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Everything posted by Noni

  1. It sounds to me, like he'll be a little bit like Takumi/Leo.
  2. I think, the Avatar S-Support any Character, IF he matches the gender, that Character is attracted too. Just like in Awakening and Fates with the Exception of Morgan/Kana Godfrey and Garland sound to me like they'll be Major Antagonists who both represent the more evil side of their Kingdom.
  3. I think, the Avatar S-Support any Character, IF he matches the gender, that Character is attracted too. Just like in Awakening and Fates with the Exception of Morgan/Kana Godfrey and Garland sound to me like they'll be Major Antagonists who both represent the more evil side of their Kingdom.
  4. The Story is part of the Game. It is not in a Book that is seperate from the Video Game. Of course it isn't the only Part, which is why Conquest still gets a B from me. And since a Poll practically asks the participants to use their own Values to judge the Games, every Judgement is valid, wether someones gives Conquest an A, because he isn't valueing the Story at all or gives Shadow an F, because he only values the story. The Average Score is than an Average of all the Values that the different participants have. I was pretty lenient. Shadow Dragon and Revelation got a C. Blazing Sword and Path of Radiance got an A. The Rest that I played(FE8, FE10, FE13, the other FE14 Pathes and FE15) got a B. It really hurted me, to give POR a better Score than RD, because I find it a bit bland in Comparison. That said, it does a perfectly fine job in setting up the story of RD, while RD has Problems with executing that Story and it doesn't have the balancing Issues of RD.
  5. Yune would get the ghostly child body, that she has in the Cutscene at the end at the beginning af Part 4 and Micaiah would continue to have her own body. Micaiah would show a Reaction to Zelgius Death. He seems to matter a lot to her and they had a lot in common as branded Generals of Daein. She would see the same Memories of Zelgius as Yune and how he always hid his Brand and lived in Fear of no longer being able to serve his country would convince her to reveal her brand and continue to serve Daein to not live the same Life as him and so other people like Zelgius and Micaiah, who had grown to love their county despite its racist attitude could do that in the Future without fear. Zelgius wouldn't have a forced One-on-One with Ike. Maybe he would try it and it would backfire. Micaiah, Sothe, Pelleas, Sanaki and Tibarn deserve Boss Conversations with him too and it would be more satisfying to not give him the One-on-One-Death, that his twisted Honor demands but the combined Strength of our Army.
  6. Since it seems to me like every Senator has a personal General, here are my Headcanons for those. Sephiran: Zelgius Lekain: Levail Hetzel: Yuma Numida: Jarod Valtome: Sergei Oliver: Kimaarsi Duke of Seliora: Istvan and Lombroso is his ambitious Deputy. Also the Senator at the Start of 3-5 is the Duke of Seliora and he is the Bishop with Elsleep or Elsilence in Chapter 4-3. The other one is Olivers Replacement as Duke of Tanas.
  7. I don't see, how the Conflict between us and Lekain changes much between Part 3 and 4. He has still the same racist, narcissistic Views as before, but now a Goddess is validating them. Okay, it becomes clearer in Part 4, that he isn't the one pulling the strings, but I wouldn't want him pulling the strings, just like I wouldn't like Darin or Chagall as the ultimate puppeteers of their Games.
  8. Okay, I've just seen, that I only have to click on the +-Symbol to change Weapon and Outfit. And now I feel dumb.
  9. Can I unlock the Promoted Character Models and how can I do it, if I can?
  10. I've voted for Micaiah, Hector and Ephraim. They're all not Sword-Users. Micaiah could have interesting Supports with Fates-Characters like Corrin and Xander.
  11. The Pedestrial is from Awakening. So technically the same as Shield of Seals, but I thought, they worked differently enough to give them two options. Yes, the other one is from TMS.
  12. Which Object is the best Fire Emblem. With that I personally mean: Which Object has the best Justification for giving the Game its Title? But if you've a definition for the "best" Fire Emblem, that you like more, you can use it, to answer this question.
  13. 6/10 He looked nice and I remember him being useful, but I think, he wasn't that intereresting Yune
  14. I don't think he'd seek revenge and think more along the line of "Zelgius had one last good duel. Good for him". Levails generic Boss quote seemed to implie, that he is as duel-hungry as Zelgius and he shows no malice towards his opponents in general. But I could imagine some kind of respect-fueled revenge, where he feels no hate for Ike, but wants revenge out of principle and to fight the man, that could beat Zelgius.
  15. I can't find a comprehensive List of all Characters, whose Death either starts a Game Over or always a retreat Quote(There are Cases like Soren or Skrimir, who can't die in the Beginning, but during the Finale). So which Characters can't die under any Circumstances. From what I gathered it seems to be the 6 forced Characters for the Finale, the herons and Tibarn and Elincia.
  16. And if you manage it to combine everyones Genes together in one Child, that Child is Seth*! *You can insert any other memeable Character like Gheb, Oliver or Frederick here
  17. From FE6 Sigune, because of her death quote and because she is more of a cynic, than downright evil. Pereth, because I liked it, how he comes to save Murdock if you aren't fast enough with defeating him. And I've a thing for Villains that outlive their superiors. Eubans from FE7 has also a similar mix of cynical and honorable as Sigune and also a cool death quote.
  18. If we are going with good Daein Bosses, they're is also Kasatai. It was kinda cute, how Ena expected him to run away and made him promise to not abandon her and he reacts full of hope, that they can now beat Crimea.
  19. I don't find the Oliver Meme that insufferable. Since you can be sure, that none of the Votes for him are serious, you can just ignore them, to see, what the real ranking would be.
  20. Yeah. The only Thing, that I don't like about him, is that he might remind you of that, but he isn't reminding the Player Characters of that. We don't see any Player Character react to that chapter in any way, aside from Ricken in the Support with Henry. Veyona is a Woman?
  21. I just wanted to know, if there are any Villains, that managed it to get your interest only with the Screen Time of One Chapter.
  22. What was he supposed to do? How was he supposed to figure out, that Ashera was lying to him, when she seemed to signal him, that he was her chosen champion. Even if he was able to figure out, that he was too much of a douchebag for a goddess to choose him(And I don't think, he had that much self-awareness and just thought, whatever he did for himself, was also, what the goddess wanted), what was he supposed to do about it? This is only my Interpretation, but I think, the cost of her mercy her explains Micaiahs somewhat ruthless attitude after the blood pact is revealed to her. Maybe she thought about Jarod, when she ordered her Troops to burn Sanaki alive.
  23. Normally, this doesn't bugs me, because it isn't brought up in story, but one especially jarring Excemple to me is Hetzel in the following scenario: 6 Rounds have passed by and he has not Staves anymore. You killed Lekain before him. You attack him with Ike. Now make Sense of this Boss Conversation: Hetzel: Wait, please… I never wanted to fight… I’m here only because I was ordered. Ike: Then surrender your weapon. Me: What Weapon? Hetzel: I-I cannot do that. I would fall into disgrace with Vice-Minister Lekain. Me: That Guy is dead! Ike: …
  24. I understand, that they want justice for the Heron-Genocide, but even though Begnion killed the Messengers, they didn't seemed to do anything, that would bring Gallia itself in Danger and the ones that would suffer the most from a war, are the normal soldiers and not necesseralily the Culprits behind the Heron-Genocide. The Thing in 3-4, where they rejected the Possibility of a Peace Treaty, because their Soldiers are too blood-thirsty for that, makes this Thing even worse for me.
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