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Everything posted by paladin21

  1. And Leaf-Nanna in the FE5 ending, and it somewhat implies that Finn-Lachesis is canon too (or at the very least that they had some kind of relation).
  2. Can you stack the effects of the skill Bonds used with several chars?
  3. Just one question, does anyone know how the order of the skills work for the activation? I mean first to last (F2L) or last to first (L2F). For example, if a character has three "mastery" skills (Sol, Luna and Astra in that order) and 30 SKL, their basic activation rates would be 30, 30 and 15, but their actual rates would be 30, 21 and 7.35 (if it's F2L) or 15, 25.5 and 17.85 (L2F). Either way it would be a 58.35% of a skill activating, but there would be a great difference for the one you want to activate more often, specially with high SKL (if the char had 40 SKL and we use the F2L method, Astra would activate even less with a 7.2%). And with Vengeance, which can reach ridiculous activation rates, having it the first or last to activate would be a great change. EDIT: If someone could try that out with Tiamo (Vengeance-Sol) or Sariya (Vengeance-Luna), it would be cool. Thinking of this I've thought of a tank Tiamo: *Refresh/Life Absorb *Sol *Vengeance *Lighning Speed *Skill dependant on the map I haven't quite decided the last one, it would be a situation skill, depending on the class. The thing about this build is that Sol should have the chance to activate before in order to heal in the enemy's turn, and if it fails, Vengeance would activate almost for sure to deal great damage, maybe finishing the enemy. At the beginning of her turn she recovers some of her HP when she's isolated, and since she has Lightning Speed, she can get away if she gets seriously damaged. Alternatively Life Absorb would replenish her HP by killing an enemy during her turn (if they attacked her they should be in critical condition). The skills aren't meant for any class (best used in a high SKL class, like Hero or Falco), so it would work for any of her classes, but I'd rather use her as a DP.
  4. I think that once you have the swordmaster's skills, it's better to reclass as an assassin, since you'll get about the same stats (biggest drop in RES), and you'll be able to use bows, losing only the use of Amatsu and Sol Katti.
  5. It would result in a pure support unit with lower fighting capacities. I'd use it dual with a Lightning Speed unit (attack with LS, tag and use Backup).
  6. There's a way to improve Chambray´s development. Instead of inheriting "anything" from Velvet, make him inherit Acrobatics from her and you can pass down any other skill that would make him even stronger from the father. Or Lance Slayer from Velvet to avoid some nasty attacks from Beast Killers. EDIT: If you plan to use him as a Taguel you can pair Velvet with Donny and give Chambray "Weak Beats Strong" to have advantage against high level promoted units.
  7. Magic thieves would be interesting without this reclass system, but now you can give thieving skills to a mage making him an actual magic thief. Callum (thief-priest), Anna (thief-mage), Henry (thief-dark mage) and Gangrel (thief-dark mage) can do this to different magic users.
  8. What would his nickname be? Donny the Pothead?
  9. I guess we should ask Doc Emmet Brown about the consecuences of messing with time...
  10. From what I've read in other posts (don't make me look for them), Vake passes mercenary, pegasus and thief, but other chars may pass diferent classes. Also Loran gets barbarian instead of troubadour.
  11. From what I've seen in videos in Youtube, each get the exp they'd get for fighting alone the enemy, but only if Dual activates, else only the main character receives exp. For example, Krom and Sumia fight together (it doesn't matter if they're together or not). Case 1: Krom kills the enemy, Sumia doesn't fight. Krom gets all the exp he would received if he was alone. Case 2: Krom attacks and then Sumia kills the enemy. Both characters get the exp like if BOTH of them would have killed mr. Bad Guy without help. However, someone that has actually played the game should confirm this...
  12. Astra should be combined with weapon saver to avoid weapon wasting
  13. Well, when I play the game, I'll see if I have the patience to make the kids inherit the skills I want them to...
  14. I'd make mine a Griffon Knight, but after some reclassing so that he gets Renewal, Counter, Weapon Saver, Holy Shield (to reduce his weakness) and Magnificent Flame or Luna as the active skill. Then Mark (his daughter) would have Lightning Speed, Life Absorb, Lethality, Rainbow Cry or Counter (if Rainbow Cry couldn't be gotten by level-up, she would inherit it, otherwise she'd inherit Counter) and maybe Pass.
  15. And can you get Jerome and Mark to be Tacticians/Grandmasters?
  16. So, finally which pairings did you do and what skills did you make the kids inherit? When I get it I'd make Wood, Brady and Azure get Lightning Speed from their mothers since they wouldn't be able to get it naturally, and it seems the best option from the female only classes (better than Refresh, Lance Expert and Dual Support+, the other interesting options I've seen). From the male only classes, I'd try to pass Counter, Wrath or Axe Expert to their daughter (if possible), in that order.
