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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. It's people. They each have names and everything. I think there's about 6 or 7 counting me.
  2. Tavern party. Talking about living with Bianchi. Stuff like that. *drinks Sprite* What's it like for you. I mean you're like her shadow or somethin' so you probably live there, too.
  3. It's either one or the other I'm not too sure. As you can imagine it's rather annoying.
  4. *chuckles* Well I suppose that's good to hear. Must've been rough though.
  5. Really? Wow, to be honest I half expected to have to carry you off to the hospital.
  6. Don't worry guys. I'm sure Songbird's built up an immunity to Poison Cooking while with Bianchi...right?
  7. It was a phase I went through as a Freshman. Don't worry about it.
  8. Well for starters, I have at times I find myself talking to people that are me yet aren't me at the same time. I use to shut off pieces of my personality when I was younger, so I may have subconsciously created multiple personalities that have at times tried to take over my conscious mind. Or I could just think I have multiple personalities to create a sense of denial of my dream to erase life from this planet. So to answer your question: You tell me.
  9. Well, that all depends on how you define "crazy." But most people think I fall into that category, including myself.
  10. That's only because we haven't talked long enough. And, yes they do.
  11. You've been doing fine so far. Just do your best.
  12. I think everyone on this forum is a little off in some way. No disrespect. As for the mints and raisins, there just snacks I like. Except it's not a problem. And It took you quite a while to admit your issues. That and a 2L bottle of coke, some chocolate milk, and the fact that there was no one else at the table but me.
  13. I don't deny that I'm crazy. I just have better control of my insanity that others. And the mints and raisins mean nothing.
  14. Oh we are NOT getting into this again! Hey Songbird. Were just having another tavern party. Want a drink?
  15. Meh. It's not like I can actually see or hear him so it's not too bad. *Drinks first Sprite*
  16. Congrats, MS. How long did it take?
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