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Tactician Aria

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Posts posted by Tactician Aria

  1. So I wanted to add the "Rekka no Ken" subtitle box from the JP version, replaced with my own text of course, however it does not seem to appear. I followed this guide: http://feuniverse.us/t/fe7-title-screen-subtitle-hack/1684 and it did work as the sword disappeared from myself editing it out, however the text box is still missing. Is there any hex code to make it appear? Thanks for the help guys!

  2. 1 minute ago, maxamus333 said:

    Just wondering if anyone had created animated versions of the Beta portraits for Kyle and Forde. 

    Also, is there another site that is the preferred site for animations, portraits, sprites, and all that more graphic oriented stuff?

    Well, I don't know what you mean by "beta kyle and forde" portraits but I do know the place to find all of your graphic oriented stuff. Check out the spriters resource, they have just about every sprite from FE6, 7 and 8.

    FE6: https://www.spriters-resource.com/game_boy_advance/fireemblemthebindingblade/

    FE7: https://www.spriters-resource.com/game_boy_advance/fireemblemtheblazingblade/

    FE8: https://www.spriters-resource.com/game_boy_advance/fireemblemthesacredstones/

  3. 1 hour ago, Primefusion said:

    I'm pretty sure RMXP locks you out of the editor when the trial runs out. If so you can't use FEXP.
    That said, there's key generators out there. Something to look into.

    Alright, thanks prime. I might look into the key generator if I decide to stick with FEXP.

  4. So recently I decided to move my fan game over from a hack into an FEXP project because FEditor constantly gave me issues. I went to look at the tutorial and it says I need RPG Maker XP to use it. I've downloaded the free trial, but once that runs out will I still be able to use FEXP?

  5. So when I started hacking, I did what a lot of people did and used Eventiel created by CedarNyx. It's a great program, but I went to use it today when I noticed the entire site was screwed up beyond all repair. Specifically the FE7 one, the FE8 one works fine. I've used it for a while and I've had no problems but I think it might have gotten removed because, IIRC, TEB forums have been abandoned for a while. Anyone else know what's going on?

  6. So I wanted to add bloom festals to my hack and I thought I had set it up correctly. I made sure I set min-max range to 0x12, I set the weapon type and weapon ability 1 to "Staff", I set the staff/ use effect to heal and copied the weapon stats from the heal staff. Is there something i'm missing? If you're wondering what i'm replacing to add the festal, i'm replacing the emblem sword.

  7. 5 hours ago, Avril Lavigne said:

    @Tactician Duel

    You might want to also get the "movement sounds" nightmare module: http://feuniverse.us/t/walking-sounds/782/6 (this will allow you to adjust the sounds of movement for each class, duh)

    You have to use your own classlist.txt for it, however. 

    Tip: You can open your nightmare module file (.nmm) in a notepad editor, I suggest using Notepad++, and see what the actual file name is that needs opening. DO NOT ADJUST ANY OF THE .NMM FILE. Unless you are expanding the .nmm module, do not edit it. And you need to do something special to expand it so don't just be changing numbers and expecting your ROM to be a-okay. There's a tutorial on that too if you wanna add more items, classes, etc. right here:

    Except the part where it says to multiply the amount of entries by the original size of entries, don't do that. Multiply it by the new size of entries (the amount of entries you want). 

    Anyways, I'm just not sure how familiar you are with nightmare and how much you can actually manipulate which is why I'm saying all of this stuff, but I wanted to show you that just in case the angel mage sounds like it's walking like LynLord would normally walk and just in case you ever wanted to add more classes as opposed to replacing the existing ones, there's that as well.

    Wow, thanks Avril! I'll be sure to look into these when i get the chance, especially the repointing part. I'm comfortable with NM enough so that I know what I'm doing, but i wouldn't call myself a pro.

  8. On 2/5/2017 at 0:34 PM, Primefusion said:

    I'm trying to understand your intent. Are you trying to make so that if ID 0x62 wasn't triggered, you go to chapter 0x03, and if it was you go to chapter 0x04?
    If so, you should be using an if/else structure:

    IFEF 0x01 0xYY
    MNCH 0x03
    ELSE 0x02
    ENIF 0x01
    MNCH 0x04
    ENIF 0x02
    // I don't know why you had an ENUN in here. It doesn't do anything in this context

    Also, I wouldn't use an ID like 0x62 if I were you. IDs greater than 0x40 can get very finicky and may be reset if you suspend and resume the game.


    Thanks prime, everything works fine now! I'm sorry I wasn't more specific. The reason for that ENUN code was just my paranoia. Sometimes I don't put in ENUN codes and it breaks the game, so I just put it in for good measure.

  9. 9 hours ago, Primefusion said:

    Death quotes you set up using the Nightmare modules.

    IFET and IFEF are conditionals. Specifically IF Event True and IF Event False.


    IFEF 0x01 0xYY // Replace YY with the death quote ID you chose for an NPC (start at 0x06 just like other event IDs)
    // If you have more than 1 NPC you're checking for, use another IFEF and check the next ID
    ITGM  0xZZ // Give reward if the ID was not triggered 
    ENIF 0x01
    // Any other stuff that needs to happen


    If you're having trouble with the concepts of conditionals, check Arch's tutorials.


    So something like this?:

    IFEF 0x01 0x62
    MNCH 0x03
    ENIF 0x01
    IFET 0x01 0x62
    MNCH 0x04

    (There will be actual events in there later, but this is just a test setup.)

