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Gaggle of Geese

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Everything posted by Gaggle of Geese

  1. Thank GOD. I'm kind of obsessive about my ROM collection being functional. That's why I'm always worried that there might have been a patching problem or something. Well, I'm glad that's a normal bug. Thanks for your help.
  2. Hey. I've been playing FE4 again. I'm on Chapter 2 right now, and I noticed that the ballista sprites look kind of odd. Specifically, there's a weird ball-shaped thing above the sprites. Does anyone else get this glitch? I want to confirm this before I get a second copy of the rom to test it.
  3. I see... before I restarted, I pretty much used the "glue" method for everyone. I didn't have much trouble with Lachesis, and Sylvia is fine unpaired, but Briggid and Tiltyu could present some problems. I plan on pairing Tiltyu with Azel, but I'm not sure about Briggid. Jamka seems to be the easiest option in that regard, and I definitely want Briggid paired! Ichival is too good not to pass on.
  4. That's helpful, especially in FE6, where the only light magic users are bishops. It can be annoying if you promote early, but that would definitely make it easier. I always end up promoting my troubadours as soon as possible, since it becomes so much easier to train them once they can use a weapon. They still end up pretty useless, though, beyond their staff-using capabilities.
  5. Alright, I posted this in a different thread, but it seems like this would be a better one. If I don't actively attempt to pair characters together, will pairings occur on their own? Basically, can I get pairings even if I don't TRY to get pairings? I've always liked to play FE games "casually," without obsessing over details. I just wonder if that's feasible for this game. I'd hate to get stuck with a whole bunch of substitutes.
  6. Wow, that's pretty complicated. I don't think I've seen that in any other game.
  7. This doesn't count as a necro-post, does it? I'm curious, should I be actively trying to pair units, or will I manage to get pairings even if I don't try? It's important to do stuff like putting characters side-by-side and such, but I typically go with the "glue them together method." I guess what I'm trying to say is, if I'm not trying to pair characters, will pairing happen anyway?
  8. So it basically works the same as in Gaiden... that's good to know. I guess in the older games it's best to promote early. Strange how that kind of thing changes. Speaking of which, do FE5 promoted units have lower EXP gain? I don't know if that debuted then or not.
  9. I learned something important today while playing Dark Dragon. I recruited Thomas earlier on. He was at level 8. At level 10, his speed was 6. Upon promotion, it was 14. That's a stat boost of 8. Holy shit. I've always considered archers to be pretty useless, but this changes everything. The gist of my discovery is this: Archers suck horribly. Snipers own all.
  10. Bad news: Capcom will NOT bed releasing Ace Attorney Investigations 2 in the U.S. It could be due to the fact that the 3DS is out. I REALLY hope Nintendo hasn't decided to ditch this in favor of 3D shovelware. If so, I'd have to kill someone.
  11. I know the feeling. Actually, I'm STILL stuck on the desert chapter. I'll probably play it with savestates. EDIT: Now that finals are over, I should have more time to play FE1, so the testing should be done soon. BTW, Quirino, did you ever manage to fix the errors in the Pales level? I know I didn't exactly make it easy to find the text.
  12. I was unaware that Pursuit was a class skill of Master Knights...
  13. I've only ever unlocked Narshen. I have, however, used Zephiel by romhacking. I've also changed characters' classes to "King." For those of you that have unlocked Zephiel, does his battle theme play whenever he fights?
  14. https://rapidshare.com/files/459498377/fe1patches.zip Here. This is a zip containing patch version 1.0 and the readme. There are known bugs, but it's fully playable. Please note that this file might not stay on Rapidshare for long.
  15. This has been eating at me for a while, but am I correct in thinking that Leaf does not have the pursuit skill? Neither Ethlin nor Cuan have it, and it isn't a class skill for Princes. Leaf's skills aren't explicitly spelled out in the FE4 section of the site, so I have no way of knowing. I just thought it would be kind of a bummer if the protagonist of the next game was lacking such an important skill.
  16. I don't think it's supposed to be like that. Quirino will probably post the 1.0 patch again. The next release is coming as soon as I finish my playthrough and testing. On that note, Quirino, you should take a look at your PMs. I've notified you of a few more glitches. Again, the stat boost items are the cause of most of them.
  17. "The path?" This is the game's first scene, it isn't optional. Just start a new game. I'm guessing it's a normal problem, since the rest of the game works fine.
  18. Thanks. Also, check your personal conversations. I've finished chapter 11 now, and I found a few more bugs, including one that interferes with gameplayDISREGARD THAT! Please check it out. By the way, Kashim is dead, George is level 3, and Wolf and Zagaro are both dead. :( I'm using George right now, but I'll probably switch to Thomas in the near future. I'm not doing so well with bowmen... EDIT: Quirino, please ignore my PMs. Here are the bugs I've found. 1. When I use the Goddess Ring, the dialogue reads "[Character] used the [Ring]Goddess," and then the rest is gibberish. There's some kind of problem with the text. I was confused for a bit, thinking the Goddess Ring was a promotion item. I guess it's not. 2. When the boss of chapter 12 attacks you, he says a bit of dialogue. All of it is garbled, like with the Goddess Ring. 3. When the clerics next to the chapter 12 boss heal him, the text announcing the healing is garbled. There are actually no problems with gameplay at all. Sorry for the false alarm!
  19. So, who else is a viable pairing for Briggid? It's kind of difficult to pair her since you get her pretty late.
  20. This is pretty interesting. Out of curiosity, how does promotion work in this game? I've always wondered that. Are there promotion items? Do you do it from preparation? Oh, and another thing. When I first started playing the game, with the translation patch, there was a problem with the first map screen. It begins with "rn coast of Thracia." and then repeats things a bit, then the text gets back to normal. Is this a known problem, or is something wrong? The game runs fine otherwise.
  21. Good thing I can read kana. I can make out enough to navigate. Nice April Fool's joke.
  22. I've started a game on FE4. I'm going to see if I can't get it right this time. Interestingly, Noish is shaping up to be a pretty good unit, despite not having the all-important Pursuit skill. However, since I'm working on testing, I'm going to be playing Dark Dragon at the same time. It seems my game has chosen me.
  23. Alright. Thanks for letting me know. I want to know what I can do to help with the process. I'm still at Chapter 10, but there are no real problems so far. I keep getting raped by those Dragon Knights. :(
  24. Sorry for the double post, but I needed to get Quirino's attention. Quirino, what still needs to be done before the next version of the patch is released? Do you need comments on all the chapters? I've been doing testing, but I'm quite busy these days. Is anyone else testing the game?
  25. I actually found a player's guide for that in a used book store in Milwaukee. Didn't buy it though, since I'd already beaten it twice.
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