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Posts posted by Vaikanfu

  1. I, Shouzou Kaga, the shapeshifting master of tactical simulation unleashed an UNSPEAKABLY CHALLENGING GAME in Japan only. But, a foolish translator; wielding an English patch stepped forth to oppose me.

    *Luxifer Angel patch, Shaya patch, blinkers87 cleanup patch*

    Before the final blow was stuck, I tore open a portal in time and flung them into the future, where my games are Japan only. Now the fool seeks to return to the past and undo the game that is SHOUZOU KAGA.

  2. 1 minute ago, Kruggov said:

    First - Maybe, but that's gacha. And there is no characters who can't be countered (except maybe Takumi, but even he has his M!Robin/Kagero/Hector).

    Second - Which skills break anything? Counters are the only things on top of my mind.

    Third - I feel your pain. Maybe more, after having THREE summons full of nothing but 3-stars.

    Fourth - Anna is not the worst choice out there xD. And getting her to 4-star is not as expensive, not to mention you SHOULD have at least some feathers right now)

    I feel bad for the guys who have put in actual money into getting what they want, with no results. 

    Skills just complicate things more than they really need to for me. 

    It's just really disheartening when people who aren't even familiar with the characters are getting units they aren't familiar with or don't want, yet you actually need a certain kind of unit to take on the lunatic maps, you just get trash you either have or don't want. I have literally pulled three Barsts in one day, and got two Odins just now. I like Barst, but I cannot stand Odin. 

    I'm getting to the point where I might just train up the original characters and forget about summoning.

  3. What kind of unlockables/post game content would any of you guys hope to see?

    Personally, I'm hoping for a port of the OG Gaiden for those curious enough to check it out. I remembered the Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles did something like that with both the original Rondo of Blood and a redubbed Symphony of the Night, and since the original Gaiden never left Japan, they could include that for those curious? It probably won't happen, but it would be an interesting idea.

    What have you guys got in mind?

  4. On 3/2/2017 at 8:52 PM, Jotari said:

    I'd disagree. Grust is hyped to have the most military might during the game. They're the ones who actually conquered Archanea and generally when they show up on maps it comes with an increased level of stats. They're also the ones that even managed to put Marth on the defensive and retreat in terms of plot when he's forced to travel to that one island with a dragon king (which you'd think would be a more important place in terms of lore but it's basically never mentioned again). While Gra is generally depicted as a rather small and less powerful kingdom with it's noteworthiness only coming from the betrayal and close relationship it had with Altea.

    Don't forget that Mr. Sable Order/Black Knight Camus himself is the leader of this army. The chapter where you finally fight him is both a huge pain and a great joy to play.

  5. 10 hours ago, arctic.fox0708 said:

    It's been a few days, and I guess I am just curious what chapter you are on. I just hope to get back to recording sometime by the end of this week. I know I said anytime, just asap would be nice.

    Sorry man, haven't gotten to it yet. Busy with college this week. I'll get around to it within the next few days.

  6. Luckily my Ced now has 2 more points of Magic than Julia and I have one use of Silence left, so keeping her at bay while someone deals with Manfroy shouldn't be much of a problem. When I get the chance, I'll do some arena rounds with him to get some more cash to get back the two uses I spent. Do staves stay in your inventory as broken items like physical weapons do? Or is it like FE3 rules and they vanish?

  7. Feel free to expand upon this, I'm genuinely curious to hear what you have to say and what you consider important in a story in general.

    Well, one instance was in Conquest, when the Nohrian army is marching through the Hoshidan capital in the opening of chapter 24. The citizens watching in fear and heckling at Corrin while Hans and Iago keep them at bay with intimidation tactics just feels very fitting and well done. Not only that, how often are you on the invading side in a Fire Emblem game? For example, when Bern was making rounds in Binding Blade, or Akaneia invading Aritia in the earlier chapters of Mystery of the Emblem.

    The picking between the family that raised you and blood family thing was honestly fairly interesting too, even if Birthright didn't do much other than make Corrin out to be some justice seeking fool, bent on taking down Garon. I loved how Conquest was the clear morally wrong choice, and everything was done to try and make things work out and they don't. There's genuine conflict going on with Corrin. He/She knows what they're doing is wrong, and they want to make things right, but because of the circumstances, they don't, and that's entertaining and enjoyable.

    I mean, Birthrout sort of had that, but it was less actual moral problems and more "Oh god what about my siblings, what if I have to fight them." I genuinely wish Elise didn't sacrifice herself like that, that way we could have our FE standard "Long, draining battle with the Camus" archetype.

  8. -I don't think Path of Radiance is as great as everyone hypes it up to be. As a standalone game, it's pretty fun and worth the play, but as a Fire Emblem game, it just feels lacking. Both in story and gameplay, it just didn't do very much for me.

    -Fates story is not bad by any means. In fact, it's really rather good. Conquest was great and goes into a lot of issues that most Fire Emblem games (at least the ones I've played) don't cover very well or at all.

    -The original Mystery of the Emblem is one of the best games in the series, due to the fact that anyone can be viable with the star shards and a little bit of work, and for the fact the story is so well written even with its simplicity. Akaneia as a whole was great.

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