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Everything posted by eCut

  1. Mine is taking longer than expected .:( Edit: I give you.. Sally! (From The Nightmare Before Xmas :) . ) If the scars/stitchings look similar to Jealousy's then it is purely coincidental because I didn't use any references for them, just thought I'd say that.
  2. Yay, new tale 2! I am excited. :) It is like getting a 14th tale. I did enjoy the original though ~
  3. Such a tough decision! I really liked Crocket's, Strawman's, and TBA's.
  4. Damn, didn't expect seeing something like that! The helmet is way cool.
  5. Have Renault go to the alter area (stand in front of the sword). It will trigger an event and when you go to the tale select Douglas should be there.
  6. eCut

    My Work. :)

    Trying to make the hair look better: (old) (new)
  7. Arch, I have a question: Is Dan from the Rebuilding Pherae tale Dart? 'Cause Dart's name is Dan and Dan's sprite uses Dart as a base(from what I can tell).
  8. eCut

    Solum's sprites

    I like the the third one in row 1, the first three in row 2, the first and last one in row 3, and the first three in row 4.... I think the ginger is probably my favorite though.
  9. Yeah that's true! Never really thought about it...

  10. I can't say it really feels any different . :P

    19 is the big one imo.

  11. Yes, she did ! Haha, thank you Tang. :)

  12. Photobucket is your friend, I'd recommend it(especially for the three animations). ;) But your female wyrm knight/lord looks very nice . :) Simple and clean.
  13. N'awh, thanks. :)

  14. Thanks you!! :D

  15. Lovely, good to hear. :) There is also a flashing pixel by Nino's eye when she blinks too.
  16. Hogsmeade is a wonderful place.

  17. That definitely looks loads better! I like him. :)
  18. Pent's Tale(s): [spoiler=Pent] When Ephidel talks Limstella's face is shown. Oh, and, is this right? Karel seems a bit random. And this: And is Hawkeye suppose to have a B support with Ephidel? This still happens even if you kill Ceodore: Usually these kind of chapters end when you kill the boss. I think this is suppose to be in. Hector's Tale: [spoiler=Hector] Laus Valkyrie keeps trying to heal Serra even though she is at full hp? After you recruit Erik, Hector can still talk to him and the recruit dialogue plays again. Wtf: Lance?: Oh, hey there Brendan: Zealot's Tale: [spoiler=Zealot] Might want to realign her eyes; they fuck up as well when Farina blinks: Also, wtf happened Niime? She looks amazing(could use a bit more neck though...)! Love the design . <3 More palette issues: Karel's Tale: [spoiler=Karel]NOT playable. Extra: [spoiler=Extra]I think there is something wrong here: Brendan became Matthew? Also, I did not actually complete this achievement so I do not know why it appeared. Juno in extra content is not viewable. Nils can be rescued: This hack is so well-done and really feels like it was made by IS! :) (Besides all of the bugs of course haha).
  19. eCut

    Solum's sprites

    I got to say, that looks pretty dead on. He could use a crown in his hair though. :)
  20. I voted Prime's. It was a toughie though; Feaw's is also very good. I liked Prime's 'cause it reminded me of the room in Edgar's Castle that makes it travel underground (FF6 :) ).
  21. In Hector's Tale, the village doesn't close when you enter it(by the starting point) and Shaver makes the game glitch up(this happens every time). Also, the Power staff doesn't work(though I think this was already said). Edit: The Shaver glitches is also happening in Pent's Tale.
  22. Be nice, we all have to start somewhere. Also, poof.
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