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Status Updates posted by ___

  1. ___

    I have been wondering about this since the dawn of time (sort of), but, who is your avi? I have a name in mind, but I would to know for sure.

    1. Refa


      Asuka Tenjoin/Alexis Rhodes from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

    2. ___


      Ah, I thought so.

      Nice character.

      Thank you for sharing c:

    3. Refa


      No problem, bro.

  2. Have a great day.

  3. *sigh*

    1. NJ7009


      Oh dear, you shouldn't be sighing :L that's never good

    2. ___
  4. Perhaps too late to be of any worth, but I hope you had a great day, and hope you have a great week. Would have said this sooner had I known.

  5. Nonsensically aimless & meaninglessly pointless

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. ___


      He's efficient, is what you mean.

      You never know when you'll be in a fight in such a world, so staying protected and on guard at all times is a smart move; drinking tea through your helmet is just a minor inconvenience compared to getting an arrow on the head.

    3. Junkhead


      I'm still clingy.

    4. ___


      Girl's pretty much defenseless, I get you.

  6. Hi! Who is the avi? Every thing looks perfect, so I'm really curious.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ___


      Oh...she dies, doesn't she? At least I hear that series is all about people dying. So sad, she's so purple.

      Also, you're not the only one to accidentally drop into the chat section now and then c;

      Well thanks a lot for sharing, I'm a little sad, but thanks anyways!

    3. Green Poet

      Green Poet

      She very recently died in the current anime, yes. It is a fairly morbid series ^^;

      And you're welcome!

    4. ___


      I had a slight glimmer of hope that that wouldn't be the case but...ignorance is bliss they say, and now I now for sure.

      I'm sad now..I don't think I could ever watch that series :c

      btw, nice un.

      Thanks for your time again, nice talking with you (sadness aside)!

  7. Do you look like your avi?

    1. NJ7009


      Besides the fact my hair is long, no, not at all :P

    2. ___


      lol, i'm glad you don't.

  8. That avi looks so stylish c;

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ___


      Well, if you can get here and post a bit, then I'm sure you'll survive the wait c:

    3. Tactician_Iris


      And lol our internet got cut off by the roofworkers. But oh well, our internet is back now^^

      The roof isn't done yet tho :S

    4. ___


      But internet! Isn't that what's important? Music, youtube, social media, games, knowledge...compared to a roof.

      Anyways, sounds like busy work with that roof of yours. Hope it ends soon.

  9. It finally happened; I've lost all motivation to post anything anywhere.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ___


      you'll rather let it die than help me find it? that's kinda cold c:

    3. NJ7009


      Once motivation is lost, it isn't coming back. I should know :P

    4. ___


      now wait a sec, that sounds too sad :c

      what I need are words of inspiration, not this depressing message.

      you help me, I help you, and it won't be like life suddenly lost it's color.

  10. The eyes of the girl are simply divine.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ___


      Well, those you do get to use, are always great to see. Art is universally appealing, so it's all understandable.

      Me, I don't use sigs, so I only have to deal with finding avis I like at most. World of difference.

    3. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      ahhhhhhhh I could never imagine myself doing that I LOVE SIGNATURES TO DEATH. It's something about the crop box ratio/size that makes me come up with a huge variety of ways to creatively crop down an image. It just seems the easiest shape to create all different sorts of movement, it just feels so flexible and dynamic compared to a square(ish) avatar shape. This current signature is one of my favourites to crop so far~!

    4. ___


      Ah, lol. I never thought I would hear some one say the limitations of the image box helped them be creative.

      You're love for it gets across quite effectively.

      To your credit, as I have said before, you're work and choices are always great to see.

  11. I just want to spend my day laying down in a grass field with a good breeze staring at the sky.

  12. Waiting...

    1. Naughx


      Please wait.

    2. Naughx


      For what actually? Hmm?

    3. ___


      well, a 'who' rather than a 'what', actually.

  13. ___

    Who's the avi char? I really like the design.

    1. Koneko


      the character's rikyuu rumina from the mikagura school suite series

    2. ___


      Ah...oh, I remember that show.

      And now, I remember that sort of art style.

      Thanks for sharing! It's cute.

  14. some one got my name right c:

  15. Seems like so many people using the art from the same artist as you it seems, and it's all really very cool to watch. I really do enjoy that art. Well, hope you're having a good day.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ___


      To me the biggest offense (for lack of a better word) is the distorting, reshaping, or re-purposing of the work, if not outright stolen, often done to present it in a way that is self-satisfying and foreign to the spirit of the original. I don't think that makes any sense, does it? Again, I have very strong opinions on this matter so I'll stop before I start ranting.

      But yea, if that's how they viewed over there, I get it that she'll freak out at hearing some one wi...

    3. ___


      some one wishes to use her work as you did. I hope the others using it around here are at least aware of that, but really who knows.

    4. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      Yeah I don't FULLY understand how they view things over there tbh, I guess I'm just kind of imagining it looking like a lot of the art-theft rants I've had the fortune (/sarcasm) of coming across on tumblr. I guess I have sort of seen japanese artists referenced in those kinds of posts, though I can't be fully assured that those people entirely know what they're talking about. I just have noticed that there's a huge trend difference between the two groups.

  16. I love yur avatar, I love your sig, and I find your poor chocolate kitty too adorable and hearbreaking. But I'm here originally for the avi/sig; I love the art and artist. Anyways, I hope your well, and have a good day

    1. sylveonzoroark


      O-oh wow thank you. Yes, the artist is a blessing.

      I hope you have a swell day as well

    2. Junkhead


      So, basically what I said.

      and I just realise, you put sauce. Highly appreciated, I really like that artstyle.

  17. My time is so limited lately....

  18. hi there! question: character in the avi? & while I bother you, characters in the profile image?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ___


      Hey there, who's the current avi?

      Also, it's a bit surprising to know your favorite game is P3. It's one of my favorites too, but I have only played P3P. (I do own FES, though)

    3. MisterIceTeaPeach


      Avi is Cheria Barnes from Tales of Graces F. Also lots of people here favor P3. It's not for nothing a fantastic game.

    4. ___



      It's an amazing game, there's no question about it. And seeing it in that light, I suppose I can see why you would go with that being your favorite rather than a Tales Of game, which I sort of expected to be your favorites.

  19. accidentally sent some one to die a pointless death, had to restart for the second time in a row. time for a break.

  20. ___

    I would totally go with Astrid for president.

    1. NJ7009


      We shall lead her campaign ;)

    2. ___


      vice president?

  21. ___

    Enjoy your day, may many great things come your way.

    1. Rezzy


      Why, thank you!

  22. Self-driving cars can't come fast enough; people can not be bothered to drive safely.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ___


      ...you want to ride a drone?

    3. Naughx


      Yes, why not?

    4. ___


      I wouldn't mind.

  23. May be tomorrow'll be better.

    1. Naughx


      Lets hope so.

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