  10. So, I need some help again. I need the game to check if certain NPCs are alive by chapters end and the reward for saving these NPCs is opening a gaiden chapter. However, as you may have guessed I have no idea how to set this up. Could someone show me the code I need, or point me in a direction where I could find it? Last question tonight I promise.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Seracz said:

    Ok! So everything you want then can be done in nightmare easily.

    Change all of the movement and terrain pointers to exactly the same ones that pegasus knights or wyverns have and thats all you have to do for the movement.

    And the icons are under the Class Ability 2 list. Also just to note if your class is promoted you will have to add 01 on to that, so Pegasus icon for example is 0x10, so if your class is promoted, pick 0x11 (even though nothing is listed there) and it will give your class 0x10 + 0x01, (Pegasus icon + promoted status).

    Thank you so much! I'm sorry about not reading the first post more carefully. Everything's working great now!

  12. 14 minutes ago, Seracz said:

    The movement you can as well. Just give it the same movement pointer that all the fliers have. You will notice pegasus knights/falcoknights/wyverns all have the same pointer. Use that and it lets them move over terrain. (Again pretty sure but it was a long time ago that I messed with this stuff.)

    OH GOD I DIDN'T SEE THAT BEFORE!! I'm so sorry!

  13. 14 minutes ago, Seracz said:

    I've never done this but I am pretty sure you can just give the class all of the features individually that a flier has. I am guessing you want it to have flier movement, give it the pegasus or wyvern icon, and be weak to bows and such. I don't think there is anything else that makes fliers different?

    The icon you can do in Nightmare in the class editor - you have probably already seen that.

    The movement you can as well. Just give it the same movement pointer that all the fliers have. You will notice pegasus knights/falcoknights/wyverns all have the same pointer. Use that and it lets them move over terrain. (Again pretty sure but it was a long time ago that I messed with this stuff.)

    As for weaknesses, the way that I would do this (not sure if there is another way) is to create a new Effectiveness somewhere in free space in your ROM. I think weapons are marked as being 'effective' against specific class IDs, and not a general 'flier' status. You might have to do some digging on exactly how to do this but you can specify a spot in your ROM where you list the classes you want an item to be effective against. Make one with Lyn Lord class included (which from memory I believe is class 0x02?) and point all of the weapons that you want to be effective against your Angel Mage class to this new effectiveness.

    Sorry that I can't explain it any better. But here I found a link to an old post that might help:



    I probably should have phrased myself better. I just wanted them to be able to fly over terrain (Mountains, Water, Etc.) like fliers. I didn't really want them to have the weaknesses of fliers. Sorry about that!

  14. So, I'm replacing the Lyn Lord class with a new class called the angel mage. As you know, lyn lord is an on foot class. This class is going to be a flier, but there is no option in nightmare for it. I figured it has something to do with the movement pointers but I don't want to ruin anything in the ROM. Is it possible to do something like this? Thanks in advance!

  15. 4 minutes ago, StanH_ said:

    You forgot a blank UNIT code at the end of your Bad Unit list. The game was probably interpreting your turn Event as a Unit code (hence the level 0 Iron Sword Hector).

    Can't believe i missed something so simple! Thank's for you help, i really appreciate it! :D

  16. So I was redesigning map 1 for my hack, Fire Emblem: Book of Necros (Previously known as FE: Eternal night) and the assembly decided to bug out. What happens is that a level 0 hector with an iron sword just randomly decides to show up. I had repointed some palettes on accident so i thought that may have ruined something. i decided "oh, i'll just use a clean ROM. Not optimal but the best solution i could find.". I load up the new ROM and insert the maps, but to my surprise the bug is still there in a clean ROM. It doesn't appear if you load lyns mode so i assume it has something to do with the eventing. I've looked through the events upward of 10 times and I can't pick out the error. Could someone see something i can't?



    #include EAstdlib.event


    ORG 0xD00000

    POIN Turn_events
    POIN Character_events
    POIN Location_events
    POIN Misc_events
    POIN TrapData TrapData
    POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad
    POIN Good Good Good Good
    POIN Opening_event Ending_event

    UNIT Eliwood EliwoodLord Eliwood Level(1, Ally, 0) [5,3] [5,3] [ironSword, Armourslayer, Vulnerary] NoAI

    UNIT Batta Soldier 0x00 Level(1, Enemy, 0) [14,15] [14,15] [ironSpear, Javelin] AttackInRange 
    UNIT 0x3E Fighter 0x00 Level(1, Enemy, 0) [3,7] [3,7] [ironAxe] AttackInRange
    UNIT 0x3E Fighter 0x00 Level(1, Enemy, 0) [8,5] [8,5] [ironAxe] AttackInRange 
    UNIT 0x3E Soldier 0x00 Level(1, Enemy, 0) [9,11] [9,11] [ironSpear] AttackInRange 
    UNIT 0x3E Soldier 0x00 Level(1, Enemy, 0) [14,5] [14,5] [ironSpear] AttackInRange 
    UNIT 0x3E Soldier 0x00 Level(1, Enemy, 0) [1,8] [1,8] [ironSpear] AttackInRange 
    UNIT 0x3E Troubadour 0x00 Level(1, Enemy, 0) [15,13] [15,13] [Fire, Heal] Guard 






    LOU1 Good
    LOU1 Bad


    // Events

    // Manual Movement

    // Scripted Fights

    // Units

    // Shop Data

    MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset


    Thank you in advance!

  17. The message was:

    "An unexpected error occurred: Index was outside the bounds of the array"

    The method i use for inserting is BSPalette Inserter

    I'll make sure to post over in fan projects/questions next time, but i felt that i was clogging up that thread a bit with the questions i posted before i was told about the event assembler thread.

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