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Posts posted by Mogget

  1. just saying, the combat information window and level up screen are still terrible and unhelpful

    but give me this game

    Just saying, more detailed info is on the bottom screen. They showed the level up bottom screen at some point at least, and it would be really stupid not to do the same with combat info.

    So, trickster is what's left of the thief class now that steal's a transferable skill? Even more faster and maybe has some other kind of unique skill?

  2. Why does nobody else simply move Ike side to side 6 spaces each turn? The BK mirrors him and never gets close enough to attack. Start by going 6 left, then go 6 right. Rinse and Repeat. When you finally decide you want to take down the BK, have Ike stay on the cover tile and let BK come to you.

    Easiest way to reliably rout that chapter.

    You can do that? I would never have figured that out.

    Of course, if all you care about is the wishblade then just use your heron and sanaki and micaiah and siege tome bomb Levail on turn 1. Let Sanaki be the one the heron restores, unless you have Leanne or Rafiel and can restore both of them. Give Sanaki Nihil so that the guy's resolve skill doesn't give him an extra 24 avo. No problem.

    Now this I could have done... if I had any foresight and didn't waste my siege tomes (well, maybe not waste, but use earlier anyway). It wasn't that bad anyway, really, because NM, so Battlesave. I'm just so frustrated when the only time the RNG helps you is when you don't need it.

    For something more, almost nobody gets hitrates over 50 on Volke, yet he keeps getting hit. I haven't kept count or anything, but I think over two thirds of attacks have hit him while most have had (displayed) 20-40%

    (Most of my fails seem to be complaining about the RNG. Why isn't there an RNG Hate/Love topic?)

  3. I just started RD, again, and decided to see just how much I can favourite Micaiah. So I fed her all possible kills and reset on every single level (NM) until she got at least Magic and Speed. Of course, she got enormous luck too, so it's up to a point where I can just put her in a bottleneck with Sothe supporting and she'll destroy everyone and get hit at most once(which, admittedly, is all she can take)

    Other units I tend to favourite are:

    Edward (He got blessed on my first PT, and I just love raising units with low bases but reasonably good growths. Like, if I ever get handed a level 1 (non-promoted) unit, you can bet it'll be maxed out by the end)

    Rolf(Mainly because he was, along with Mist, the level 1 unit in PoR. Of course, he's 1 here too but he's a sniper so it doesn't really count. I also love how high his Str growth is)

    Any and all healers, and I'll invariably use them for combat

    Also all possible mages

    I tried to favourite Meg once but gave up by 3-13.

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