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Everything posted by paladin21

  1. My ideas: Soldier Lv1: Defensive stance (+3 Def/Res when attacked) Soldier Lv10: Ambush Myrmidon Lv10: Cancel (May cancel enemy's counterattack or second attack, trigger: Skl/2) Sentinel Lv5: Nihil (Chance of nullifing enemy skills at the start of the battle, all of them, trigger: Skl/2) Sentinel Lv15: Lancefaire Falcoknight Lv15: Adept (Trigger: Skl) I think there should be more unmounted classes with lances.
  2. Yeah, Nah has green hair in her default artwork, but if she's supposed to inherit it from her father, where's he? Nowi's hair however is kinda weird since it looks blond with green highlights. In her artwork it looks greener, but in game it seems to be blonder.
  3. I'm sorry for being the bearer of bad news...
  4. Slow Burn doesn't persist past turn 15, so you wouldn't be getting benefits from going too damn slow in chapters. I tried it using Nowi with Quick+Slow in Micaiah's xenologue. At turn 16, Ike's chances to hit Nowi increased by 16 (1 from Quick Burn turning off and 15 from Slow Burn). Nowi was maxed out, so she'd hit Ike anyway... I also tried it a while back with Ricken in the same scenario (but with only Slow Burn) with the same results. About usefulness I'd say Lucky Seven>Quick Burn>>Slow Burn. Again, that's my way of thinking since I usually rush through the maps, while trying to cover everything. If it takes me too long it's more due to the maps' size, than enemies might. Still, I haven't played through Lunatic+, so I can't speak for that difficulty, but from my point of view, the more you advance in a map, the less enemies you have left to fight and the less you need the skill bonuses.
  5. I think that merchants want gold, and the best way to get gold is to keep having enemies. Also, asking adventurers to get the gold that was buried with dead soldiers wouldn't net them good reputation, but getting it from risen...
  6. Given the many characters that have had green hair in the past (like half of Marth's original team), how come that the only regular green-haired character has around 3000 years?
  7. I usually do: Initial class LV10 (or 15 if special or promoted class)>Unpromoted 2 LV10>Unpromoted 3 LV20 (or lower if many stats are capped and I don't have the feeling they're growing)>Promoted class LV15 (with a somewhat important skill to get, like Renewal or Galeforce)>>>keep on getting skills just for the OP.
  8. Maybe you could think about reclassing Vaike to Barbarian for Despoil. The character doesn't really change, and you'll be farming tons of gold before you notice. Cordelia is great. She can get many good skills and if you pass down Galeforce to Severa, she'll easily become one of your main characters. Nah may surpass both Manaketes, but by the time you get her Nowi might be awesome. Just be sure to buy Dragonstones+ from the Spotpass Tiki (Vaike might give you the gold you need).
  9. R&R1 wasn't that big of a pain for me, I just had to restart it once and the only difference in my strategy was keeping Lissa off Narshen's reach. Too many green casualties though...
  10. I agree. They have the bad habit of attacking you hand to hand to get hit for great damage but not enough to get killed on the first hit.
  11. I had cleared all the map by the time they showed up and had already hit Cervantes, then the reinforcements appear and I think "Hey more free experience", then Cervantes attack, gets killed and the chapter ends. This time was my fault and didn't feel like restarting, but other times the boss moves and attacks so that I can't finish off everyone on the map (I sometimes seem to be Henrier than Henry).
  12. Ok, I think I may clear this a bit (but just a bit), characters get support points when: Fighting together (I'm not sure if they get more for being in Pair-Up mode) and attacking (dealing damage isn't necessary, since I had Kellam dealing 0 damage to an enemy general and Cordy not attacking and they still got hearts both attacking and defending). When being attacked and not countering my characters didn't get support points though. Using Dual Guard (and maybe Dual Strike grants some bonus as well). Kellam and Stahl got hearts when one protected the other one using Dual Guard and not being able to counter. Using Dance and staves on others. Going to event tiles on Pair-Up or meeting in events at the barracks. I know most of this is nothing new, but I think the activation of Dual Skills hasn´t been analyzed enough. I also think that the more supports a character has, the harder it gets to get new ones, but this is my own impression only.
