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  1. so how does this work Edit Ok reading that Reddit post RN EDIT #2 Ok so correct me if I'm wrong(I'm asking this on the FE Reddit too) but say I wanted to recruit Mercedes on Black Eagles I just need to train until Bows/Magic till I can get her and if she says no keep training until she says yes?(just using her as an example though I definitely will be trying to recruit her on Black Eagles/Golden Deer)
  2. Do we know how to get the remaining people like Bernie
  3. Ok was planning on going Black Eagles but wasn't sure since everyone I wanted from the other groups are recruitable I'm going Black Eagles
  4. yeah that was the propblem
  5. Ok I keep beating the first stadium with Alfonse AND all 4 units survive yet nothing is happening pls explain
  7. but if it is better then it works
  8. I typically do Holyn X Brigid BTW #BRAVESWORDPATTY
  9. I wanted to do Midir X Aideen but I prefer Aideen X Jamake is Midir X Brigid any good they seem like a much better couple TBH
  10. cause if it does I am making Ewan a sage with NO QUESTIONS ASKED
  11. Corrinquest yes I got the idea from Mangs Basically I am doing Conquest using only Corrins you want to participate here are the rules #1 Corrin HAS TOO Be reclassed Nohr Prince/Princess won't be accepted #2 Has too be Level 10 or lower Unpromoted #3 We will keep adding until we have 16 Corrins we currently have 2 Samurai's that will be promoted to Sowrdmasters cause Swordmasters are Bae and Masters of Arm's are crap 1 Knight that will be promoted to Great Knight another given Knight will be promoted to General but you can still request Cavaliers and they'll be promoted to Paladins 1 Ninja that will be promoted to a Master Ninja if given another Ninja it will be promoted to Mechanist an Apothecary will depend 1 Oni Savage that will become an Oni Chieftain 1 Mercenary that will promote to Bow Knight(if given another Mercenary it will be made a Hero, Fighter will depend and an Outlaw will be Adventure) 1 Archer that will promote to a Sniper(if given another it will be made into a Kinshi Knight and Sky Knight will depend) UPDATE #1 1 Dark Mage that will promote to a Sorcerer so we have 11/16 so pls tell me your castle code and what class and enjoy Update #2 We will be getting the Cavalier and A Diviner that will promote too an Onmyoji and a Witch so we got 11/16
  12. so my question is do I not need him alive to get Celice the Tryfing or do I heard two different things
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