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Posts posted by wolfskin

  1. I really hate Keaton/Hana 's support. It's literally about him not liking her and then the S almost sounds like it was cut and pasted from another support because it has almost nothing to do with C-A. Although I hate a lot of Hana's supports.

  2. I think that's pretty cool. Being immersed in games to an extreme extent is fun. It feels rare for that to happen these days now that I'm older, so I'm personally envious. I don't get involved enough to talk to my screen or anything, but I've definitely gotten way too offended by things the characters have said to one another, and I guess I basically "ground" the characters when I didn't like what they did, I plan their entire lives with their ships before shipping them, and some stuff like that. I don't see anything wrong with the things you said or anything, sounds fun. 'o'

  3. [spoiler=Gif Making is finicky ]giphy.gif

    This was the best I could I do, I couldn't get a sweet spot between his transformation and showing the enemies.

    I'm pretty sure the gif is too big for the site, so if you're using this for your signature, I made this version:

    [spoiler=Yeah the image is tiny now, but it was the best I could do]giphy.gif

    Video Source

    Thank-you for your help ^o^ ~!

  4. I'm just gonna add another person saying to not take it seriously. I really hate people whining about these kinds of things. I view it as purely fictional, I don't question any silly real-life society restrictions in a fictional scenario in a fictional world with fictional people in it, I just marry who I like as a couple. my favorite husband for Nowi is Lon'qu, and that's probably one of her most childish supports. I just found it adorable. Who cares what other people think?

    Besides, look from their perspective. Nowi and Nyx are stuck in these bodies forever. So they should NEVER get to marry anyone because they look young? That's silly thinking. Especially for Nyx, who appears to have matured mentally. She might find it gross to date little boys similarly to how people think it would be gross to marry her. They're not actually kids so I don't view them as kids to begin with. Also, I'm a baby-faced individual myself at 21, and I certainly hate being viewed as a little kid, not being able to get married because of my baby-face would be devastating.

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