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Everything posted by The_antithesis

  1. Laugh about it in the Christmas family gathering, as I won't see her until then. WWYDI your "corrupt a wish" posts started becoming real?
  2. Nothing, as I wouldn't know. WWYDI people suddenly started worshipping you?
  3. Let's see if anyone gets this joke...
  4. Granted. The game (FE6) isn't localised. I wish for more old FE games to get Echoes style remasters.
  5. Granted. However, the summoning does not change Sadako Yamamura's velocity. As such, the rotation of the Earth causes him to fly in into the wall at 1,000+mph, killing both him and the player. I wish for Nintendo to put all its copyrights older than 14 years into the public domain.
  6. Stare at it. WWYDI you found a horde of zombies?
  7. Stork WYR have the ability to defeat anyone in 1v1 combat, or the ability to escape any physical bad situation unscathed?
  8. >I would like to voice some concerns about some disparities between the class sizes of the final year students. Professor Byleth may be overstrained if he continues accepting class transfers. ~Hanneman >Seconded ~Manuela >I have not received any complaints from the students regarding the quality of Byleth's teaching, but I will keep a close eye on the situation. ~Seteth >That said, I would like to complain about his teaching methods. Poor Bernie has been scarred for life after all the "bandit target practice" on what's supposed to be our day off! ~Dorothea >I fail to see a problem here. The bandits need clearing out, may as well get some training out of them in the meantime. ~Felix >I agree with Felix. Also, using others to take out bandits would deplete resources from the Knights of Seiros. ~Rhea >Rhea and Felix agree on something? That's a surprise! ~Sylvain
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