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Everything posted by The_antithesis

  1. Gaming Disorder Scale Your value 7/20 26 % of the participants have a lower score than you. 102190 persons have already participated in this study. Gaming Motives The higher the scores on each of the following dimensions, the more true is the explanation of each respected scale with respect to your gaming motivation. Social motivation 8/20 You are mostly a social gamer. You like the pleasure of getting to know people, being with others, and playing together with other fellow gamers. Escape motivation 6/20 You are the type of gamer that enjoys being immersed in an alternative and fun reality. You enjoy this aspect because it makes you forget what is going on around you in real life. Competition motivation 11/20 You are the type of gamer that loves the adrenaline of competition. This means you take competition within games very seriously. You probably enjoy some player vs. player as it allows you to compete with other gamers and defeat them, so you can feel a sense of achievement. Coping motivation 12/20 You are the type of gamer that enjoys the powerful way in which gaming helps you cope with life in general. For you gaming is like a remedy because it allows you to better manage your emotions and mood. As a consequence, you probably play to feel better about yourself. Skill development motivation 15/20 You are the type of gamer that enjoys developing your own skills. For you, gaming is like a tool that helps you to improve yourself. You enjoy how gaming helps you to improve your coordination, concentration and other skills. Fantasy motivation 16/20 You are the type of gamer that enjoys stepping out of your usual identity. You like trying new identities in a different fantasy world and trying things that you cannot do in real life. You may enjoy playing role-playing games as these games allow you to achieve this. Recreation motivation 15/15 You are the type of gamer that simply enjoy how gaming can be a powerful tool for killing boredom. You probably play because you like to be entertained, so you enjoy a lot of recreation offered by games. Personality Openness to experience 37/50 Openness reflects the degree of intellectual curiosity, creativity and a preference for novelty and variety a person has. It is also described as the extent to which a person is imaginative or independent, and depicts a personal preference for a variety of activities over a strict routine. Agreeableness 24/45 Individuals scoring high in agreeableness have a tendency to be compassionate and cooperative towards others. They are good team players, they like to trust others and tend to be generous to others. Emotional stability 30/40 Emotionally stable individuals tend to not experience unpleasant emotions easily, such as anger, anxiety and depression. They donĀ“t worry that much about the future. Conscientiousness 19/45 Conscientious individuals tend to be reliable, have a good self-discipline, are self-organised, competent, aim for achievement, and prefer planned rather than spontaneous behaviour. Extroversion 38/40 Extroverts tend to be sociable, talkative, seek stimulation in the company of others, are active, assertive and more willing to take risks.
  2. If this were corrupt a wish, I would have just said "Granted" then a link to FE13. Anyway, the sequel details a grand conflict between Valentia, Archanea, and smaller nations, while following a story arc similar to FE10. There are over 70 chapters split across the different armies with all classes gaining 3rd tier promotions to gear up for a finale of grand proportions. The project also builds on series staples like barracks and supports in an ambitious way to make a complete experience fans from across the series can enjoy, setting the series standard moving forward. No-one quite knows how they fit it all onto a switch cartridge, though! I wish dagger units were useful in FEH.
  3. Granted. People can now communicate telepathically online (with the ability to hide information if you don't want some of your thoughts coming out). Granted. You inherit a huge amount of wealth from a distant relative, which you quickly find is enough to help entire developing countries out of poverty. You are hailed as a hero for helping the masses. I wish not to get ninja'd.
  4. Granted. You receive a capture card 3DS for free. I wish my exams all went well!
  5. Granted. It's a sports game featuring every Olympic Sport. EVERY Olympic Sport! It also has a great control scheme with advanced mechanics, leading to several of the minigames becoming esports with small, tightly-knit communities. The FE tie-in also allows for new sports like pegasus flying, magic duels, magic gymnastics and wind-tome-enhanced athletics to make a showing. There's also a single player adventure mode which contains robust yet fun tutorials for each of the games while being wrapped in a wholesome, friendly story. I wish the next Fire Emblem game allowed you to create your own legendary weapon at a divine smithy.
  6. * Koishi's childhood trauma has led her to have a subconscious desire to see people happy, out of her fear of their anger. >!She was **bullied into suicide** by those who weren't happy, after all.!< She also has the power to directly instil lust into people. What could possibly go wrong?
  7. Granted. She's on a banner of the Gods, starring herself, Naga, Ashera, and Mila. They are then put in a voting gauntlet against Duma, Yune, F!Grima and L!Ike in a battle of the gods (Ike gets in because screw the mortal/divine barrier, he's IKE.) IS tries something new with this voting gauntlet by involving a detailed map of the outrealms showing people's faith. After a week-long, truly epic battle, the entire playerbase is left with mountains of hype and quite a few free units! I wish for a new indie pack in Smash Bros Ultimate starring Reimu, Hat Kid, Shovel Knight, Shantae, Cuphead and Mercia.
  8. Granted. The ending scene is a studio quality animated short film, depicting you, your spouse, and your children travelling across the peaceful world you helped create. It ends the story nicely, as it shows your travels across the lands you saved. I wish the next Fire Emblem game had a dark tone, similar to FE4.
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