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  • Birthday January 2

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  1. @SatsumaFSoysoy The save skills certainly are a massive pain. Using Ophelia to deal with him right away was a good plan. Nice odd tempest on Celica, it's wonderful having that 3 movement on a galeforcer. @Sasori Neat to see a cavalry Minerva being used already. She did quite a nice job. That astra on Dagr was pretty nice as well. Rather surprised how much tanking Roy did. @Some Jerk Love these dancer clears. Ninja katana Silvia doing some awesome galeforcing as usual. Mini Azura got quite a few more kills in than usual here, great idea to use the AoE to weaken Dagr for her. Very nice job! @Diovani Bressan Well you nearly one-turned it. At least you finished before all the reinforcements got there. Nice to see you killing Dagr with L!Leif even with the deflect missiles. @BoaFerox That extra movement is so nice. Great idea to use Velouria to make up for that stupid crafty fighter guard effect. Brave Celica made quick work of Dagr. Great clear! Near save and crafty fighter... they're trying so hard to stop my galeforcing fun. Had to swap out OG Fir for Rafiel so I could get galeforce charged up on spring Fir. They made it rather difficult to outspeed stuff as well, but the Bartres just muscle through it all as usual.
  2. @Some Jerk Ooo I'm loving that ninja katana Silvia. That was some nice tanking from dancer Eldigan as usual. @NSSKG151 Reinhardt squad huh? Totally forgot dancer Reinhardt was a thing. You seem to be enjoying Ayra's new refine. Funny how she ended up with more kills than all 3 Reinhardts combined. @Diovani Bressan Osian was an interesting choice. The noontime healing really saved him. Fallen Julia is such a monster. Can't believe how easily she took everyone down. Great job!
  3. L!Leif is my savior for this limited LHB. He made it much easier to get everyone in place and being able to quad thanks to swordbreaker made it even better. And of course, all 5 limited hero battle one-turns for this month:
  4. @Sasori That far save skill is quite nice for when you don't have DC on someone. This was a really neat theme! Great job!
  5. My 32nd 5*+10 is L'Arachel. I needed a +10 bonus unit for this horrid arena season with L!Ike during earth season... I was going to +10 Matthew since I have C duel fodder and he would score better, but I told @DarkAlf I would +10 L'Arachel, one of his favorites, if he +10'd a Bartre, so here she is. Nothing special for her B and C skills yet, but I'll find something eventually.
  6. @Diovani Bressan Wow I forgot how destructive Triandra can be. She really did a lot in the fairy clear. The one-turn clear was really neat even if you did cheat. Cool that you got to use halloween Nowi's new refine. Nice clears! @BoaFerox Always love to see a galeforcing NY Azura. Too bad she doesn't have the masakari. Guess she does well either way. Nowi's refine is pretty wild, too bad she can't galeforce or I would use her all the time. Great job! @NSSKG151 Anna is way too good. I love that you were at full health at the end. Galeforcing ninja Hana is really nice to see as well! @Sasori Attack of the cav archers, huh. Lots of units I don't see very often in this clear. They did quite a great job! @Landmaster Poor healer Elise, being bullied again. She certainly took her revenge on everyone though. Still can't believe how much damage she does. Nice clear! Completely forgot to upload mine. Had to do some enemy phase killing due to everyone being so far apart, but it worked out well. No axebreaker unit will stop spring Fir.
  7. @Diovani Bressan Ah wow, I don't see galeforcing Abel or wings of mercy food too often. Green Kaden was a neat one to use as well. NIce job! @BoaFerox The fairy theme is quite nice even though one of them is actually a goat. Doing too much damage to galeforce is quite the issue sometimes, but great job handling it! My clear was just the usual Bartre and Fir family destruction
  8. @Landmaster Wow OG Elise went on a bit of a rampage this clear. That odd recovery does quite a lot as well. Not that dagger Elise needed it with that starfish. Great job! @Sasori Ah the amazing Chad returns! Still can't believe how well he can tank everything and just fully heal back. Asbel exactly one-shotting Claude thanks to that savage blow was quite nice. Raigh did a surprisingly good job here as well. @Unknown Gamer11 Didn't realize Ewan was such a monster. Quite the speedy set on him. I suppose Tiki/Ninian helped out quite a bit, but it was basically Ewan completely destroying everyone. Very nice job!
