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Gaggle of Geese

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Everything posted by Gaggle of Geese

  1. Loose: 1. free or released from fastening or attachment: a loose end. 2. free from anything that binds or restrains; unfettered: loose cats prowling around in alleyways at night. 3. uncombined, as a chemical element. 4. not bound together: to wear one's hair loose. 5. not put up in a package or other container: loose mushrooms Lose (used w/out object): 1. to suffer loss: to lose on a contract. 2. to suffer defeat or fail to win, as in a contest, race, or game: We played well, but we lost. 3. to depreciate in effectiveness or in some other essential quality: a classic that loses in translation. 4: (of a clock, watch, etc.) to run slow. Now go back to first grade AND LEARN TO F***ING SPELL.
  2. Let's not forget that "Barhara" should be "Valhalla." I guess I'm alright with most of the names as they stand right now ("Skasach" is an improvement, if you ask me), but I'm gonna have to draw the line at "Serlis." Seriously. F***ING CHANGE IT.
  3. "Should" is not exactly the word I should (LOL) be using, but I'm too lazy to change all of them. The names I mentioned all come from mythology. A lot of them are Irish, which explains the awkward transliteration. I guess "comes from" would be more accurate than "should." The FE Wiki includes an etymology section for a lot of the names from FE4. I just figured if the translator decided to change "Oifey" to the more proper "Aoife," then it would be more consistent to change other names to match. This could be seen either as an argument for or against the name changes, but I just wanted to throw the name origins out there.
  4. I'm very glad to see this patch updated! If I use this patch, can I use my save file from 0.87d? I figure I can, but I just want to make sure there won't be issues. By the way, regarding names... I prefer "Celice" to "Serlis." Also, the TCG uses that translation. Here are a few other names to consider (info comes from the FE wiki): "Holyn" is identical in Katakana to the surname of "Cu Chulainn" "Noish" should be "Naoise" I can't remember if it's "Arden" or "Ardan," but it's supposed to be the latter. "Cuan" should be "Cian." "Ethlin" should be "Ethniu." "Fin" is a real name, but it may have come from "Fionn mac Cumhaill." As has been mentioned, "Aideen" should be "Etain." "Jamka" should be "Jamukha." The name's Mongolian. "Tiltyu" should be "Tailtiu." "Briggid" can also be rendered as "Brigid," "Brigit," or "Brighid." "Lakche" should be "Luchtaine." "Delmud" should be "Diarmuid." "Johan" and "Johalva" can also be "Luchan" and "Lucharba." Also, "Burian" should be "Brian." "Leaf" could be "Leif," but I'm pretty sure it's a proper name on its own. "Aless" should be "Ares." "Faval" might be "Febal." "Corple" could be "Coirpre," "Cairbre," or "Cairpre." "Tyrfing" could also be "Tyrhung." On a related note, in FE6, "Armads" should technically be "Almace," and "Durban" should be "Turbin." The names come from the Song of Roland. Which names you go with are up to you, but I just wanted to let you know that there are a lot more names that aren't perfectly transliterated. EDIT: You should totally call Johalva "Jehova."
  5. My two cents: Rody -> Rudy (When I see Rody, I want to pronounce it "ROE-dee." I'd prefer to use actual western names, even if there are random spelling changes.) Cecil -> Cecile Malliesia -> Malicia or Melisha (I don't really care) Malice -> Maris (Seriously, "Malice" has negative connotations. It makes her sound like she's a villain. Plus, it's not a real name.) Samto is fine as is, IMO, although it is a little awkward. The number of L's in Elerean/Ellerean is pretty irrelevant, but I kinda like the one-L version. It's not a big deal to me, though. Ultimately, it's a matter of tastem though.
  6. I can understand your motives. By the way, there are a couple of things I've noticed that I think need changing. 1. One of the R-Button descriptions for one of the classes has a bug with the text box. (Or it may be a name.) The text goes too far off the text box, and then the border gets all funky-looking, with patches of blue. I wish I knew which description triggered this bug, but I can't seem to find it. I think it may have been Nomad or Nomadic Trooper. 2. The intro text has been removed, but the translators never figured out how to translate and reinsert it. (This is the text in the opening movie.) 3. Cecilia's text in the tutorial is all kinds of messed up. The text box is way too large for the text inside it, and a lot of the text is way too small. I don't want to be telling you what to do, especially since I'm not the one editing the patch, but I just wanted to let you know.
