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Everything posted by Armadillo8

  1. Judging from the name of your file ("data.gba"), I can see you're using a decompressed database to edit the Chapters. For Chapter Editing you have to use the "bmapXXX" files located in the "dispos" folder. Keep in mind that they need to be decompressed as well. EDIT: Juding from the name of your file yet again, I can tell you are using Nintenlord's Compressor. As General Horace said, you should use Batch LZ77 rather than Nintenlord's Compressor.
  2. Definitely not. Skills are such a huge factor. Even Alfonse, who probably has the shittiest speed in FE Heroes, can be an awesome unit. It depends on if you get Weapon-Triangled or not. Since avoid is not a thing, I'd rather say skills and doubling are the meta (or just oneshotting -> Alfonse), not raw Speed. Brave Weapon and skills who grant double attacks/speed (Breakers, Desparation, or just Defiant Speed and Hone Speed) are better than raw Speed imo (granted your other stats are better in exchane for a worse speed stat). In general, I prefer Attack over Speed simply because of scenarions where my unit gets Weapon-Traingled: Emphraim can at least do decent damage against an Axe Armor Knight, while a speedy sword characters for example will just get one shotted by a Lance Armor Knight. My 5-star Robin has 32 Speed (decent I'd say) and 29 Def. He won't double anything exept for Armor Knights, but when his HP fall under 50% he gets +7 Speed from Defiant Speed. His Defense is enough for him to actually survive most hits and his skill will allow him to double almost everything, excpet for Lyn and other Swordsmen (who get Weapon-Trianlged anyways).
  3. My bad. I put the wrong text ID. Fixed that and the Valhall animation.
  4. That's strange... It never occured when I was playing. Can you send me the save file (if you still have it)? Or do you know which unit/item it was?
  5. In the original you had two Orion's Bolts but only one Archer. You will get the Orion's Bolt later in the game. I removed the Orions Bolt in Ch 6 as it felt pointless giving it that early to the player. At that point, Neimi will barely reach Level 10 without Arena Grinding. You will get enough promotion items as the game progresses. There will be enough to promote (almost) all of your units. You can also buy them in non-secret shops later on.
  6. Name: Anna HP: 18 Atk: 15 Spd: 10 Def: 4 Res: 5 Weapon Skill: N/A Assist Skill: N/A Special Skill: N/A
  7. Name: Saizo HP: 16 Atk: 11 Spd: 7 Def: 8 Res: 2 Weapon Skill: Steel Dagger Assist Skill: Special Skill: Name: Beruka HP: 19 Atk: 14 Spd: 6 Def: 8 Res: 3 Weapon Skill: Steel Axe Assist Skill: Special Skill: Would it be worth noting what upgrades 3 * Characters have? In case one Beruka gets a Killer Axe and the other a Brave Axe as an upgrade for the Steel Axe..? Or if learnable Skill differ? ( Or do they all just follow the same upgrade line? That's what I assume, but I' not sure)
  8. Name: Shanna HP: 16 Atk: 14 Spd: 9 Def: 5 Res: 7 Weapon Skill: Killer Lance Assist Skill: Special Skill: Chilling Wind Name: Ogma HP: 20 Atk: 12 Spd: 4 Def: 5 Res: 3 Weapon Skill: Brave Sword Assist Skill: Special Skill: Daylight
  9. After loading a script you have to click Terminate Animation. Otherwise the spell will remain unchanged. Edit: Oh nice, I should probably read the whole post first. Also... how did I not see the strikethrough..? At least I learned something from this... Edit2: They should REALLY add an option to delete posts...
  10. It was actually the first thing that went trough my mind when they showed the title. I really hope it is a series of remakes. I'd like to play the older FE-Games polished up and with an official localization. Considering the japanes title had a big, fat Echoes in it next to the standard kanji-stuff, I'm almost 100% sure that it is a series. I just hope the don't rush the remakes if they actually plan on doing more. I wanted to play Gaiden for a long time but the fact that it was a NES Games kinda scared me off, but now I finally have a Chance! I'm sure many people feel the same... Glad Nintendo is doing this!
  11. -Personality; It's the most important attribute to me. I'd rather use a weak unit I like as a character than a strong one who doesn't really appeal to me (Lowen best FE7 Cavalier!). -Introduction; How a character is introduced probably what I look at the most. I generally tend to use characters who had a "proper" introduction (anything more than just a simple "Oh hey, let's fight together" dialogue) more than chars that are just assigned to your army like FE14 retainers. And I generally prefer characters that start as enemies. I'd always pick Elrean over Merric, Benny and Charlotte over Effie and Arthur... And I WOULD pick Samto over Navarre, if it just wouldn't be for his... -Stats; They usually don't mean a lot to me. Only if they are downright terrible I might consider benching a unit, but as long as there is something to work with, no matter how bad-but-still-not-unusable they are (Samto is just TOO bad...) I'll stick with it. -Magic; I love magic classes. They just seem more special than the "generic weapon classes". Out of all Magic types Anima is probably my favorite. Though dark is nice too. Actually, I like all magic classes/units/types besides light. It just feels kinda boring. And Magic Only Runs are also a fun thing.
  12. Is Lyon actually considered a villain? He has good intentions and the "bad Lyon" is just Fomortiis manipulating/controlling him. I'd go with Lyon, but I don't really see him as "evil". So I guess I'll just go with Fomortiis...