  9. @Landmaster Poor Alfonse, but glad that summer Elise got a new toy. Nice to see a clear where OG Elise doesn't get bullied the entire time.
  10. @Diovani Bressan lol that Altina clear... Not hard to see that unit was a bit of a mistake. Your one-turn clear was very nice! Glad to see NY Kaden again with his galeforcing. Seteth is lovely as always. Nice clear! @Sasori Wow a null C disrupt Raigh. Wasn't expecting that. He did quite a nice job. Can't believe how easy it was for him to slaughter half the map. Too bad Chad didn't get to do anything, but he needed a break I suppose. Great job! Just the usual one-turn clear from me. Nothing too special
  11. @NSSKG151 The Jill hit and run tactic was quite nice in the Anna squad clear. NY Anna completely destroyed people as usual. It still surprises me how tanky she can be while still being so fast. Commander Anna did a great job taking down those blues. Nice to see a one-turn clear from you as well. Reminding me that I still have to build Raven some day lol. Glad NY Anna got to make an appearance in it as well. @Some Jerk Oo another great dancer clear! Quadding Silvia is quite the sight. I see the rein skill came in handy for you as well. Nice astra from mini Azura there at the end as well. Great job! @Diovani Bressan Geez had to downgrade Freyja's weapon, huh. The units were so fast in this map, but so easy to kill. Especially with L!Leif lol. Glad to see there was no cheating in this one. @Sasori Haha I loved Mae's quote at the start of the infernal map. Boey was pretty destructive this clear. Nice exact damage on Claude as well. Lex is quite nice, I can't wait to get a few of him so I can build him up. Bow units were really nice for this map. It's always great to see your Gordin in a clear. He's one of those units people rarely ever use, though he does quite a bit of work. @SatsumaFSoysoy Wow... that ninja Hana makes me really jealous. Really wish I could have built her, but her weapons were needed, as you will see in my clear. Brave Celica is such a nice galeforcer to use in long clears. Looks like this map hardly gave you any trouble. Lots of quadding going on in this one. It was surprisingly difficult to keep from killing things in too few hits. Ended up having to use the enemy phase as well because of it.
  12. @Landmaster Micaiah was a really nice unit for this map. Didn't realize how powerful her refine actually was until now. That mystic boost was a great help for her. Brave Ike is broken as usual, though I was surprised at how well armor Ike did. Great clear! @SatsumaFSoysoy Great idea on using Sol as the special for Micaiah. Really helped her out there. The healing from Reyson was nice for Zelgius as well. Mia/Lucina are quite the destructive pair, especially with that harmonic skill. Nice job!
  13. @Landmaster You call the Bartre family savage as the Elise squad bullies those poor people. Not even a miracle could save them. Nice job!
  14. @Sasori Poor Dithorba, just getting annihilated by Ronan like that. Too bad the red flier didn't suffer the same fate, but at least he got ganged up on. Nice job! @Diovani Bressan Ooo some nice galeforcing going on here. Nice to see Kaden and mini Marth galeforcing. Too bad you had to cheat for the Saizo one turn. Those firesweep weapons are fairly annoying since you can't just enemy phase everything. Nice job! Just the usual massacre by the Bartre and Fir team for me.
  15. @Some Jerk Haha that was pretty neat seeing everything do no damage to Leanne at the start. I really hope to get distant ward on mine one day. Nice use of guidance to get Sanaki over that wall without having to break it. Funny that the lance cav just sat there and did nothing because of the wall. Nice clear! @NSSKG151 Vantage Altina sure is nice. She sure does a lot of damage. Galeforcing Jill was a big help as well. Glad Elincia got some action in there at the end. Great job! @Diovani Bressan Close counter Soren was neat to see and wasn't expecting Nephenee either. Cheating bride was expected though. Good use of dominance to take Duma down. I'm surprised Micaiah actually needed it to kill him, but I guess she is rather slow herself. Great clear! Finally ended up giving my trashbag, Tibarn, galeforce since he was the only 3 movement flier that could take down the green dragon in one round. He is now safe from being foddered for now at least. Also got to use OG Micaiah for once, so that was nice. Also, here is a video with all 5 one-turn clears:
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