  17. And Kyle also marries Syrene who also marries Gilliam, and then Forde and Innes both marry Eirika and Vanessa and so on, until you have an orgy running in your game...
  18. A skill I thought that could be either a blessing or a curse would be "Mount Bond". This skill would involve mounting and dismounting, and having the mounts roam somewhat freely on the map (instead of puting your horse/pegasus/dragon in your pocket when dismounting), so mounting and dismounting would be somewhat similar to rescuing, but with two units "merging" into a new one. Well, the "Mount Bond" would give a character major bonuses to damage/hit/evade when mount and rider are close in the map (max when both are together as an only unit), but being reduced and becoming big penalties when they're too far away. Also, it would give the player complete control over the mount, just like any other character (so that it can be kept close to the rider). Other mounts would move somewhat random (with some movement dependent on the player and some would be random, but most of the times the mount would stay its ground). In these cases, the player movement part would be based on a rider-mount support (auto with no convs, it'd be weird, but funny at times ). The support bonuses for the rider would be small but would fix their usually lower caps.
  19. But it's like playing two different stories, not two points of view. It should be clear who is controlling who. From chapter 16 onwards, you seem to be running the two different futures Lyon foresaw, but it isn't clear which one is the right one. A third playthrough should make a definitive ending (maybe with Lyon surviving for the final battle, like Lehran in RD), and leave that as the canon story. Mental Note for a Hack: Lyon joins for final fight.
  20. [spoiler=Off-topic FE8] I know it's two versions of the same story, but the interaction with third parties (like Morva) should be exactly the same (maybe meeting a different manakete in one of the stories for a different, but similar boss, would actually make sense to me). What I wanted would be a third playthrough where I could use both routes, having some fillers for Ephraim (or even have some backstory for Ephraim's route before seizing Renvall, with all the extras being tired before 5x to keep the 4 people map). About the characters, I think that it could be somewhat possible for some chars to appear where they do, like Cormag, who, if you don't recruit or kill him during Eph's story, could know of his brother's death and go to Eir's route. About what YayMarsha said about wound-fatigue system is something I'd actually like to see. I think that the chars should have a stat where all the damage dealt to them was accumulated (call it pain), but it wouldn't go down when healed (or not at the same pace). If the character has an ammount of pain higher than a number of times his health (this would depend on class and/or skills), his battle performance goes down. It gets reduced at the end of every battle, but not necesarily to 0. This way, the player would avoid taking useless damage just to buy some levels to the healers (it would encourage to cure poisons to continously heal little damage everyturn).
  21. If there are split paths that merge afterwards (like in SS), I hope that you don't get the same characters in each path, and that the story remains coherent. In SS, depending on the route, Lyon appears fighting the evil within the stone or taking his own decisions. Whenever he was alone or with one of the twins, that made sense, but when someone else was involved, it was harder to believe that two different scens would happen. Also, if there were different routes for different lords, I'd like to be able to get to play all of them on a single run, after having beaten all routes separatedly, but with some new gaiden chapters, which would unlock if you did something in the other routes (for single route, it would be assumed that you didn't achieve those goals).
  22. And don't forget he has two weaknesses instead of one.
  23. [spoiler=Off-topic]Re-move is not that big of a deal in FE8 since you can't activate it after attacking (unless you've hacked the game of course). Re-moving after using an object, trading or visiting a house/village/shop is useful, but not so much if you lack movement (the GK has as much movement as any promoted infantry but the general) and you'd be using falcos, wyverns or paladins for that stuff since their mobility is way higher. Another problem they face is that they have issues rescuing people, since they have reverse aid (higher con, lower aid) because they're mounted, and they usually have great con, thus being able to rescue only low con characters. And finally, the GK lacks the general's signature skill, the Big Shield, being able to negate enemy hits (including the WK's Pierce), and actually one point of movement doesn't really pay for lower caps, bonuses, the rescue problem and the lack of the skill. But having options is always a good thing to have. The first two times I played SS, I took different routes and promoted into different classes each character (it was my first FE ever, so I played for pure fun). Reclassing would be nice if it had limits to keep characters with personality. Maybe after having played quite a few times or having met certain requirements, those limitations could be lifted, like having unlocked all of that character support convs, or reached certain gaiden chapters (once you know a character's background you can use it as a generic character, more or less, by changing its class).
  24. Or bring back Xbows with a range of 1-2. I think that his signature bow should have a higher range, like 2-3 and have something special, like extra effectiveness or being hero type.
  25. I think it would make sense, since usually mounted units aren't so used to fight on foot thus having less movility.
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