  13. Ranger 2 and 3 were a great experience. I would like to see more Ranger Games but sadly that's not happening. ​Ranger 1 seemed kinda odd with ist capture mechanic. Glad they changed it in Ranger 2. ​The Partner System in Ranger 3 was maybe the only flaw it had, especiially combined with the "Rage" Effect (not sure what it's really called; you know... when the pokemon get red and only your pokemon can "calm them down" again). You could just win battles with your pokemon only (exept for the one circle you would need to draw). I probably spent more time in the "Past" doing temple missions than actually doing story related stuff... Anyways, Ranger 2 and 3 were outstanding while Ranger 1 was kinda meh, but it was a good first step...
  14. Are you sure you were standing in his range before? If you click on him the game will show you his range including the movement of the character. The range you'll be shown is his Maximum range with purge if he would move his 6 spaces, but as he is a boss and thus does not move, he will only be able to fire as far as his tome allows him to (Unlike later FE Games, GBA FEs do not show "0 MOV" on characters that do not move). If you display his range you have to subtract 6 tiles (that's what his MOV is) and then you will get his actual range with purge. Or you just count the tiles by starting on Kenneth and then moving 10 tiles. The AI in FE 7 isn't really complex so I assume that this is the reason. As for dealing with him... just put an anima mage (preferably with high RES) into his range and let him soak his tome up. Once he has no Purge left go in and Attack. Or you rush in with another high RES unit like a Paladin and kill him. Just make sure you kill him before he can switch to Aura as he'll not only be ablte to retalliate, but you will also not be able get his Aura tome (the Aura tome is A LOT better than the Purge).
  15. The FE8 Chapter Unit Editor Modules are kinda messy. The coordinate part to be percise. Basically, I changed the frormat of the coordinates from two iffy Bytes to one "Coordinate" that can actually be edited and added a Doc as some sort of "tutorial". Although almost everyone is using the Event Assembler for this, I thought it would be useful to have the Module at least Display the coordinates properly so that quick, small edits can be done faster. And maybe also to edit the Units that dont show up in the Event Assembler...? Well at least it's a bit more transparent now than it was before. Get it here if you need it.
  16. Even if you Play in Normal Mode, the Inventories should stay the same. It was actually my mistake. I fixed it and updated the doc.
  17. Alright. I updated the Doc. It now Includes documentation on Support Bonuses, Characters and Classes. The new Stat caps, Base MOV and Skills are now (hopefully well) documented.
  18. I just don't like the fact that a Swordmaster can pretty much solo the game by carrieing a Killing Edge and a Lancereaver. Enemies with higher Luck fix that and they get some extra avoid to give them dodgieness to some degree... Though the Swordmasters are a bit stupid, I goota say. I decreased their Speed Growth (as well as some óther growths for some classes). I decreased all of Tirados stats a Little just so he would dodge less attack. But I don't think he'll need any more treatment. Good Point there. I should definitely check the enemy growths, as some classes seem to have one or some oddly high stats. As you said, the archer with insane def or even the Swordmaster who capped Speed at Lv 1... Glad you liked the changes :) I spent hours thinking about how to make Patronaura good, but not too broken. I hope it's fine as it is now. Aircalibur was nerfed in might, hit and crit, though I didn't buff Elthunder. Did you maybe mean Arcfire? As Elthunder is just an inferior Version of Arcfire. Like Iron>Steel, it would be Fire>Elthunder>Arcfire and Aircalibur would be the killer variant. Divine was also nerfed. I don't know what I was thnking when giving it that absurd critrate. Also, Purge was reduced to 8 uses... just because... Swarm has been nerfed slightly. It was kinda broken, I admit it, but I've been spending more time playing with the thought of nerfing Eclipse xD Honestly, I was at a Point where I thought that the game needed even more gems. After Ch 13, you'll see even more Gems. But trust me, you will need the Money later on. I'll think about it, but probably leave the gems unchanged. Oh and you're definitely right. I completely missed out on mentioning the difficulty spikes. Thank's for pointing it out! Finally, a HUGE thank you for your feedback. I really appreciate it :)
  19. Actually, the only reason I gave Natasha the option to promote to a Mage Knight is for her to be able to wield Excalibur. I decided to nerf those two a bit... I might have overdone it (especially with Carlyle). I never saw a Problem with Tirado as the Lord would always just obliterate him when I played the Chapter, but Carlyle is a different story. Also, lots of new custom battle themes and a few new map themes have been added. Some character had their growths slightly altered. Supports have been added for new characters. The endings for the respective characters are finished, but some of the Support coversations are not done yet. Additionally, Support bonuses have been altered a little. Ephraim Mode development is running. It will take some time, but it will come soon.
  20. You either DID mess something up (make sure to set all other "Classes" to 00 and to not mess up the Separators. Also, check if you wrote the pointer correctly. Don't Forget the 8 and check if you maybe put an D instaed of an E or something,), or your ROM is screwed.
  21. Here are some codes for the Unit Slots. You take the Turn Status Code for, say, Slot 1 and copy it. In VBA, go to the "Cheats" Section and past it there. The replace he ## by the Turn Status Value. Active is 00 (meaning even after that Char moved, he can still move again). You can find the values further down in the list (somewhere close to the bottom)
  22. Updated the link. Should work now. The new palettes have also been added.
  23. It's chapter 10, right? The one with Nord and Gonzales? The easiet way without digging too deep into hacking is to use a always Player turn cheat code...
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