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Posts posted by Noni

  1. On 3/15/2021 at 8:02 PM, Zanarkin said:

    I don't think i necessarily agree... Your assumptions as to why something is the right thing could be wrong, but when you do it happens to result in a good thing. I don't have any example I can bring up in the moment, but I feel very suspicious of this statement. There are cases where you can arrive at the correct conclusion for the wrong reasons. It happens a lot in games like Mafia and Among Us


    Also, I really hope Anonymous Speed clarifies what this pseudo scientific test is at some point. Though something tells me he won't.

    Upps, I had a Typo. I meant to say "No one does the right thing by accident, while thinking they aren't doing the right thing."

  2. So I wanted to answer "Neutral Thing", since it usually depends on what they thought, was the good thing and not on whether they did, what they considered good.

    Since I can't do that, I answered "Good Thing", since the Alternative is people doing, what they think is wrong, maybe cause they're selfish or too troll people. And when people deliberately do, what they see as wrong, the chance,  that it's actually wrong is higher. No one does the right thing by accident, while thinking they are doing the right thing.

  3. I think, this has never been answered in-game, but who rules over Grado after it's royal family died. Has it been too hurt by the earthquake and the war to even be it's own kingdom and got annexed to Renais? Has Ephraim or Eirika become King/Queen of Grado? Has Duessel taken over as Ruler and made Amelia his Heir? What do you think, is the most likely?

  4. 20 hours ago, Garlyle said:

    Rath is green in your sheet for some reason.


    20 hours ago, Kubson said:

    And Fir is in red.


    Thank you for your help!

    20 hours ago, Kubson said:

    Leila (why is she in the voting?)

    Hey, nothing against Leila! And she isn't as weird as the ones from Echoes. Someone must have had the idea, to get every single minor Boss in there. Who the heck remembers Lawson, Blake, Dolth or Jerome? And Minor Characters like Irma, Massena and Halcyon are also there.

  5. So, for a long while, I worked on both CYL-Lists and combined the Number of Votes for Characters, that were in there several Times. Tharja, Cordelia, Gaius, Caeldori, Rhajat, Asugi, Naga and Nagi were counted seperately, but I'm not completely sure about that Decision. Devdan and Danved were counted as one Person and nothing will change my Mind about that.

    It is sorted by the highest number of Votes from both Polls. So Column D.


    I just wanted to share my Data, to see, if anyone finds this useful.


  6. I think, Takumi could've been interesting. After playing Birthright and knowing, that he'd be the final Villain in CQ I was interested in seeing an Antagonist, who has legitimate Reasons for hating me, but has also some issues fueling that Anger. But, like the others said, in Fatesverse there are no legitimate Reasons for being mad at Corrin.


    Well, back to Sakura. After some Fanfics, I have to say one Thing: Angry Post-Conquest-Sakura is best Sakura!

    I like the idea especially, because the loss, that she feals for both of her older brothers is very sad for very different reasons. With Ryoma, it is horrible, because he was always a giant tree for Sakura to lean onto and look up to and now it must feel horrible, that this incredible inspiring person for Sakura is gone.

    With Takumi, it is a tragedy for completely different reasons. He was very far from being perfect and Sakura was one of the few people, who he could talk to him. Sakura was able to see all of his potential and all the ways, he could possibly be a much better person, but now that chance is just gone and Takumi will never be the great guy, that Sakura could see him become and die instead as an angry loser.

    Kay, a lot of that is Headcanon.

  7. 11 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    No option for all of them? I'm talking about letting players choose the starting class and thus the starting weapons like in New Mystery. Let me choose to start as a Peg knight or cavalier or something!

    There seems to be still some Confusion.

    The Question was generally meant as "Which Weapon would you pick, if you can pick the starting Weapon and the secondary Weapon in the Game", but most seem to understand the Question as "Which Weapon should an uncostomizable Avatar Class have".

  8. 1 hour ago, Blade Lord Lyn said:

    One of the reasons I want the leak to be real is to choose your weapon type for our Avatar so that's my answer but for poll it 1st: Lance, 2nd Light Magic

    Well, I wanted to ask the Question mainly for the case, that the leak is true and which Weapons one would choose in that case, while also wording it neutrally enough, that the Poll could work withou knowing about the Leaks.

    For some Reason, I thought, it would be something of a Spoiler to discuss Leak-Stuff in other Threads than the Leak-Thread.

  9. I've hope, because they seem to at least try to make this Avatar and Lord with morally questionable Personalities. The biggest Problem in Conquest was for me, how they bend over backwards, to have a morally flawless main character, who still performs morally questionable acts and they failed spectacularly. And Vampires are easier to make sympathetic, while having to do questionable Acts, because they MUST drink blood to survive. Yeah, it is still "This Character has to do bad stuff because of magic" like with the blood pact and the curse of valla, but it is easier to buy for me, because Vampires are already established within our culture.

    I guess, they'll be a bit like Micaiah in her Base Conversation in Act 3 with Nico.

    I hope, that it'll have some Influences from Act 3 of RD. For Excample Characters like Jill and Zihark, who you can recruit from your other army.

    An Example would be a Vampire who seeks Redemption and saves Alain. Alain can say "Okay, this Vampire is at least willing to stand against the evil of her race. I take her" or "Vampires can't be trusted" and if he says the letter, the Redemption-seeking-Vampire gives up the Hope of Humans and Vampires living together and helps Dracul.

  10. This could've Potential. I think, it is a bit too complicated from a Gameplay-Perspective, but it could give the Characters a bit more Depth, if not all their Relationships end in Friendship, but some of them get worse over the war.

    Well, I am not really talking about a penalty, but about full CBA-Anti-Supports. It could give high risk-Rewards like lets say one Character getting higher Damage and Crit, while having less avo and Acc, because the Presence of the other one makes him angry. Or one of them gets paranoid around the other one and that makes him more on-guard, which gives him more avo and acc.

  11. To be honest, I don't even think, Rhajat and Niles are that bad. Being Bi wasn't their only Personality trait. Their only Problem was, that they were the only LGBT-Characters(aside from the Avatar) and if the only two LGBT-Characters are two of the darker Characters, that reinforces some bad Stereotypes.

    I would have no Problem with having one Niles alongside Characters like, let's say, a bisexual/lesbian Version of Olivia and Maribelle. That we'll get more than two LGBT-Characters gives me Hope, that we'll get a wider Spectrum of Personalities among them.

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