  7. How the heck did I not realize this? I thought I would have picked up on it sooner... Then again, "Barhara" is actually a pretty nice sounding name. I think the translators went with the name on the map or holy blood chart whenever possible, which I think was a bad idea. For instance, is it "Noba" or "Nova?" Also, "Loputousu" is extremely awkward to say. I always end up mentally substituting it for "Loptos." Then there's the Thracia patch, which transliterates it as "Lopto."
  8. Huh... I just want to apologize for blowing up at you. I just tried the menu patch, and it's awfully useful, even though the story isn't translated yet. Still, I think it's worth it to translate the whole game.
  9. I'm hoping they include Nosferatu/Resire as a regular spell. On the bright side, this means I won't have to train a whole bunch of separate magic users. I wonder what kind of S-Rank magic we can expect? Maybe Excalibur?
  10. Wow... well, there are a lot of GBA games that I still enjoy, but still. Kind of like how The Matrix came out in 1999. I first tried FE7 when I was going on a trip, I think. I went to Gamestop and found it used there. After that, I found it surprisingly good, although I made a couple of mistakes when I first played it. I've since played it 3 or 4 more times! The sad part is, I would have tried it sooner, but I was worried that I wouldn't enjoy it since it was a strategy game.
  11. 1. Really? That's almost kind of disappointing. 2. Even though some of them are kinda... wrong? Oh well. The current ones work, I guess.
  12. Except for the fact that, oh, I don't know, IT ISN'T F***ING TRANSLATED? Seriously, there isn't even a script translation out there. I don't know how you can decide that an incomplete patch is acceptable.
  13. I've always been kind of partial to him. :) Yeah, really though, I've played this game only once, and he turned out pretty well. However, I actually used arena abuse that time, so I don't feel I can give a valid rating. I'm going to see how Gonzales turns out this time around.
  14. I don't have much of an opinion on the specifics, but I'm all for this project. Good luck if you decide to do it!
  15. So, any chance there could be a separate patch without the blinking sprites? It's not really imperative to me, but it would be nice. Anyway, I was thinking of something--will any of the character names be changed? For example, Yuno->Juno. Also, "Niime" should be "Nimue," pronounced [NIM-way]. The name comes from Arthurian Legend--she's the person who sealed Merlin under a rock... or cave. I have my opinions on other names as well.
  16. Interesting idea, but this would require you to own a physical cartridge.
  17. Archers could counterattack at 1 range in Fire Emblem Gaiden. Also, you're a douche. Here's an idea: they can counterattack at 1 range, but their accuracy and/or attack strength is reduced.
  18. I use it just for the sake of clarity and to understand the story (even if the writing is 5th-grade quality). There's actually an effort to spiff up that patch... you can find the thread somewhere in the forums. Anyway, this is an awesome find. I'm totally going to use this from now on.
  19. I see. I think I'll just go with easy mode for now, especially since the growth rates in this game are balls. In FE5 I decided to play on normal difficulty, but since there's grinding involved in this one, it feels like it's a different situation.
  20. Yes, I see that now... good thing too, because pretty much everyone died. That's makes for a really depressing ending. Not worth the gaiden chapters, IMO, so next time I'm just going to play without them. What do people do for drafts and ranked runs in this game? Do they just go for low turn counts?
  21. I almost always play these games on emulators, and I tend to use savestates... a lot. I've been trying to cut down on that these days. I've tried out the mine glitch before, but never ended up doing it seriously. However, I got the boss to say his dialogue to a tree. That was amusing. Also, the Fa dragonstone glitch. On that note, I actually made a simple hack of FE6 to give the dragonstone and the Sword of Seals infinite uses. However, I've never played the hack, because I felt that it would be cheating, and that would take all the fun out of it. How ironic.
  22. Hello. I'm thinking of trying Fire Emblem Gaiden. I was just playing it to kill time recently, and found myself enjoying it. I was originally playing it on normal difficulty, but I'm considering playing it on easy instead just to cut down on the grinding. If anyone has played this game before, how much grinding does it require? And how much "easier" does easy mode make the game? Thanks in advance for any advice you may have.
  23. Oh, really? I didn't know that. I thought you had to use it in the place where you got it. Well, that's cool. Time to finish the game. I wonder what my survival score will look like...
  24. Please don't feed the trolls. At any rate, what else is going to be changed in addition to the translation?
  25. This reminds me of trying to get the Sword of Kings in Earthbound.
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