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Posts posted by PurpleKawaii

  1. 15 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

    From the sounds of it you are playing easy mode then? The exp gains in that mode are all kinds of silly. Everyone will hit lv 20 long before the end of the game. So personally I don't think it's a fun mode to play. If you are having fun, it's all good of course. I just thought that you should know that this strange level progression is not normal.


    Yeah I'm playing on easy, It's my first time so yeah :P I also noticed it when Ilyana is getting literally 50EXP From Kills at Lv.15.

  2. 2 hours ago, Extrasolar said:

    There are no paired endings in Path of Radiance; those wouldn't come in until the sequel Radiant Dawn.

    As for great units to use: Ike (obvious, as a main character, but he'll always turn out pretty great), Titania (careful on her early use, as she's pre-promoted, but doesn't fall off like Jagen does), Boyd (great attack and high HP, good defense, etc.), Soren (squishy as all getout, but will decimate with his high magic)... In all honesty, all of the Greil Mercenaries are pretty good. Nephenee is really good, and Ranulf is the best laguz you'll get until the very end.

    But yeah, most everyone is at least usable...except Sothe, for the most part, due to his lack of a promotion.

    A word of advice. Be wary of using Shinon early. You'll find out why very soon while playing.

    Yeah, So far I'm using Ike and Gatrie. I'm in chapter 8. Ike is Lv.20 and Gatrie is a Lv.1 General XD, Thinking of using Ilyana since I passed Soren cuase he seems really hard to train. My style is not using many units, which makes them Level up and promoting extremely fast. (Seen here)... But now I'm a bit lost... I wanted 2 more units... Ranulf maybe? I already have a lance user so no to Marcia... maybe Elincia later on?

  3. I got Dark.

    Which is actually good cause Dark is my favourite affinit, though it was close, my birthday is on the 28th XD. Quiet and intelligent are true... but Aloof and Greedy are not. Yes, affinity should return. This is my idea for affinities:

    In FE 4, Holy Blood affected growths, so my idea is that different affinities boosted different growths, and maybe the player being able to choose the affinity of some characters (Like the 3 initial Tier 0 units, gaiden style) and the affinity of the avatar, instead of Boon and Bane. Bonuses could also be minor or major, maybe depending if the character has royal blood or some other factor.

    From reading the Atributes I think these should be the bonuses (in my opinion):

    Fire- +10% STR (Minor) (Fierce) +15% STR and +5% Support Bonuses: C, B, A, S (Major) (Passionate)

    Ice- +10% SKL (Minor) (Observant) +15% SKL and +5% RES (Major) (Serene)

    Thunder- +10% DEF (Minor) (Bold) +15% DEF and +5% SPD (Major) (Witty) (The ability to think of jokes really fast)

    Wind- +10% SPD (Minor) (Flexible) +15% SPD and +5% MAG (Curious)

    Earth- +10% RES (Minor) (Calm) +15% RES and +5% STR (Strong)

    Light- +5% Support Bonuses: C, B, A, A+ (Minor) (Kind) +10% Support Bonuses: C, B, A, A+ +5% LCK (Major) (Cheerlful)

    Dark- +10% MAG (Minor) (Intelligent) +15% MAG and +5% SKL (Quiet) (With silence comes concentracion, and with concentracion comes hit)

    Cosmic- +10% LCK (Minor) (Talented) +15% LCK and +5% Critical (Major) (Serious)

  4. 16 hours ago, Zirlax said:

    Yeah you can suggest more than one thing ^^. I should be able to make sofia a Troubadour. Although, I may not be able to give her dark magic as there is no animation for Troubadours to use it. If I do give her dark magic you would only see the no animation map sprite fighting. Is that okay?

    Of course it is! I have tested this out and if you promote her there is no animation lol, but it's OK! Also I hope you get more suggestions soon! If not I will problaby just keep suggesting

  5. OK, since I'm a Sophia fan girl here is my request:

    - Make Sophia a Troubadour, give +20% to her MAG, RES growths, give her +10% to her LCK growth, make her start with a Tina's Staff and make her able to use Dark Magic at Base.

    Question: Can you suggest more then one edit?

  6. OK I'm not reading all of this

    So talking about The limbo class Dark Mage:

    - I know this is thinking outside the box, but how about Dark Mages ( Not Shamans) be weak against Dark Magic itself? (The same advantage as Bows VS Fliers) This idea comes of how Dark Magic sometimes posesses the wielder's soul making them a Body with no reaction or feeling. 

    -To make them different then shamans, Dark Mages could be able to power up other Tomes, like giving them more might, ya know sharing the POWER OF KNOWLEDGE

    -As you said they could promote to the Summoner class.

    -Dark Mages could have better stats over all, but the player would problaby only able to get one near the end of the game... OR (More thinking outside the box) The player could convert a Shaman to become a Dark Mage (cause more power) with a special item (Hard to get) Witch would explain the weakness of Dark Magic and better stats. 

    -Dark Mages could also be able to use Anima magic (If only one, problaby Fire) (If two, problaby Fire and Thunder) (WIND HATER OVER HERE) Witch would give them more type coverage then the Shaman class.

