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    Blazing Sword

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  1. Elena_YU

    Hi ~

    Thanks! ~ I would say I'd probably just make a hack based on what I like playing. I don't like really long, convoluted, drawn-out maps because they're usually just tedious to play for me, so probably I'd have a lot of maps that are straightforward and very difficult (+ not that this came up in FE7 but I don't even think I'd mind needing a bit of RNG if the map is really short, like 15-30 mins or so, and I'd probably take advantage of that because I'm somewhat sadistic and want to create as much of a hopeless feeling as possible. :3). I like pegasus knights, so probably a lot of pegasus knights and myrmidons, and probably no or very few really slow/bulky units. I like really obscure, drawn-out secrets, though I'd need to take some care to make sure it's not outright impossible. I'd probably make a shorter hack with a lot of paths so that there's a lot of decisions the player has to make, and it's a huge diversion from usual FE style which is a long narrative that usually has the same ending. As for the maps themselves, there's a few things that FE7 never did that I'd be interested in trying out. One idea I had for a long time is a map where you start off just resting somewhere, and then at night (meaning a fog of war map), the enemy happens to pass right by you without actually noticing you. So, it'd be a survival map where there's infinite reinforcements that just move in a set path from one side of the map to another, except if you move into range and they notice you. That seems interesting since you can either play it defensively and hope to run into as few enemies as possible (but there's also a huge paranoia factor since you have no idea where anything is), or go on the offensive and maybe try to find and kill the boss (really high risk but probably high reward if there's incentive for it). There's a bunch more but I'm totally going on a rant here and I don't want to give everything away immediately. : p Just in general I like things like this which are still FE but feel like completely different scenarios. I first thought I'd make a cast which is half-original and half-people who show up from FE7 in some way, but after thinking about it I'd rather create an original story with an entirely original cast, though I think it would be cool to toss in a cameo or two. ~ Thanks! They are totally adorable and I actually found it completely on accident when I was just trying random pairings because I felt like they'd be cute together so it totally is not awkward at all. :< Though, I didn't realize how capable of completely breaking the game their love was until my friend told me so my first playthrough I only got them up to lvl C.
  2. Elena_YU

    Hi ~

    It is! I would say it's a toss-up between a whole bunch of characters. Guy and Priscilla are both awesome (and adorable) independently of each other, and then I also like all of the pegasus knights (I like Florina and Farina slightly more), Ninian, and Lyn, and Hector is totally badass. Pretty much I have a strong preference for pegasus knights and myrmidon/swordmaster-type units. My second highlight after wrecking everything with Priscilla/Guy was leveling all the pegasus knights and going around and triangle-attacking everything on Hector mode, including Nergal and the fire dragon at the end (Fiora + Rex Hasta + +10 damage buff + triangle attack = 90-damage hit on Nergal lololol). My avi is pretty much as Mir said, she's Elena from Yggdra Union. She's an archer who seems to think the moon is very beautiful, and she's probably my favorite YU character. I like her a lot~
  3. Elena_YU

    Hi ~

    Don't worry, you all are being very gentle so far. Thanks everyone~
  4. Elena_YU

    Hi ~

    Thank you everyone for such a warm welcome! I hope to have a good time here as well. Ehe~
  5. Elena_YU

    Hi ~

    Hi! I was introduced to FE7 a while back since a friend recommended I play it and I got hooked. Since then I've tried out FE6 but I was really lazy so I haven't finished it yet (though I hopefully will when I'm less lazy!). I like JRPGs in general, or rather I like the general style of them, but tbh I haven't played that many JRPGs mostly out of laziness and partly because no time. Some may recognize the game my avi is from and my favorite series is Ar Tonelico (AT2 = pure art). I'm mostly interested in FE7 hacking, I don't know if I'll ever really get anywhere but it's something I tried to mess around with a while back when I had some extra time and I liked it. I've always wanted to design a game, and I've considered writing at some points, and I'm a CS student, so FE7 seemed like a perfect game to mess around with and I had a lot of fun with it. I also like mafia, so I might try a game on this site at some point. My FE pairing of choice is Guy/Priscilla. I would say the highlight of my time playing FE7 was leveling both of them up to lv 20/20 with A rank support and then wrecking everything with Guy 75%+ crit chance and Priscilla 30-damage doubling everything in the game. Plus, they're totally adorable. ^_^ Please be gentle with me!
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