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Posts posted by Chroi

  1. Saizo for me. He has very little accuracy problems, lands crits quite a bit, and with all that skill he gets he's gonna be activating combat skills left and right. This is just a personal thing too, but every time I've played Birthright or Revelation he's always been one of those characters to get constant almost perfect levels. Too bad you can't use him in Conquest...

  2. Well next one is likely coming for NX unless support for the 3DS continues beyond the NX launch.

    I really want to see Tellius-style Base Conversations return. Those had some nice hints about upcoming chapters as well as some good world-building. In fact, I'd appreciate some world building in general.

    I would like to see a new artist or at least the return of an older one. No hate for Kozaki, but I'd like to see a different style. I hope and pray for a new art director though. One that doesn't have a fascination for panty armor.

    As for gameplay, I don't really have to many specifics other than bringing back magic variety. Bring back Light magic and have more Dark magic variety. And while you're at it, put some effort into the magic animations, because Fates' sucked. What the hell did they do to Fimbulvetr?!

    And if the Avatar thing must return (though I wish it wouldn't), let it be a side character and let the main characters do their job.

    Almost everything I could ask for is right here.

    I also don't want to see a second generation of units unless they actually contribute more to the story, rather than just "Awakening did it, we need to think of any way we can possibly make child units appear". Same could be said for any sorts of beast tribes, I don't remember any sort of purpose for the fox and wolf tribes in Fates other than for the sake of having playable beast units and filler chapters.

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