haha, true c:

      In that sense, do you think my un is simple enough? I'll like to know what you think.

      Ah, well, that's true, yes. Seems you're even more familiar with it than myself, I have only seen the anime versions.

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  19. ___

    ___    Leona

    I like your un. Also, is your avi from an anime? It's really good.

    1. ___


      it's nice and you don't see it often.

      lol, it IS an anime though; and wow, I didn't noticed it until now that you've said it, but I'm now realizing who those two are. I'm a little sad I didn't recognize them sooner.

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  20. Glace!

    1. ___


      Ah, so that's it works. They do have some great stuff, it hasn't been enough for me to make an account of my own. Thanks for telling me c:

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  21. Glace!

    1. ___


      You do? What is it like? Do you pay for premium? I'll be honest, I've been curious about it.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  22. Glace!

    1. ___


      Ah, true. It's always great to give credit where credit is due, but it isn't always easy to figure out who does stuff. And in places like pixiv you can't just browse things openly, makes it that much harder to find out (I don't have a pixiv account).

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  23. Glace!

    1. ___


      It's adorable and it looks wonderful!

      Sad the original isn't up any more.

      Thanks anyways for showing me the full image c:

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  24. Glace!

    1. ___


      They do look very nicely & cute together...

      Thanks for sharing c:

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  25. Glace!

    1. ___


      Sorry, accidentally hit enter there...just wanted to ask, who are the avi characters???

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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