    That is all 


  7. SO, Idk if I'm entering the "debate" late, but whatever. So I saw that you where plotting in giving the Knights/Generals more RES. My opinion (key word: opinion) on this is that it is kinda of a bad idea, Knights/Generals have the role of being Physical tanks, with usually high strentgh. Giving them a higher RES would make they're main flaw speed. To compensate for their low RES there could be a skill with would block Magical Attacks. Another idea would be making a General Counterpart, like the unused Guardian Class in FE 3, which is basacly a General, but with higher RES and least DEF and maybe being able to use a kind of magic instead of axes (?).

    Again this is just my oipinion. Sorry if this case was already debated. To lazy to read the hole thing

  8. ^ That's just making the Shaman and Druid class have the "Lord" Class skill. And trust me YOU DO NOT want to keep the lord around. In my FE 8 Lute solo run Eirika WAS A PAIN to keep alive, and that was a easy game. But by making the Druid's class skill lord, they would gain the same EXP as a unpromoted unit. And for the froced promotion I would change the promotion of the Druid class to Druid instead of Shaman, which would make the Level reset isnstead of Unpromoting. You can see I thought about this for a while :P Or I could just make Roy unkillable... yeah I think I'll do that... but I'm to lazy to erase this thing that I passed 3 minutes of my life making

  9. Hi guys! Voting for Chapter 1 is over. And since the gaiden chapter requirement was achieved, DRUM ROLLS MIA WILL JOIN THE COMPETITION! YAY! Anyway the characters who got in Chapter 2 where the ones with the most votes in Chapter 1. Eliminated: Katarina, Geese, Myrrh, Knoll. So please continue voting! <3 Voting ends Monday night (European time) without a defined hour, votes after that will not be counted.

    Gaiden Chapter Requirement: Before Monday Night, This poll receives 6 replies from 6 different users. (0/6)

  10. On 2/8/2017 at 5:26 AM, Lord Tullus said:

    This was tough.  But Even though her character is disgusting to me, Camilla's usability as a unit is probably the most useful.  I mean, she was designed to be used.  Good growths, starting bases, she can fly, use magic, wail on people with her axes, and overall a very good combat unit.  Again, though - Is Marisa not a purple haired unit?

    As I sayed only units who received a vote in my "Favourite Playable Purple Headed Unit" Poll, got in. But don't worry I have something planned for her (and for two other characters)

  11. So I decided to do this random contest to see who is the BEST Purple Headed FE unit. The ones who got in where the ones who at least got a vote in my "Favourite Purple headed unit poll". You can rate a unit both in personality and in game usefullness, whatever you want! The least voted units will not pass to Chapter 2. Comment who you votes for! The voting will end this Friday night (european time), without a defined hour, votes after that will not be counted.

    Gaiden Chapter Requirement: In total, before Friday night, this poll receives a minimum of 23 votes. (23/23) 

  12. 18 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

    No based purple myrmidon. We need to elect a new PurpleKawaii that actually represents our interests.

    It's a toss up between Canas and Knoll. I always did enjoy the calm scholarly type, and they have killer designs as well.


    Wait, who is it? I consider Marisa's hair pink, if you are talking about her.

  13. I would prefer to be an est archetype! (Even tho nobody would use me) Class: Shaman (female)

    I would join late, in a defensive chapter where the player would have to rush to rescue me (like in battle before dawn, but less annoying).

    My base stats, would obviously be horrendous with the only basacly good stats being Magic and Resistance, Speed being particularly bad, but I would join at Lvl.1

    Growths would, of course be good.

    HP: Decent for a Magic user, but below average (65%)

    MAG: Amazing, probably the best magic growth of the game (maybe beaten by the Gotoh) (75%)

    SKL: Decent for a shaman, not to high, not to low (40%)

    SPD: One of the two low stats, which a crap base speed does not help, the "flaw" of this unit. (20%)

    LCK: Also incredibly high, to compensate for the low speed stat. (70%)

    DEF: One of the two low stats, but I wouldn't call this a flaw cause magic users don't have much defence. (20%)

    RES: The best stat, which makes this unit (me) a magic tank. (85%)

    CON: Bad, enough to wield a flux tome without penalty, but bad (5)

    And there you have it folks, me in the est archetype, I would also have the Dark affinity, which while not being the best, being decent. This was made for the GBA games.

  14. 11 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    You're missing Sanaki (definitely purple) and Mia (purple-ish blue, and definitely purple in PoR)... Also, I thought Ilyana's hair was light blue. Myrrh's hair is also said to be indigo, which is a shade of blue.

    I guess I would say Sanaki, as I find I'm not really into any purple-haired characters at all.


    In the wiki they seemed Blue sorry :| I consider Myrrh hair Purple.


    12 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    ^Couldn't you just insert him in the poll? 

    Anyways, Ilyana for reasons Azz stated already, in addition to making it much easier to break a certain lategame boss in RD.

    Idk how to do that, there is no "edit" button.

  15. In Shadow Dragon, Heroes of Light and Shadow, Dark Dragon and Blade of light and Mystery of the Emblem I'm pretty sure the reason that crappy characters exist is to replace the stronger units you get at the start. Thing that is ruined by people restarting when losing a unit, even the developers encourage you in these older games to not restart, cause a replacement comes later on. For example: If Lena dies, you use Maria, if Maria dies, you use Wrys, if Wrys dies, you use Frost. That, I think is the reason of crap units, to replace the good units.

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