  13. The same grinding you'd have to do to get the All Stats+2 scrolls.
  14. Unless the kid/Avatar was already pregnant when they went back to the future.
  15. Limit break is like an All Stats+2 on steroids, you just have to grow the stats yourself, which wouldn't be too hard actually.
  16. I think that's redundant. Renewal is for characters that are going to take damage during the enemy turn and need to be healed for the attacks you'll make during yours (it's best used with other defensive skills like Vantage, Wrath, Pavise or Aegis), and Lifetaker is for offensive characters that will need their health back to withstand any probable damage they'll take (it's better in combination with Galeforce, Counter or Vengeance). Olivia can learn Galeforce...
  17. You can use Counter like the enemy's Kamikaze's to get hit if you use Lifetaker as well and you are certain the your character won't die in the process. I agree on Gaius' Sol and I'd add Miriel's Renewal as well, since only Kellam and Libra can pass War Monk. I also noticed that oddly Brady is the only son that can inherit any female only skill (except the dancer's skills) but no male only skills unless he receives the classes from his father.
  18. If you set Counter without a way to restore HP, you won't last long against enemy's kamikazes, unless you use another combo of skills (Counter+Miracle+Vengeance+Vantage). For enemy's Counter you'll essentially have to spend all your gold in Fortifies.
  19. Armsthrift works for sure but Vengeance doesn't seem to. I haven't make a character get more than 100% crit (to bypass enemy luck) to test Wrath. I'll eventually try it with a male Sorcerer (he'll need to be a he to get all the skills) with Zeal+Gamble+Focus+Wrath+Armsthrift (the latter to minimize weapon comsumption, the other ones should net him +25 critical over 50%HP) attacking with a Crit/Hit-forged Ruin (75Hit 65Crit). If after many many tries, the supporting character only lands critical hit it would be fairly safe to state that it's because Wrath activates on supporting characters as well.
  20. Wrath has no animation as long as I remember, and since it's a passive skill probably it will work.
  21. Armsthrift is probably one of the most useful skills in the game (not wasting weapons is one of the best things ever), and only Donnel and Gregor (and male MU) can pass the class to any kid (Vaike can pass merc to females only). Even if you don't like his caps, you gotta love the merc skills (Armsthrift, Sol and two breakers). And if he fathers a girl, she'd get the pegasus tier, with Galeforce, and trobadour, with Renewal, and five rallies in total (six if you pass down Rally Strength). If you don't like her caps you turn her into a Rally bot.
  22. Counter should always be matched with Sol, Renewal or Lifetaker. Otherwise you're risking too much.
  23. Go Magical and use a forged Bolt Axe, with Ricken!Laurent as his father for über-max magic. He can inherit Axefaire from his father and Galeforce from his mother and kick ass from the start. His final non-DLC skills for this build would be Armsthrift, and Ignis+Lifetaker for a more offensive Morgan or Sol+Vantage for a defensive one. The offensive one would recover HP during your turn after defeating the enemy, so there's the extra damage from Ignis, while the defensive Morgan would heal during the enemy turn as well (via Sol), and strike first if low on health for a chance to recover. His final stats would be 35 STR/50 MGC, which means 35+25/50+17 damage (plus weapon might, modifiers...). With Henry or Libra as fathers, his damage would be 39+23/46+19, which would be slightly more physical, but as a magical build, inferior to the one I posted.
  24. But Donnel passes a good skill selection (you can hardly go wrong with Armsthrift and his superior luck). His daughters will also get the pegasus and trobadour class tiers, and so they'll get a nice selection of skills and usefulness.
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