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Posts posted by Relinquished

  1. Forgot to introduce myself! I'm Relinquished!

    So, you guys are, like, FE fans and stuff. You remind me a lot of SmashBoards.

    Well, nice to meet you all and i hope to play Brawl matches or shit.

  2. FE > Advance wars because it involves a tad more strategy than just throwing a good unit into battle multiple times. You can throw Haar into a group of thunder mages, if you wish, but don't expect him to come back alive.

    But, doing that with Haar looks pretty absurd to me, because you need to have in mind the bonus damage thing. That would mean that YOU are the one who is speeding up his death, not the game (because YOU decided to make such a reckless move)

    There are units superior to others, but it's up to you to handle the units with care. Logically, you won't use infantry against neotanks. You need to build stuff that adapts to the situation, isn't it?

  3. I suppose that many of you have seen the trailer.

    However, it's possible that others haven't seen it.

    So, did you like it? In my opinion, i liked it. Even so, i've seen that it's quite different from Crystal Chronicles. This will be a must try for me :)

  4. AW's metagame is defined by infantry and arties.

    I like both ground and sea artillery. It's the best. I still use Grit a lot when playing AW:DS, and Gage in AW:DoR.

    You misunderstood me. I really did mean infantry and artillery. Those two units make up the backbone of the metagame. Other cheap units (mechs, tanks, etc) are also seen in the metagame.

    Crap. Really? What a bummer...

  5. I'll bite this one.

    Well, i'd do an Elite Four team of Dark, Ghost and Poison types mixed:







    If Gym Leader, it'll cycle around Steel types with double battling:







  6. You see, there's this game called Starcraft...

    Uh, anyway, snapping myself out of the wet dream, I think I prefer Fire Emblem, just because if I wanted the gameplay AW provides, I may well just go for an RTS. I still like Advance Wars a bunch though.

    We're not talking about Starcraft, rainbow boy. Make a thread if you feel like talking about it.

    Well, about the walkthroughs, i didn't find them accurate at all. Still, I can't enjoy the game while using the walkthrough. I'm pretty sure that you guys feel that way with Fire Emblem as well.

  7. (To the ones who will post, excluding the ones who already posted.)

    I've changed the poll's question a bit. Both games are good in their own department. But it's time to discuss which aspects are the ones that give advantages and disadvantages to both games.

    Try to stay neutral when giving justification. I know that you'll have to decide for one of them, but explain why is better.

  8. Advance Wars is more dynamic, quick and, instead of watching an individual battle between two archers

    And of course, AW builds up strategical reasoning better than FE. So, instead of leveling the character with the best base stats and build to fight with him/her alone, you can build up an entire army (which means spending money) to conquer enemy territory by using your brain alone (and of course, if you have the top guns, it means you have territory.)

    Of course, they are similar games from the same company, but Advance Wars provides a better gameplay than Fire Emblem. Still, you can love Fire Emblem a bit.

  9. About EarthBound... What did you do to get the Sword of Kings? (you know, dropped from Starman Deluxe)

    In my next playthrough, i'm determined to get it, and i need some tips if there are some.

  10. Loki, if you're going to post here, don't derail the thread. I'm very close to warning you.


    Oh noes, i'm going to get warned because of a brief derail. It may appear like tight security, but it's just plain faggotry. Seriously, this place is beggining to bore me, and not because i can't troll freely (man, there are funnier ways of entertainment). It's all about its inhabitants

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