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Posts posted by Stead

  1. For some reason when I seized your castle I was unable to recruit him and I forgot to save before the fight.

    Not sure what happened there.

    Anyhow, I've got Bowbreaker on Corrin so feel free to grab it ^^.

    I hope I haven't messed the settings in My Castle so if anything, please let me know and I'll fix it.

    Hm, I'm not sure since I'm still new to all this My Castle stuff, but I think you need to battle at my castle and with no handicap. Any chance you battled any other way? Whatever the case, we can try it tomorrow, my Gunter will still be there.

    As it turns out, I actually have bowbreaker. Any other breakers?

  2. HI All,

    I have finished Birthright and have just started a Conquest run.

    Thus I am looking for all characters with Aptitude and other skills you might have ^^.

    Thanks to @Benishigure @TheErazor @tbtbkzld & @HagiTheBakaFox I have already collected quite a few of them, but I still have some characters missing.

    If you could assist me I'd love you forever. I still need the following with Aptitude/anything else:

    Elise, Kaze, Azura, Felicia, Nyx, Charlotte, Forrest,
    Gunther, Sophie Midori, Shigure, Dwyer, Siegbert, Ignatius, Soleil, Percy

    Hey! Thanks to MayMay, I now have Gunter with a few skills, Aptitude included. Check my castle.

    UPD: Looking for breaker skills for Corrin, all except tomebreaker.

  3. Have some other skills for him, will update him so you can grab them tomorrow if you like ^^

    (heard he's less terrible in conquest, so you might be more lucky then me ^^ I gave up on him lol )

    Even more skills? Yeah, I would very much like to!

    He's a little bit better in Conquest, that's for sure. He's higher level when he becomes available, and there's a fun thing about it: his hp, skl, and def stats are higher than they're supposed to, as if he sometimes gained 2 points in one stat per level. Just let that sink in. That's Gunter we're talking about!

    So yeah, I'm gonna utilize all stat boosters I can get to make him good okay as well as all support bonuses he can get in Conquest, plus dlc classes and dlc in general.

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