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Mint Sherry

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Posts posted by Mint Sherry

  1. Not sure if that many people are fans of SEGA games or not, but I've been playing a whole lot of them recently! Space Channel 5, NiGHTS, A whole lot of Puyo Puyo, The House of the Dead, and Plenty of Sonic 2! I dunno, I think Sega is starting to get a stable footing in the hearts of gamers with the release of Sonic Mania (which is heard is really good but... I'm waiting for PC release)

    So the questions arrives: What are your favorite SEGA games? Do you still play said games to this day? Seriously, there's a lot to choose from!

  2. If they ever do make a remake of FE4, I just want them to make the pacing of the maps less sluggish. As much as I love FE4's story, the gameplay can become a chore after a while. 

    Oh, also make sure not to take out the incest and I'm hoping the localization names are reasonable. I mean... what kind of name is Ced? Sety sounded so much better.

  3. I know it's not recently, but I watched Shin Godzilla at my local cinema back in November. Absolutely loved it. The music was really good, the plot was interesting and the suspense really got me. Godzilla destroying the city left me in awe. The King of the Monsters is back again!

    For now? I want to watch King Kong: Skull Island, but I'm not sure if it's being shown still. I hear it's really good and that it shows a sneak peak for the Godzilla sequel made by Legendary Pictures.

  4. For a blind FE6 playthrough, I recommend you use chapter guides from the FE wiki, it will help immensely. It will give you a basic idea of how the chapter is going to play out.

    Oh, and you want to have Alan and Lance at an A support with each other, they are solid units that can wreak havoc if they are working together. Other units that I suggest you have on your team is Sue, Rutger, Lilina, Miledy, Dieck, and don't use any knights. Knights have bad stats in this game and their Triangle Attack doesn't make up for their poor growths.

    ... And the RNG will hate you in this game, just ask my units who got killed by a crit-crazy Beserker. That's about it really, though other things can take into account (arena abusing, which is essential for good units) but that should help you out on your first playthrough.

  5. Oh, and definitely watch out for classes like Swordmasters and Beserkers. Their base crit rates are 30%, so you gotta watch out if they have killer weapons, since they're very likely to take out one of your units in one hit.

    Also, I suggest you use Rutger, since he's has extremely high crit rates when promoted to a Swordsmaster and equip him with a Killing Edge. He will be wiping enemies of the face of the Earth so long as you are careful with using him.

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